Tuesday, April 19, 2022


My teacup not only defines the word for today, it defines how I have lived my life so far.
TAKEN: OCTOBER 30th, 2016

Monday, April 18, 2022


The last thing I did before I left Key West was tour the Hemmingway House.
TAKEN: APRIL 9th, 2022

'I decided that I would write one story about each thing I knew about.'

~Ernest Hemmingway

I know that I have joked here this challenge about 'pub crawls' and 'pool parties' but aside from experiencing the amazing road trip vistas traveling to and from Miami, touring the Hemmingway House was atop of my list of things I wanted to do. 

My husband, wasn't so keen. Touring a home full of cats that just happened to showcase a writing studio that produced seventy percent of Hemmingway's works in the nine years he lived in the house? Meh....

Now I get that not every married couple want to experience the same things, but when my man questioned the whopping $17 price of entry, I told him he could wait outside for me. That way, I got in for half price!

Seriously, from the audio of him delivering his acceptance speech for the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954 playing in his writing studio, to the amazing architectural bones to the house built in 1851, I feel it was well worth the price of admission.

Sure there was a lot of Hollywood memorabilia but there was also so many original photos and furniture for the time he lived in the home; not to mention an amazing library.

Not everyone's cup of tea. I get it.... But it was a great experience. 

Which is my ONE story I know to write about today.

Saturday, April 16, 2022


When you have the luxury of something and you decide to let it go, naturally you miss it. Some things more than others, yet I feel great childhood memories always linger and ultimately stay ingrained in us forever. 

Being the youngest of four, ideally I got to spend the most time at my Uncle Louis Camp on the beautiful shores of Lake Temiscaming. 

Built in the mid-fifties, the shelter was a mere 650 sq.ft. but the shoreline and property were perfect. It was never used very much, that was until I entered my 'tween' years and my parents began using it in the summer; rather than renting two weeks in the Ottawa Valley. 

I remember the day Auntie Andy took this photo. A great weekend and us so very happy.
Not quite pregnant with the twins... NOR had I discovered need for quality hair care products!

They agreed (my dad and his eldest brother) that instead of paying rent, my dad would spend his time and money doing upgrades. A win-win for both - and when he passed, my uncle left the property and its contents to my dad.

My last couple of summers in high school, we lived there every weekend. 

The rents would pick me up at the rink in North Bay and we would head east across the border into Quebec.  (My mother’s brother had a camp next door and my father’s sister was just a wee bit further up the lake.)

I believe it was those amazing summers that helped shape me into who I am today. 

We always worked through the day as there was no television, and some Saturday nights there were at least ten of us playing a board game around Auntie's table next door. My mother was as fiercely competitive then, as I am today.  

Over those years, my cousins next door evolved into my sisters, and to this day I cherish all of their children, as I have watched them marry and raise their own families.

As an aside, we did offer to buy my dad out in the late 1990's (he was welcome to stay until he died) and he turned us down. Less than two months later, we bought in Muskoka. 

Just fifteen minutes from our home, we were blessed to offer our children the same shelter I had been given surrounded by loyal friends.  To this day, we still own it but that doesn't stop me from reminiscing. 

... About the first summer we had propane lights, the summer we hand drilled the well with a sledgehammer, or the first time I didn't have to jump in the lake because Poppa put an indoor shower in. Oh, and the fact that we conceived our children there.

All, such amazing and truly vibrant, life long memories! 

Friday, April 15, 2022


As I have written here before it takes more effort to frown than smile. 

Ya Gotta Laugh About It
Christmas morning fun - seven years ago. Look how little my beautiful Annie is?
TAKEN: DECEMBER 25th, 2014

Like a lot of people I know, I have previously struggled with depression. It first appeared and was identified post-partum after Jukebox was born but as the years went on and I conquered the worst of it, I am always aware it could be lurking around the corner.

As a result, I have always been very open in our home about the importance of personal mental health, and as my children entered adulthood and real-life struggles appeared, I was always asking if they wanted to speak to someone outside our core.

I believe advocacy is critical because I had about a year and a half of extensive psychotherapy when the children were small, and during that time, my Psychotherapist armed me with a toolbox of solutions that I still use today. As a result, to this day I am forever grateful to her.

I know in society today that medications usually win as a solution over root cause analysis, but for me, I wanted to understand why I didn’t feel like myself so I took a deep dive and have never been on any type of medication except Advil since leaving her sessions almost twenty years ago.

So, when I was aptly reminded that Dickens wrote that 'Christmas was the season of hospitality, merriment and open-heartedness.' I instantly knew that this was the photo I wanted to share for this letter.

Photographic proof that we truly are all aboard the mental health MERRIMENT train. 

It's just how we love to roll!!

Thursday, April 14, 2022


 I truly believe that if I threw my life problems into a heap with everyone else’s that I’d quickly scramble to get mine back. 

Not because I wouldn't have preferred to get rid of them, but I feel that being surrounded by the mound of everyone else's, mine would seem pretty insignificant.

The point of my post?

