Showing posts with label Lists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lists. Show all posts

Friday, March 29, 2013

A Wee Fly In The Ointment!

As I began hatching my A-Z plan, it dawned on me that I have a compounded problem. That is, well, really big.

This weekend is Easter. Happy Easter ALL. I work this weekend. Next week is Cottage Life, the week after I am in the City for my birthday, and the week after that I head away on vacation with my sister until the end of the month.

As I sit here shaking my head (at the magnitude of the commitments I've made) I think I need my freaking head examined. Am I a total sucker for punishment? Don't answer that! 

As a prelude, I was chatting with an electronic friend last night and they offered me some advice “just keep is when you stop that you have to worry” he said. 

Seriously? That’s all ya got? A real friend would jump right in there and say “you can do it; I know you can” or “to help, I’ll post for you the four days you’re driving”.

Better yet “I’m made of money. How be you and your sister fly out of Buffalo? I’ll pay!!” Okay, I know I'm reaching on the last one but ya gotta give me points for throwing it out there.

I digress. Back to my issue at hand; which is there won't be enough hours in a day. Because not doing any of the above isn’t an option, as suggested I will just keep going and push through. I think if I am organized, have my ducks in a row, have my tee times booked before I leave, it should be fine.

Lastly, I’m joking, about my friend being made of money. He's totally made up of a throng of sarcasm, complimented by a spalsh of sexy marmalade imported from France.

Who the hell needs cash when you're rockin' the other two? Not that cat!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

...Answers Are in Front Of You My Love

I read a Facebook status this week that had me doing a double take. It read “I wanna be my old self again…” and my heart sank. All I could do was close my eyes and take a deep breath. The status update belonged to my only daughter.

My Sweetie n' Me
Taken: July 2002
Staci and I have always been close. She’s a really great egg. She has always been a very hard worker and isn’t remotely mean spirited. Can her buttons be pushed? Absolutely but at the end of the day find me a woman's that can’t be! One of her most amazing qualities is that she's kind. She's kind, sincere and very trusting.

It’s been tough few months watching her transition to her next set of life choices. After she finished school last spring, I thought the sky was the limit for her. I figured she’d stay in the smaller city to the south and continue in the field she had graduated from. Instead, she insisted on moving back to Muskoka. To respect her choice, she was unconditionally moved home.

Let me start by saying when it comes to interacting with people, Staci isn’t me (and I know she just said “Thank God” out loud as she read that). I am an extrovert and she is an introvert. She has a core group of 50 friends and I have a core group of 2000 acquaintances. I can count my true friends on my hands (with no toes required) and she does the same with her acquaintances. What can I say, she's her father and her twin brother David is me.

No matter how I try to justify, it still bothers me to sit back and watch people take advantage. But let's face it, those types of people are everywhere in day to day life. Only Staci can weed out the good from the bad, which is probably why I really haven’t said anything. I'll admit, her return home has us living more like roommates. That said, she's an adult; and though we may live like ships passing in the night, I think it's time. Time to put our energy and love together and get her back to her old self again.

How will that happen? By helping her sort out exactly where she wants to be and how she wants to get there. Matter a fact, I think she and I should start by making a list. I think we best finalize her list in front of the pool and walking along the beach in South Carolina over Christmas. 

That way, she can ring in the 2013 with a tan and a solid mission. Because let me tell ya, when it comes to this gal, the sky's the limit! 

I love you my Sweetie...

Friday, November 2, 2012

I'll See Your Rake And Raise You A Shovel!

Well hello again and welcome to the official opening to my weekend from hell. I'm here to report that my list of things to do, is as long as the days will be getting everything accomplished. As I dozed off last night I was pretty sure the snow may impede my ability to get the fall leaves cleaned up. When I pulled in the driveway after work today, all I could verbalize aloud was "this is one hot mess!"

I honestly don't mind doing the leaves. I love the exercise as well as the fresh air. It's also the time of the year that you can really observe what going on in the back forty. It's wide open and absolutely beautiful. If it's a nice day, you may see a couple of deer or maybe even the resident fox. It really is great living in the centre of town and feeling like you're actually out in the country.

