Showing posts with label The Oreo Gang. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Oreo Gang. Show all posts

Sunday, September 22, 2024


Annie arrived back at the cottage
Thursday September 19th. 

As I sit and stare at my screen of the photo I snapped of my two beautiful girls, together again, I just can't seem to find the words. I still haven't fully processed that my amazing Annie left us so soon. 

Who knew when I took her up the hill at the cottage to see Dr. Robyn on September 3rd, that she would be gone two days later.

The only thing that is helping my heart start to heal, is that her suffering was short lived. And, that I wasn't unreasonable in making the swift decision to let her go. Doing it while she was already sedated for her throat scope was the best choice that I could have made for her.

To compound my lingering emotions, last Thursday when I went to pick her up and brought her down the hill to spend the rest of the season with me at the cottage, I was teary eyed to find sympathy card signed by everyone at the Trillium Lakes Animal Hospital. 

"Annie was such a wonderful girl," Dr. Robyn wrote. "I am so sorry we couldn't do more for her." ...Her and me both.

When you have a strong bond with an animal, it feels like a part of you leaves with them when they leave you. This loss, has been by far the most difficult pet loss to process. She went everywhere with me, and was never more than a couple of feet from me at all times. 

As I continually reflect, our Puddin' lived comfortably with cancer for a couple of years. Annie lived uncomfortably for a week. Though I was extremely heart broken when Puddin' parted, I was given time to accept her fate was looming. 

Along with the shock of all of this, it has also impacted what remains of version two of the Oreo Gang. Though they seem to have finally settled into there own as a pack of two these last couple of weeks, they definitely looked for Annie at length.

Anyway, as we move forward with an energetic 3 year old black lab with an old soul,  and super speedy hyper-manic 20 month old yellow lab, version three of the Oreo Gang's definitely something that won't be entertained for a couple of years.

Oh, don't get me wrong, fearing the worst I called our wonderful breeder the day I brought Annie up the hill and her advice definitely resonated. "If you get another one right away", she cautioned. "They will all be passing along at the same time."

...And I simply don't think my heart could ever take a gigantic impact like that.

Sunday, October 29, 2023


The Oreo Gang making sure my husband is disconnecting the water intake properly.
(Miya Maria on the rock, Katie Lulu on the step, and Annie Bannanie on the hill)
TAKEN: OCTOBER 29th, 2023

Over the years, more often than not, we head into the cottage for the last Saturday in October so I can carve a pumpkin. Then, the following morning, we pack everything up and close it down for the season.

For me, this year in particular, was like no other at the cottage to date. I worked from my upstairs office space four days a week,  and usually in my bathing suit. Though my workload was grueling and my days were long, there is something to be said for looking out from your desk seeing the water.

As you know, this was our wee Katie's first year at Orillia Lake, and she embraced everyday like it would be her last. Saying that she loves absolutely everything about cottage life would be an understatement. 

Miya, though still a pup herself, simply couldn't keep up with KT's high energy zoomies. Annie, now a sexy senior in her own right, stayed at my feet the majority of the season, with the odd burst of puppy like behaviour shining through about once a week; it was perfect.

As far as upkeep goes, each year we tend to alternate from interior upgrades, to exterior elbow grease. This past season, a lot of our focus was spent outside. 

We had wanted to replace all main floor flooring this year, but a milestone anniversary had us take a last minute trip to Jamaica in June to celebrate. I love how we mutually decided, with a 'let's go for it' for good measure, that my saved flooring dollars would more than pay for our unexpected excursion nicely.

That said, though I know I will get my new floors next spring, a bush hog for the exterior is definitely a must have as well. Every second 'working the lands' year arrives with such optimism. We always have such a positive outlook on the clearing, hauling and burning brush at the cottage property from hell.

This year, we finally came to the terms that we aren't in our 30's anymore - and we are definitely Stihl in need of extra help, as no one ever offers. (Get that? Stihl, I mean still!)

Anyway, as an aside, as a woman in construction in Muskoka I can't stress enough how hard it is to find good ticketed trades to service the home and cottage industry here. 

Closing our cottage gives me hope we may have reprieve on the horizon. As you can see from my Sunday morning pic, we officially have three new furry plumbing apprentices.

All wanting wanting to help with the task of turning off the water for the season.


Thursday, August 31, 2023


Earlier this week, I brought the dogs into town as I had both in-office and site meetings, and moving them for the night made the most sense. On in-office meeting day, the gang of girls were as good as gold. Site meeting day, all freaking hell broke loose.