Much happier times on a Mommy/Daughter trip to New Orleans.
TAKEN: June 2019

Life is forever full and evolving of lessons. You either learn from them, or you don’t.

I understand that everyone is different and what may seem like a boulder in front of some (stopping you from moving forward) may only feel like a simple pebble in someone else’s shoe. 

For me, I always try and draw on life experiences and understand what I have learned. I try to use those lessons to help me push through the noise and crap and keep moving forward.

That last bit of advice is based on personal experience. Though it may seem simple, life in general is tricky. Some lessons offer relief, as if you've only scraped your knees. Some feel as though they've truly broken your heart and spirit; while others, bring and offer wonderful opportunity.

I'm a simple gal, that was lucky to marry a man that makes me laugh. As we look toward retirement, we know one thing to be true. We have raised our three children to the best of our ability and wish all of them the nothing but the best. Truly hoping they all find happiness.

So you can understand that it just breaks my heart that almost seven years to the day, history repeated itself. Personal choices were made and once again we were blamed.

With regards to the latter instance,  I have resigned myself to the fact that the current situation is just LIFE!

Sad, yet completely and totally acceptable from where I type... and absolutely fine with the second round of estrangement.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022


 I am going to revisit this letter with a better explanation. I am just too upset to share the horrible experience in Grassy Key at this time. 

At more than $800 for the night, we had to share the place with cockroaches.

Thanks for understanding ~ Rhondi

The KEY was as old as the cockroaches that were staying in the room with us!
TAKEN: ARPIL 8th, 2022

Tuesday, April 12, 2022


 There are so many words I could have selected for this letter. 

Justified, joyful, jaunt (a very long one) yet I ultimately chose JOVIAL. 

I picked it because it was how I felt when my spouse and I reconnected with my brother (pictured below) over a fifteen hour phone call. Which is truly amazing, considering the three of us hadn’t spoken in as many years.

My big brother in the downstairs room where he first played me Hotel California on his new stereo.
TAKEN: 1983

Growing up, I was the youngest and he the eldest of four. 

Though I have many vibrant memories, my mom making him sit with me to go through the Sears Wish Book catalogue when I was about seven stands out; I can see us sitting at his desk.

That specific exercise was to help her establish what I was hoping Santa was going to bring, which must have been a drag, because as my senior he knew the real deal.

All these years later, I know he did it because he was made to, but I think he will be surprised to read that I still remember our very first Christmas in Ontario at 190 Shier Street like it was yesterday. 

Growing up, I was always in awe of him. He had cool friends, played in a band, did well in school, and always seemed to have a very specific direction. I'm sure the latter had something to do with my mother but I can’t say for sure.

In our clan, he was the first and I the last. Bookends per se, for all the family adventures and stories the others grew up with. He was closest to our mother before her death, me to our dad before his.

As I share the photo I do tonight, you can see I tore it trying to take it out and scan it. So once again this challenge, I share another Kodak moment that is a picture of a picture. Funny how times have digitally changed.

As my big bro sent a text in song for my birthday, I giggled and smiled from ear to ear.

Not just because we’d reconnected…. But because he’d become my newest electronic friend, as well as he has always been one of the very few people I have always enjoy talking on the telephone with.

Who’d a friggin' thunk it? Not this cat!

Monday, April 11, 2022


After a whirlwind long weekend, I am back in Canada, browsing the bazillion photos I took and realizing how much I loved staying in Islamorada.

One never knows what to expect when planning a road trip with Google Chrome and Trip Advisor. In this instance, both those knocked our first night stay out of the freaking ballpark.

The Chesapeake Beach Resort was a total shot in the dark for us and we got lucky!

Our least expensive night of the lot and we had a blast!!

Not because of the night life or five-star restaurants in the area, but simply because of the vibe. Completely laid back, which was exactly what we were hoping for.

Home and settled, we both agree that on our next ‘Toronto Raptor Road Trip’ to Miami to see Kyle Lowry, we definitely have to factor in an two additional nights and head down highway 1.

... Because regardless of everything we did and enjoyed on this bucket list trip, Islamorada was by far (most unexpectedly) the high point in the overall experience department. 

Made it through the car rental process and we are on our way down Hwy 1!
TAKEN: APRIL 6th, 2022

Checked into the hotel and over to Wahoo's for some seafood!
TAKEN: APRIL 6th, 2022

Our view as the incoming boats settle in for the night.
TAKEN: APRIL 6th, 2022

Chilaxin' by the pool which is where we stayed until it closed.
TAKEN: APRIL 6th, 2022

Enjoying our 8am sunrise as we prepare to head to to Margaritaville
TAKEN: APRIL 7th, 2022

Saturday, April 9, 2022



Ya Gotta Laugh About It
By the way, this shot took four cupcakes!!
TAKEN: April 2, 2022

Today is the amazing Miya Maria’s first birthday and I can’t begin to express how much joy this little rascal has brought to us and everyone she meets around her.

I knew I would be away to celebrate with her in person, so I planned a little party and photoshoot before we left. Excited at the thought, I told my husband what I wanted to do. As expected, he rolled his eyes, told me I was crazy, then drove me all about town to shop for props.