The fall leaves have been a bit of a bait a switch chore for me this year. For about the last month, I'd land home telling myself that 'I would start' but it seems something to better occupy my time always came along. Standing at the top of the hill tonight, I've some major regret that I have haphazardly postponed the annual task.

2011 Official Leaf Raking Day
WOW! If Mom's using a rake... we're gonna be here for a while!
Taken: November 29, 2011

Why the fret? Well, the yard gets dumped on so bad that every year the fallen foliage always gets shovelled. 

You read that right; I grab the big honkin' snow shovel out of the garage and go to town. Because the yard is quite large I also enlist the help of a 20’ x 20’ tarp (to load them onto and haul them over the hill & into the gully).

You're probably wondering why I don't use a leaf blower. Simple, the shovel is faster and easier on my ear drums. I was hoping we'd have one last sunny spurt to dry them out a little but I am thinking I'll have no such luck. My procrastination has them suckers thicker than a seven layer dinner and wetter than a ....never mind, you get my point.

So here I sit, staring at the screen, carefully weighting my options. Maybe I should call both high schools Monday and offer Community Service hours to students to clear my yard. That way, I can get up bright and early tomorrow, head to the cottage, and warm it up one last time before I shut it down. That leaves me Sunday (no pun intended). One whole day to get the "in town stuff" on my list done. All else fails, I'll can continue working on my list next weekend.

Wait a minute. Next weekend I am getting together with the HENS. I wonder if I can get high school students to clean out my garage and put up my exterior Christmas lights when they're done the yard?

There's no such thing as a bad question right?!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Why Does Time Fly?

Why do I do it? I finally made the effort to take time to unwind, then I stuff my schedule tighter than Spanx on Jabba the Hut! I’m tired. I have been tired since mid-August yet I still insist on pushing through.  My whirlwind adventure last night only proves that I am in fact a total sucker for punishment.

The only reason I am awake right now is that my golf game this afternoon was cancelled. If I would have golfed 18, I fear I would not have an ounce of energy left to make my trek back into the GTA.

I know it’s crazy but I'm heading back into Toronto until Sunday (don't fret, Monday is when the work really begins).

The house has been under renovation for more than a month, not to mention the twelve cord of wood in the driveway that must be piled. I have a technician booked to fix the ignition on the boat and then it has to be drained, wrapped and stored.

There’s a mountain of burning and clean up at the cottage that is driving me crazy; let's not forget a fridge, stove, floors and windows that need to be cleaned. Summer bedding has to get packed into the cedar closets and fall bedding has to get placed so that I’m ready for Thanksgiving weekend.

Then there's moi. I MUST keep up with everything electronic. I have three books on the go (all of which are average at best) but I have to make time to browse Pride & Prejudice at least once. What can I say, Mr. Darcy makes my heart skip a beat.

All and all, even I get tired reading my list of "things to do".  With all that work, what will I have to look forward to? Guess my appointment with my Chiropractor next week could very well be the high point - he’s great looking with amazing hands. At the end of the day, I am sure he'll make the short term pain worth the long term gain!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

How Do Ya Like Me Now?

Again, my opening sentence is that I work with men. As a confident woman, I am proud that I don’t have a bunch of different personalities I parade around for the benefit of others. What you see, read, hear, is what you get. 

I would like to point out that at least once a week, I willingly disclose (to a varying number of the gentlemen I work with) that I am "unequivocally the single biggest bitch you will ever meet in your entire life." It generally makes them laugh but there is some serious truth to my statement.                                                        

Don't believe me? I'll prove it. Let's make a list.

Am I opinionated? Check. Am I stubborn? Check. Am I painfully sarcastic with a flair for condescension? Check check and check! 

Babe In Total Control of Herself?  Not in time HENS!
I'll admit that in this particular situation I was awful and my words have me painted into a corner. I am not making excuses but I wanted to be heard so badly it hurt. When that didn't happen, I just simply took my pail and shovel and went home. Definitely not one of my shining moments but at the end of the day a choice.

All of that said, I literally understand risk and reward better than most. At this point I figure I will just concede, suck it up, and move on.

I'm sure I will look back wishing there was some big scrabble word I could have used to describe my behaviour. Instead of reaching for it; I know I'll just skip my turn, change my tiles, and take the penalty.

Too bad really because this is the first time in my entire life I am moving forward with doubt...

