There is so much emotion attached to the last year that I truly don’t know where to start.
Personally, I decided I would no longer surround myself with people that didn’t have the same core philosophies as yours truly, cleansing myself of a mountain of stress and unnecessary drama.
Professionally, I decided that health of loved ones and home life happiness trumped making ungrateful employers’ gobs of money without thanks. Who knew that at my age I could still grow a pair? Guess you CAN teach an old dog new tricks!!
All the best for 2022 everyone. Remember to keep your hands and feet in the ride at all times.
Cheers from Rhondi
Most significant moment (centre): Merry Christmas! My husband and his sister were both given a clean bill of health. What an amazing way to end the year that lasted a century.
January: Knowing that travel wouldn’t be an option, we decided
in the new year to keep the cottage deck cleared of snow so that we
could spend weekends there during the winter.
February: Back in lockdown and only interacting with our exclusive
bubble, we enjoy an amazing dinner and bonfire to celebrate Jukebox’s birthday.
March: With my husband being fast tracked for surgery, we received our first shot.
April: Rebuilding cottage decks and illustrating the crap we
found – including a kitchen sink that had been buried for decades.
May: After we had a new roof installed, we spent the weekend
repairing and staining the exterior of our home.
June: Born April 9th, 2021, we brought home the
lovely Miya Maria on June 9th (my Dad’s birthday) 2021.
July: After a 7-year hiatus, Goob got me back on the golf links on Sunday afternoons. I had no idea how much I had truly missed it.
August: Stella, our floating picnic table became the go to
pup activity (and official conversation piece) on Orillia Lake.
September: I snapped this photo moments before my husband went in to have his life
changing surgery.
October: Just eighteen days post op and we attended the beautiful
wedding of my husbands brother and his new bride.
November: Mid way though our three-month break, we found a
beautiful bouquet of the Petro Canada glasses I collect. Words can't express how I still get excited to find them.
December: Life is good. Though I left my job in October, for the first time in my life I chose life balance over work life which has made a world of difference for us.