My first stop, Dollarama. I immediately made a beeline for the party section. As I perused the plethora of beautiful birthday hats that man with the ever-rolling eyes whom refused to stay in the car piped up with, "you know, she’s not going to keep that stupid thing on her head.” Knowing he was right, I made a second purchase of the headband you see here.

Next stop, Dollar Tree. For better candles and the hope for a nicer hat. No hat but I scored the candles for a buck then headed to Wal-Mart in search of the perfect cupcake. Only packages of twelve mini ones there, and my driver and I agreed we did not need to eat the leftovers. Grabbed what else was needed and back to the car we went.

Open the hatch and there you have it. Miya had shredded the hat, ripped apart three of the four headbands (which now simply read APPY RTHDAY) and the candles were missing. All I could do was carry on my quest. All my husband could do was laugh!

Not to take my eye off the ball, into the grocery store I went and headed for the bakery. What the hell, they wanted $1.99 for one stinkin’ cupcake?

Again the man with the ever-rolling eyes who officially named it Let’s Laugh At Rhondi Day chimed in yet again, “there is no way she is going to do this thing in one cupcake.” 

Dang, he was right again. So this time I rolled my eyes and bought a pack of four.

There really is no handbook for what stupidity looks like. But on that day, this quest officially deserved to post my picture next to the word in the dictionary. 

Over six attempts, with three dogs, four cupcakes and one headband left I did it. Not proud of the journey but happy with the result.

Please join me in wishing the beautiful Miya a Happy Her-Day. We celebrate her today as she was the perfect gift I gave myself last year at this time.

You see, on this day last year, she was MIYA BIRTHDAY PRESENT!

...Thanks again for reading.

Friday, April 8, 2022


A tiki boat riding into the sunset at the southernmost point of the United States
TAKEN: APRIL 7th, 2020

Early morning Sunrise in Grassy Key
TAKEN: APRIL 8th, 2022

Thursday, April 7, 2022


I have no issue being FIFTY-ISH. Just get a tad impatient when a plan goes off track
TAKEN: APRIL 7th, 2022 

Since my first, these bucket list birthday (long weekend) celebrations have always evolved. First, I would like to give Air Canada a big shoutout, because their excellent round trip air fare to Miami and killer flight times, made this adventure achievable.

That said, when sipping and lounging in the pool with some very friendly American ladies my age, they disclosed that since travel locked down happened, the prices in Key West have more than tripled. 

Not gonna lie, when we discovered a room for the night (in the perfect Duval Street location with parking) was a sneeze under $1,000 Canadian, we had to revamp my 'Born Day Bash' and only stay one night in Margaritaville. 

That said, no regrets on the choices made, as upper, lower and middle keys are all very expensive.  As our plans evolved, we realized that the money was saved for a reason. 

Ultimately that (after the last couple of years) we were both worth it. At the end of the day, this adventure wasn’t about spending our time in Key West, it was about experiencing the road trip and drive. 

So back to my long winded point...

The pic I am sharing was taken at the Southernmost point of the United States which is only 90 miles from Cuba. The sun was sweltering, and as you can tell by my hair and non-existing makeup, that the humidity was off the charts. 

Made no matter. As my man watched in shock, I stood up on the knee wall and happily snapped a selfie.

Why not pose with next to the monument like to people I cut out of my photo?

Because the line up for an official photo op was hundreds deep and this FIFTY-ISH, very task oriented gal, had places to go, pictures to take, sun to soak up, pools to float in, and a Duval Street pub crawl to prepare for.

Ya, with regards to the latter, we had an early dinner, watched the sunset at Mallory Square, walked in and out of six of seven places sipping the same drink, and were both in bed before 10pm.

Don't judge. At least our dinner wasn’t the 4pm blue plate Florida Special at the Ponderosa. 

Close, it was 6pm at El Meson de Pepe and the plates were red.

Proving we’ve still got a ton of game left in us!!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2022


Knowing I was leaving on a jet plane and not wanting to fret about finding free time, I worked at pre-choosing certain words. So imagine my surprise when going through my external hard drive last week, I came across this beautiful image offering the perfect inspiration. 

April A-Z
One of our early ocean adventure with my lifelong friend (and guardian angel).

I apologize the resolution is so low, as I believe this is a picture of a picture taken many years ago. I also recall it was gifted to me the following Christmas after we took this trip in a frame. So, this image was truly what our generation considered to be 'a Kodak moment'. 

Auntie Andy (as our children refer to her) moved in across the street from my dad before I got married. We'd known who the other was from high school, yet never connected until we bought the house next door to her family duplex, making her our next door neighbour; we immediately became inseparable.

She was there when I told my husband I was pregnant with Jukebox, then in turned stayed with him while my husband was with me when the twins were being delivered. Until they passed, we considered her parents, whom had great impact on how we raised our children, as an extension of our own.

As I sit her and reflect, I can’t help but feel a tad emotional. There are so many people that pop and in out of your life, and very few that stand the unconditional test of time. Which I guess gets me to thinking.