Monday, June 18, 2012

Wash Rinse Repeat. Wash Rinse Repeat. Wash Rinse Repeat.

Crazy as it sounds, some weeks I feel like every day is Groundhog Day. You know, wash, rinse, repeat? I work every weekend. Though I am not expected to work every Saturday, I usually do. 

It's a tough reality to admit that my life peaks at boring. Heck, a trip to the Chiropractic office is like a day at the circus for me!  (Downside?... My Chiropractor doesn’t work on Saturday. Ba-dumm-bump!!)

I'm only questioning the whole 'Groundhog Day' scenario because last Saturday was the same but different for me, and I think there may be hope.

Up at my regular time, I decided to “make hay” while the caffeine in my system was doing its thing. Completed my chores and carefully watched the clock so that I could shower and head into work. As I crossed the items off my "list of things to do" I could feel myself decompressing.

As my morning list shortened, my afternoon list grew. Dogs needed new matching collars (pet store), golf balls were on sale (Canadian Tire), my toe nails needed painting (and most importantly) the sun needed worshiping. Hence, I skipped going to the office.

Sunday was a perfect day as well. Had my one cup of coffee on the front deck, mowed the lawn before ten and spent the day outside. After a nice supper, I fell asleep watching the final round of the US Open.

Knowing my "work list of things to do" was longer than a one armed paper hanger, I showed up for work this morning at 7am. First words uttered were not "how was your weekend" but “I expected to see you Saturday”. 

Glass half full? This afternoon I got an email from my Chiropractor's office. Seems he’s working Saturday’s starting next weekend.

Guess what? I've had a Bill Murray breakthrough. I won't be working next Saturday either!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

30 Things Every Woman Should Have And Should Know

I read this online this morning and thought I would share. Ah my 30's. It was a great decade. Oh how I miss them! They say "life begins at 30 and for me it truly did.

(FYI - I didn't ask Glamour Magazine for permission to repost like Huffungton did but that's only because my personal contact at Glamour left and is now is Cosmo.)

This article really makes me think! Enjoy

In 1997, Glamour magazine published a story titled "30 Things Every Woman Should Have and Should Know by the Time She's 30." The list, written by Pamela Redmond Satran, was so popular that women started emailing it around, misattributing it to various female luminaries including Maya Angelou and Hillary Clinton. Noting what a phenomenon it had become, the editors of Glamour created a book around it, featuring essays from (mostly) famous women on each of the items on the list. The book, released today, includes meditations from Katie Couric on work and love, Portia de Rossi on accepting your body, and one from the list's original author, who is also a Huffington Post blogger, on how to live alone.

Because the list still makes us so, so happy, we asked Glamour's permission to reprint it here:

By 30, you should have ...
1. One old boyfriend you can imagine going back to and one who reminds you of how far you’ve come.
2. A decent piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone else in your family.
3. Something perfect to wear if the employer or man of your dreams wants to see you in an hour.
4. A purse, a suitcase, and an umbrella you’re not ashamed to be seen carrying.
5. A youth you’re content to move beyond.
6. A past juicy enough that you’re looking forward to retelling it in your old age.
7. The realization that you are actually going to have an old age -- and some money set aside to help fund it.
8. An email address, a voice mailbox, and a bank account -- all of which nobody has access to but you.
9. A résumé that is not even the slightest bit padded.
10. One friend who always makes you laugh and one who lets you cry.
11. A set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and a black lace bra.
12. Something ridiculously expensive that you bought for yourself, just because you deserve it.
13. The belief that you deserve it.
14. A skin-care regimen, an exercise routine, and a plan for dealing with those few other facets of life that don’t get better after 30.
15. A solid start on a satisfying career, a satisfying relationship, and all those other facets of life that do get better.