I believe I read somewhere that most people are lucky enough to have five true friends in their lifetime – but I dare to wonder what defines a true friend?

Social media has me see people that were buddies in high school sharing all the love in the claiming they love the other ‘to the moon and back’, yet behind the others back, they do nothing but complain and bitch and moan about them.

Over the years I have had a lot great friendships. Several have come and gone, primarily due to a change in circumstance. Then there are those that rise to the top and you will be unconditionally connected until you die. 

That’s Andy and I…. 

Forever embracing a true and EVERLASTING friendship for the rest of our lives.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022


To think I only went into the grocery store for a loaf of bread!

I read somewhere that a dog truly only has one fault, which is that their life is too short. A simple yet powerful statement that I happen to agree with 1000%.

Don’t get me wrong, in all of our years owning pups, several shoes, random clothing, expensive furniture, as well as dinner thawing on the kitchen counter have all fallen prey. All chewed and ultimately enjoyed the good old fashion canine way.

One might think that the above list would be enough fuel to encourage yours truly to get a bird; but not this cat (no pun intended).

This is the second time we've transitioned a new pup into our pack as we prepare for her beautiful senior leader to wind down. Though it's a lot of personal investment that first year, it is truly worth it. 

In our situation today, our newest pup has had the benefit of some great training her matriarch never absorbed no matter how hard we tried. From the day my beloved Puddin' arrived home more than a decade ago, she has always marched to the tune of a different drummer.

Truth is we had to build her a run to keep her in check. We use to have to tie her as she simply would not listen. We have our theories as to why, and we are the first to acknowledge that we are in no way dog whispers. Again, we highlight we are just struggling parents with an audience that now have four legs rather than two.

That said, as we age and so does our pack. We hear others say "We do not want, nor will have another dog in retirement. We want to travel."

Knowing we have no desire to spend capital outside of Canada, we too want to go south in the depths of the Canadian winter months. Should all things align, we will head south, and our pups will come with. I think the key is something called 'square footage'

Meaning our mobile DOGHOUSE will need to be much bigger than the back of our Mazda CX5 as shown in my photo!

Monday, April 4, 2022


Celebrating my 2018 birthday long weekend on the shores of South Beach, Miami.

For the first time since November of 2019 and our memorable hiking of El Faro in Mazatlán Sinaloa, it is official: we are leaving on a jet plane this week.

With mandatory masking having ended in Ontario on Monday March 21st, and testing for fully vaccinated travelers gone April 1st, I am excited to report that I booked us on a last-minute five-day road trip down through the Florida Keys (flying in and out of Miami via Air Canada).

This trek has us renting a car and heading to the southernmost point in the United States, with the radio cranked and a vacation schedule packed tighter than the butt implants in Kim Kardashian's ass!

With the countdown on, I’m not sure what to expect heading into the States. Not wanting to open dialogue here about the last two years and how it was mandated or managed, I think I am just grateful that I can embrace my ingrained wanderlust again and spend my upcoming milestone birthday doing something we both love; soaking up some much needed Vitamin D. 

So much has changed since we last travelled, most importantly my husband health journey.

I'll be honest, for the last number of months we talked of several different locations in hopes we could travel in April, but access to great healthcare in close proximity to where we were staying was how it was finally decided to rent a car and drive down to Key West and back to Miami. 

Though we don't expect anything bad to happen, based on my research, I think we will be in good shape should we need it and getting either of us back to Canada should be much easier logistically. 

Am I nervous? Hell ya!! But our outlook is that this is going to be great fun, and something else we can check off our bucket list.

First up, an oceanfront room is Islamorada, then day two has us doing a jet ski tour around Key West. After that, we are off on foot like we were in New Orleans for French QuarterFest. 

As I'm sure you've all heard, it's always five o'clock somewhere in Margaritaville but for these five fun filled days, neither if us will be watching a clock.

Not to worry... We promise we will be very CAREFUL.

Saturday, April 2, 2022


 The urban dictionary defines the word bromance as the combination of two words, "brother" and "romance"It describes the unique male bonding found between "brothers from another mother"

Though both Goob and Jukebox do have friendships with ‘brothers from another mother,’ their bond with each other has been equally as strong their entire lives.

That's Goob in blue and Jukebox in stripes.
The four of us enjoying Father's Day golf with the pre-surgery Poppa Bear.
TAKEN: JUNE 20th, 2021

As a matter a fact, I can recall my serving lunch to my three littlun’s at their wee yellow and orange Little Tykes picnic table. The twins were about four and Jukebox about six years of age. 

As they dined on their amazing culinary offering of PB&J, Goob looked at his brother, called him by name and proudly stated ‘...I love you’As his sentiments were returned by his brother, their sister grabbed both of their plastic plates and threw their lunch to the dogs. 

True story, I swear. I still chuckle to myself whenever I think about it.

They have always shared life experiences. From taking diving lessons together when they were really young to junior golf memberships as teens, then onto mutual high school and work friendships. They have truly spent their formative years as a team, which remain their bond today.

That said, we are not a family that has not been without struggles and we've suffered growing pains like most. As parents of grown children, we’ve always been impressed that if we took issue with any behaviours or attitudes, these two never weighed in against the other.  

I can think of several instances over the years where the best medicine for all of us was some distance rather than unproductive dialogue. As a family, those have been, and always will be the most challenging and trying memories;  but once resolved, our family strength was regained.

As you know, there's no handbook for being the 'best parent on the face of the earth' because we were told last summer by our daughter matter-of-factly that we weren't. Just like other rents we know, we've hurt, been hurt, and ultimately healed. 

Then I look at these two with their Dad. It warms my heart to know that through all of our own short comings as parents, as grown children they know we've done our best with individual circumstances at the time.

Oh, the fact that we started golfing as a crew on Sunday again? 

Just one of the many small added bonuses!

Friday, April 1, 2022


What a difference 9 years makes. Can you tell I am out of practice taking a selfie?
TAKEN: March 31, 2013 & April 1st, 2022

It’s hard to fathom that I started this wee electronic journal over ten years ago.

That day was Sunday November 20, 2011, and a grand total of thirty five people read my very first sentences stating: ‘Okay, so it’s apparent that I’ve set this thing up without a plan. Once again, the cart is before the horse. 

Whatever, I’ll pat myself on the back, call it forward thinking and move on.’

With views over a million cumulatively over all platforms, the back story is that prior to deciding to write, I had been following two other writers of blogs. One was a gal I'd gone to high school with, the second a chicka whom truly inspired me, known as Cold Lake Cathy 

It was her encouragement that gave me the confidence to take my first April A-Z Blogging Challenge which began April 1st, 2013. Exactly nine years ago today.

From 2013-2020 I did my best to participate and post. But when April 2021 rolled around, my personal life as well as the entire world was in limbo and I just couldn’t motivate myself to participate. 

Then, after leaving my job last fall to stay home and care for my husband, I went back through all my offerings and did a “from the archives” hybrid version. 

I chose posts that resonated with me when I first wrote them and reposted each by backdating them into April 2021 using the exact day (stating the year) they originally appeared. 

That lengthy exercise last fall, the reading of all offerings and choosing twenty six posts, made me realize that I didn’t want to stop writing. It actually helped me understand how cathartic the process can be and how emotionally attached I am to this silly little journal.

By the way, the photo above on the left is what I looked like the night before my very first A-Z post on April 1, 2013. The photo on the right, what I look like today.

These days, my coloured gray hair is thinner and much shorter. The dreaded waistline is regretfully wider, and the lifelines on my skin more apparent. Peeps, middle age is unquestionably my vibe. 

The only thing similar is my overall optimism and a couple of important factoids that remain instilled since the start of my journey (as avid readers will relate):

A) The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.

B) When arguing with a stupid person, make sure they aren't doing the same thing.

C) Never push a loyal person to the point when they no longer care.

D) Always tell the truth, it gives you far less to remember.

E) Smile, it improves your face value.

F) Lastly, a great neighbour is definitely a found treasure. (For those reading, feel free to stop by the house next week and pick up dog poop. Free dog* to the first three that arrive!)

Chuckles aside, wish me luck peeps. Nine year later... I am at it AGAIN!

*Important caveat: The three dogs available upon 'great neighbour poop pick up day' are not mine - and most definitely shall be named later.

Sunday, February 27, 2022


(l-r: Annie, Puddin' & wee Miya Maria)

When my husband was hospitalized in late September last year it was my eldest son, Jukebox, that moved into the house while I stayed in Downtown Toronto. 

As you can imagine, we checked in with each other several times a day and through that first week, he would report each morning that ‘all was A-OK with the Oreo Gang.' A witty and totally relevant nickname that has stayed with my trio ever since.

Let me backup....

When we came to the realization that our beloved Puddin’ was aging, we began communicating with a breeder because we worried if something happened to her, our Annie wouldn’t be able to soldier on alone. She was over six and had never been a lone pup. She had come to us at five weeks to join Dottie and Puddin’ as a third. 

Never considered a third wheel in the pack, infact, she turned into an excellent facilitator between the other two very early on. After Dot passed in July of 2019, Annie and Pud hit their stride – and I knew I never wanted to leave her on her own.

Enter wee Miya Maria. Born in April of 2021 and arriving home in June. Just look at the picture, the three of them are thick as thieves. Though full disclosure has me admit that I may have had a cookie in the air to get them to pose.

Short story long, I love my pups. So much so, that every year since our children left the nest, I have turned the Family Day holiday into Family Furbaby Day. From the time they get up in the morning until they fall asleep at night, everything revolves around them.

As you know, I have aptly labelled myself the ‘Crazy Dog Lady' but what you don’t know, is that my very favourite coffee mug reads: “MY GOAL IN LIFE IS TO BE THE PERSON MY DOGS ALREADY THINK I AM!”

How that for setting the bar high?!

She's right up there with me always keeping my glass AS WELL AS the treat jar half full instead of half empty.

Monday, February 21, 2022


An Alberta Clipper passed though Muskoka and old Bessie rose to the occasion!