By 30, you should know ...
1. How to fall in love without losing yourself.
2. How you feel about having kids.
3. How to quit a job, break up with a man, and confront a friend without ruining the friendship.
4. When to try harder and when to walk away.
5. How to kiss in a way that communicates perfectly what you would and wouldn’t like to happen next.
6. The names of the secretary of state, your great-grandmothers, and the best tailor in town.
7. How to live alone, even if you don’t like to.
8. Where to go -- be it your best friend’s kitchen table or a yoga mat -- when your soul needs soothing.
9. That you can’t change the length of your legs, the width of your hips, or the nature of your parents.
10. That your childhood may not have been perfect, but it’s over.
11. What you would and wouldn’t do for money or love.
12. That nobody gets away with smoking, drinking, doing drugs, or not flossing for very long.
13. Who you can trust, who you can’t, and why you shouldn’t take it personally.
14. Not to apologize for something that isn’t your fault.
15. Why they say life begins at 30

What's on your personal list of things to have and know -- and possibly do -- before turning 30?

Monday, February 20, 2012

"I Miss You"

For those of you that don’t know me very well, I am a list person. My desk at work is filled with colourful Post-it notes of tasks I need to accomplish. Every Saturday & Sunday morning, over my only cup of coffee, I make a list.

My dad Herve wasn’t always a list person but became one after he retired. He approached his tasks a little differently than I but he was a list person just the same.  

I use to ask him... “Dad, when are you going to get around to doing so and so” and his standard reply was always… “Rhondi, I have a list. Everyday I look at my list and pick three things that I want to get done. If something shows up at the top that I don’t want to do, I don't do it. It goes to the bottom... I know it will eventually make its way up to the top again.”

I can hear him speaking the words. I miss him. I miss him every single day, which brings me to this mornings question. Why do we miss someone?

When it comes to my dad, the math is easy. He was my beacon (taught me to golf, ski, & fish). My personal confidant (even though I always knew he liked my husband better). And my life coach (yes maam, I can change a furnace filter with ease and I love to do the yard work). So I guess I’m not really talking about him per say.

There are people I miss on a daily basis. Some are near to me, and some far away from me, but I still miss them. It’s hard to express to someone that you miss them. It’s not an emotion easily verbalized. I suppose that's why I rarely say anything to the person I am missing.

I guess the best practice may be to just acknowledge the void as just that, a dulling pain that can’t be soothed. I'll just close my eyes, think of all the good I have experienced, smile and quietly keep my thoughts of angst to myself.

Now back to my list. Hmmm, what shall I prepare for dinner? I just wrote down chicken. 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Life's Little Instructions!

1. Sing in the shower. 
2. Treat everyone you meet like you want to be treated. 
3. Watch a sunrise at least once a year. 
4. Leave the toilet seat in the down position. 
5. Never refuse homemade brownies. 
6. Strive for excellence, not perfection. 
7. Plant a tree on your birthday. 
8. Learn 3 clean jokes. 
9. Return borrowed vehicles with the gas tank full. 
10. Compliment 3 people every day. 
11. Never waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them. 
12. Leave everything a little better than you found it. 
13. Keep it simple. 
14. Think big thoughts but relish small pleasures. 
15. Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know. 
16. Ask for a raise when you think you've earned it. 
17. Overtip breakfast waitresses. 
18. Be forgiving of yourself and others. 
19. Say, "Thank you" a lot. Say, "Please" a lot. 
20. Avoid negative people. 
21. Buy whatever kids are selling on card tables in their front yards. 
22. Remember other people's birthdays. 
23. Commit yourself to constant improvement. 
24. Carry jumper cables in your truck. 
25. Have a firm handshake. 
26. Send lots of Valentine cards. Sign them, "Someone who thinks you're terrific." 
27. Look people in the eye. 
28. Be the first to say hello. 
29. Use the good silver. 
30. Return all things you borrow. 
31. Make new friends, but cherish the old ones. 
32. Keep a few secrets. 
33. Sing in a choir... 
34. Plant flowers every spring. 
35. Have a pet. 
36. Always accept an outstretched hand. 
37. Stop blaming others. 
38. Take responsibility for every area of your life. 
39. Wave at kids on school busses. 
40. Be there when people need you. 
41. Feed a stranger's expired parking meter. 
42. Don't expect life to be fair. 
43. Never underestimate the power of love. 
44. Drink champagne for no reason at all. 
45. Live your life as an exclamation, not an explanation. 
46. Don't be afraid to say, "I made a mistake." Don't be afraid to say, "I don't know." 
47. Compliment even small improvements. 
48. Marry for love. 
49. Rekindle old friendships. 
50. Count your blessings. 
51. Call your mother.