TAKEN: FEBRUARY 19th, 2022

Like everyone else in Muskoka, we woke up Saturday morning and couldn’t see across the street. 

After a pot of hot coffee and the blizzard subsiding, my hubby began to bundle up and I immediately followed his mid-morning motivational moves. We headed out together, to tackle the hellish 13+ inches of the white stuff that had arrived; express, via Alberta.

Though I have always complained about winter in general, when it comes right down to it, I've always enjoyed shoveling snow.  You can move quite a lot of the crap with a snow scoop and prior us inheriting old Bessie, snow was always moved the old fashion way – with sheer determination and hard work. 

For the record, Bessie came to us a few years back as a gift from our buddy Myler. To accurately describe her, I would have to say she’s a lot like me. Older in nature yet has a lot of spunk and life left in her!

Just like me, she may struggle some days to get going - but at the end of it all she keeps going and going until the task at hand is completed... And this past Saturday played out exactly like that for all of us.

I started by shoveling the decks and around the front of the garage while Bessie and my man hit the long driveway straights. Boy, there was a lot of snow to move. About halfway through them making a dent in the driveway drifts, it was my turn to drive the Bess-Monster.

To give you a visual, this old girl is heavy as a tank (not that I’m not that too…) and directly under the driveway snow, was a sheet of ice from top to bottom.
I did OK heading uphill, as the blower motor did most of the work and I positioned my feet as if I was climbing uphill on cross country skis. Coming back down was another story. I just gripped the handles and focused on staying standing up as if I were snowboarding. 

Trust me, gliding down the driveway ice behind Bessie was far easier and safer than trying to walk. All I could think to myself was thank goodness for my figure skating point of balance and my elementary school super slider snow skate experience. In one word… WICKED!

After hubby and I tagged team off again and he headed back toward the top of the drive, I held up my phone and snapped our photo. What I am sharing is exactly what I captured, and there are a couple of things I love which this photo illustrates.

Firstly, that teamwork really does make the dream work.. AND, that I absolutely LOVE that the blowing snow hides my Saturday morning big ass bedhead, as well as the fact that I am not wearing any makeup. 

What can I say?

...Except our old girl Bessie brings out the absolute best in me!

Saturday, February 5, 2022



Had such a great night celebrating Jukebox's early birthday - I wanted to share.

Japanese fusion for dinner and competitive trivia for dessert.
A good time was had by all!!

To my eldest boy... All the best in 2022.
We love you very much xo
(1-r) Tam-a-Lamb, Jukebox, Baby Daddy, Goob & introducing wee Goat.


Sunday, January 30, 2022


This girl has never been anything but a pure joy to raise!
TAKEN: 2015 & 2019

 Our wee Annie was five weeks old when we brought her home. I believe she was the runt because she could pretty much fit in my hands and no ability to eat or lap water. We tended to her round the clock those first three days, which I believe saved her life.

I am a firm believer that no matter what their age, a dog knows when you save them. Instinctually, I am sure they understand you’re getting them though that darkness, which in turn blesses you with unconditional loyalty for as long as they live.

Annie isn't the first dog we rescued, she was just the youngest. One was five months old, one about a year and the third a year and a half. In all instances all were eternally grateful except one. We had to put Sally down for aggression and biting. 

We have always raised and rescued females and all were spayed to prevent any unexpected visits from the stork; actually, all but my Annie.

You see, I usually wait until after their first heat and she never had her first until she was three. Her second followed 24 months later. There was never an intention to breed her, and because she was so well behaved - after six years just never bothered as she's never left my side.

Well, when my husband and I were in the city this past December, our dog sitter had friend over with his male dog. I hadn't been concerned at the time because Annie hadn't been in heat - or so I thought.

This past week, we noticed a major change in her disposition. She was moody with the rest of her pack and very clingy to me. Clingy never surprises me, because she has never more than a couple of feet away from me at all times. This was almost obsessive neediness.

Well, after a bit of research we have discovered that Annie in going to be a momma in a couple of weeks.

We've never wanted to breed any dog and this doesn't change out opinion in this situation. That said, I am taking on this situation like I do most thing. 

With my glass half full, I will be simply treating it as another new adventure and promise to keep everyone posted!


Sunday, January 23, 2022


Over the recent 2021 holiday break, I watched a 7-part documentary offering on Netflix titled Pretend It’s A City, starring New York City author and 70’s icon Fran Lebowitz.

Though she made a ton of valid points about the Big Apple within the hours I watched, in one episode, she went on a rant on how she can’t believe people travel for the purpose of enjoyment. 

"When I’m in airports and I see that there are people going on vacations, I think… How horrible could your life be?” Then she continued with “Like, how bad is your regular life, that you need to escape it?!”

As you know, my husband and I have travelled quite a bit and we have a pretty great ‘regular life.’ So, as soon as she said it, I instantly did a double take and wish I would have had the laser sharp wit to say what I will say here today. 

"Yo, Franny...” (I'll call her that, because we quickly bonded during my very lengthy and indulgent binge watch in my jammies.) "Kiss my fat and colourful carryon caboose... and stick my boarding pass where the holiday sun don't shine!”

Overbearing travel opinions of one rich New Yorker aside, next month marks the 10th anniversary of the very first trip my hubby and I took without our kids. I had won a $5,000 travel voucher and we decided to travel in great style to a destination that we’d never typically be able to afford to go. Negril, Jamaica was where we landed.

On that trip, we met a couple that we have stayed in touch with ever since. As a matter a fact, we got along so well, that we met each other again in Runaway Bay two years later; and we were invited to their wedding in Montego Bay in April of 2018. (That's the amazing HMR on the right, photobombing my man.)

Winter work (in Muskoka) vs. Winter warmth (in Runaway Bay)
TAKEN: Today and February 2014

I totally miss travelling... Because for us it isn’t just about the time you spend together once you’ve arrived at your destination. We enjoy the planning, research, the anticipation, and of course the most exciting part for me - the sound of my passport getting stamped.

Which takes me back to my buddy Fran. How bad is my 'regular life' if I need to escape it? I say toss that Toonie into the air, because the other side of the proverbial coin question will be: How many narrow minded people do you know that have a thick passport?!”

Either way, I can say with confidence, that every single stamp we’ve gotten along the way will be only one of the many conversations we will always enjoy together for the rest of our lives.

So, there you have it Ms. Lebowitz.

 Point. Set. Match.... ME!

Sunday, January 16, 2022


Fun times on our last pre-lockdown vacation to Mazatlán Mexico.
Sad that (post op) travel will never be the same. BUT... We'll figure it out!

Due to circumstances beyond our control, my husband took a three-month work hiatus last fall which saw me booking a prearranged block of time off with him. 

His time was for personal health reasons. Mine was to be his 'beck and call' girl, ensuring we got to keep him around with us for many more years to come.

I began my work break the day before my husband entered the hospital, and we mutually decided on day five after his surgery, that I would not be returning to my then place of employment.

That said, not to throw baby out with bathwater, I requested to take an addition three weeks of vacation time once we got home. You know, in hopes my boss wouldn’t turn out to be the greedy turd my hubby warned me he was.

Alas, when the time ran out, I lost in my true wager of hope. He won the lackluster coin toss fair and square, and as we expected I officially left the job the Friday night before I was set to return the first Monday in November.

Though you may be sensing this is going to be a dark rant about a bad boss - it isn’t.  He’s in the past and not the direction I’m going. This electronic journal post is a good news story about my husband and me.

A good news story on how we spent three life changing months, in very close proximity, essentially only in each other’s company and we didn’t kill each other… Signifying will be a successful team in retirement!

Now, for those of you that know my husband, certain phrases will always come to mind. “Great guy, amazing friend, gets along with everyone” top the list, and the list is long. The one thing I will say, is that none of those people live with him.

Just as I’m sure people that know yours truly, wonder how my hubby puts up with me, I will caution once again… you don’t live with us. I believe we work well because we have found a great balance.

At the end of the day, we have always worked hard on good communication as well as our overall friendship with each other. We married young and started our family younger than most. Yet, we were lucky to have found a rhythm that truly bonds the both of us. 

Most importantly, the rough patches are things we still discuss openly, they aren’t tucked away. As we both recognize, those times are all a part of how we have arrived at today.

Suffice to say, because of our looming circumstance over the last year, we’ve discussed our plans for retirement and what that may look like. I guess I can say that after the last three months, now we're just excited about how that eventual transition will happen. 

Which brings me to my long story/short point:

How do you know it’s your time to retire? It’s when you stop lying about your age and start bragging about it!

Stay tuned. After a year, I am finally writing again... and I promise to report back on what we decide!!

Friday, December 31, 2021


There is so much emotion attached to the last year that I truly don’t know where to start.

Personally, I decided I would no longer surround myself with people that didn’t have the same core philosophies as yours truly, cleansing myself of a mountain of stress and unnecessary drama. 

Professionally, I decided that health of loved ones and home life happiness trumped making ungrateful employers’ gobs of money without thanks. Who knew that at my age I could still grow a pair? Guess you CAN teach an old dog new tricks!!

All the best for 2022 everyone. Remember to keep your hands and feet in the ride at all times.

Cheers from Rhondi

Most significant moment (centre): Merry Christmas! My husband and his sister were both given a clean bill of health. What an amazing way to end the year that lasted a century.

Top left to right:

January: Knowing that travel wouldn’t be an option, we decided in the new year to keep the cottage deck cleared of snow so that we could spend weekends there during the winter.

February: Back in lockdown and only interacting with our exclusive bubble, we enjoy an amazing dinner and bonfire to celebrate Jukebox’s birthday.

March: With my husband being fast tracked for surgery, we received our first shot.

April: Rebuilding cottage decks and illustrating the crap we found – including a kitchen sink that had been buried for decades.

May: After we had a new roof installed, we spent the weekend repairing and staining the exterior of our home.

June: Born April 9th, 2021, we brought home the lovely Miya Maria on June 9th (my Dad’s birthday) 2021.

July: After a 7-year hiatus, Goob got me back on the golf links on Sunday afternoons. I had no idea how much I had truly missed it.

August: Stella, our floating picnic table became the go to pup activity (and official conversation piece) on Orillia Lake.

September: I snapped this photo moments before my husband went in to have his life changing surgery.

October: Just eighteen days post op and we attended the beautiful wedding of my husbands brother and his new bride.

November: Mid way though our three-month break, we found a beautiful bouquet of the Petro Canada glasses I collect. Words can't express how I still get excited to find them.

December: Life is good. Though I left my job in October, for the first time in my life I chose life balance over work life which has made a world of difference for us.

Friday, April 30, 2021


Jukebox, Goob, and Sweetie on Huckleberry Rock.

From the April A-Z Blogging archives.
This was originally posted April 30th, 2020

ZAP... Just like that, the month of April is over!

Having paid homage to the twenty six letters of the alphabet in the last thirty days, my 8th annual A-Z Blogging Challenge is officially complete. As expected, as every year previous, I truly struggled with the last four letters. 

As my readers know, this year has been exceptionally difficult for me to stay focused from a daily post/timeline perspective which is why I’ve played catch up from the start. 

Seriously, with what’s happening around us with Covid-19, I was asked to do an above average amount of website optimization, social media training, and freelance copy writing. Some nights in the last month, I’d still be sitting at my home office desk at 11pm; writing for a purpose.

That said, the other side of this crazy Covid coin is that we lost 3 family members in as many weeks. 

None of us able to pay our respects. None of us able to grieve those wonderful lives lived. Instead, we had to look to each other via Facebook and text messages to process what’s to be considered the new normal? 

Anyway, last week on the local radio station a listener was asked, ‘what’s the first thing you’re going to do when social distancing relaxes?’  Their response was, ‘hug my mother.’

Do you know what am I going to do when we can move freely? Beg my grown children to take a much needed break with us.

With two of my three working as important front line workers (that also live with front line workers) and the third an asthmatic that lives with a front line worker, they will all need and deserve some well deserved TLC.

As I officially finish my 2020 challenge, I ask that everyone hang in there and always remember to be kind and considerate. None of us have a GPS to offer direction for what is happening right now. 

Never lose sight of that.

Thanks again for reading.

Thursday, April 29, 2021


From the April A-Z Blogging archives.
This was originally posted April 29th, 2013

Oh, the double edged sword. 

I’m the first to admit you can never go back; but if you could, what’s the one thing that you would change? 

I realize it’s an unrealistic question but deep down inside, I would be surprised if you said absolutely nothing.

April 29th, 2013 - YESTERDAY
Taken: April 1977
If I was being completely honest with myself, there are a few things in the last thirty plus years I would have done differently. Some apply to my immediate family, some apply to me intimately as a person, and some even apply to my married life.

I have spent my entire life as a driving force for everyone else; fiercely competitive with a core focus on progress and success. 

As a person never wanting to stop moving forward, I can’t believe that in this very moment I am thinking about what could have been.

It’s not because I am feeling especially reflective, it's just the word itself planted the seed. As soon as I chose 'yesterday', my imagination literally ran. 

My childhood, sports, teen years, discipline, marriage, small children, grown children, career. The reaction was swift. 

That said, I am going to go there just the same. 

If I could venture to any given yesterday, what's the one thing I would change? 

It's more of a wish really.

I simply I would have been free to be ME.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021


From the April A-Z Blogging archives.
This was originally posted April 28th, 2018

I would be remiss if I didn't pay homage to the x-ceptional relationship I have with my daughter!

Tuesday, April 27, 2021


Spit polished, loaded up, and ready to GO!
TAKEN: APRIL 16th, 2016

From the April A-Z Blogging archives.
This was originally posted April 27th, 2016

The weekend before last I did what any avid golfer does in the spring. I hauled my babies out of the laundry room, took their protective gear off and gave them an exclusive spa treatment. 

What can I say, I love this time of year. For me, it tells me to put away my snowshoes, gather with friends, hit the snot out of a little ball & swear a lot. I'm kidding; I really only ever swear a little!

I'm not a great golfer but I love to golf. The sad truth is that I never got in a single round last year. It was a very transitional spring for me and I lived at the cottage all summer. I find I'm in a different mind space when I live at the cottage full time. My chair on the dock rides shotgun and my golf clubs tend to occupy the backseat. 

Well, with me working full time again, I am excited to get back to my Friday night ritual of walking 9 holes. Not only because it helps me decompress from the week I've had, walking gives me the much needed workout I crave from having a desk job.

I understand the sport isn't for everyone. It's usually something you either love or hate. I was asked by an engineer at work the other day why I'm so drawn into the sport and I think he was surprised at my response. 

"Golf is one the rare sports in which you truly compete against yourself," I said.

"When I run into someone that cheats at golf," I continued, "I know I've met someone that doesn't hold themselves accountable but more importantly, they're not being honest with themselves about their surroundings."

Some would say those words seem full of wisdom. 

Guess it depends how you play golf!