After I got the steam to stop rolling out of my ears, I cleaned the upper level disaster zone, then posted on social media:

Anyone want a dog or three?

Had an early site meeting on Lake Muskoka, only to return home to discover the dogs 'ate my homework!'

...AND my brand new sandals, two pairs of flip flops, three pens, and a jumbo role of toilet paper making it look like it snowed in here!!

#notimpressed #bad #katielulu #anniebananie #miyamaria #thissucks

Left: The Oreo Gang on National Dog Day
Right: Some home office evidence of evil!
Taken: August 25th & 29th, 2023
When I was going through the comments and reactions, I noticed our breeder responded saying  that her gang had been evil devil babies as well, noting, 'there must be something in the air.'

It was in that moment I had a genuine lightbulb moment. It dawned on me that the blue moon was upon us. Could that have been what made them all go batshit crazy?

So, I Googled, can a dog sense a full moon? This is what came back (via Your dog may seem to be much more alert, they may bark and howl more, they may growl, begin to chew things they normally would not, and may pace a lot if they are feeling restless and antsy. In all my years of having pups, I had no idea.

What I will say, is that when Katie came home in January, I was already working from home four days a week. I had a plan for her ongoing teething and had puppy proofed our home. As she grew there were challenges but nothing like what I came home to a couple of days ago. The difference this week was I knew all three participated; which has never happened before.

I will say, they do have a good gig living at the cottage but it's not like they are living in a van down by the river in town. They've got it really good. I will admit, now that I've calmed down, I think they are all beginning to suffer from a bit of separation anxiety as our routine is really quite regimented.

I start work an hour early every day so that I can exercise them three time a day, which they have come to know as recess. With three dog beds at my feet at my top of the stairs make shift cottage office, they tend to sleep while I work and talk on the phone knowing recess will eventually arrive. 

At the end of the day, I guess I'm just really pissed they ate my shoes. Even then, I suppose it's my fault. 

For whatever reason, I seem to keep buying their favourite flavours! 


Tuesday, July 4, 2023


Poor Miya Maria. She drew the short Canada Day photo op straw.
(Don't feel too bad, she had a chunk of roast chicken as her reward!)
TAKEN: JULY 1st, 2023

When the Canada Day long weekend was approaching, it is safe to say my Weather Network app was getting ten times more screen action than everything else installed on my phone.

I will compare it to a flip of the coin scenario. Rain we stay in town. Sun we stay at the cottage. Well, sunshine prevailed for the entire weekend marking the fact that I officially got moved in.

It has been several years since I have lived here for 100% of the season. I am glad to be back and am very grateful that this is the first time in my entire career, that I only commute to the brick-and-mortar office with the fancy sign out front just once a week.

When I changed jobs a year and a half ago, I negotiated that I would work from home two days a week. Two led to three, then three led to four. I am hoping by the end of the year, everything will be done via ZOOM.

Though I manage my time well and my boss is pleased with my productivity, my workdays definitely last longer when working from my home or cottage offices. Why? This doggie daycare/obedience school thing-a-ma-hoochie I am running has a very strict schedule that must be adhered to.

So, I start an hour earlier everyday to ensure our 9:30am and 2pm breaks get rid of any excess energy, and they will sleep at my feet for the duration. With two puppies and a high energy senior on point, I need to keep them on track, or all hell breaks loose.

I am serious when I share that I will be working away and balls and toys start getting banged into my legs or dropped at my feet and I must firmly say, “Stop... It isn’t nine thirty yet!”

And believe it or not, they stop and settle until my phone pings that it’s time for recess. I’m not complaining just reflecting. Never a dull moment, and I wouldn’t change a thing.

Well, maybe the shitty internet connection because of all the rock that surrounds me, but that’s a post for another day.

Monday, June 5, 2023


When we brought our wee Katie home at the end of January this year, we knew that we would have to budget for the added expense of having three pups. Little did we know that our second biggest expense would be due to unusable toilet paper!

My point being, look at those eyes. She definitely has a mind of her own.

Working away at my home office desk, I turned around to catch her in action.
TAKEN: May 31st, 2023

When I first met our two options from the litter of Miss Minnie’s nine littluns, I asked our breeder which she would recommend we select. Her choice was the other yellow female.  When I asked why, her response was one word; “her personality.”

“It depends what kind of dog you’re looking for,” she continued. “She will definitely be high energy". At the time, with Miya being so young, 'high energy' wasn't a deal breaker. 

The truth is I chose her because when we'd visit, she would immediately come to my husband and sit on his feet. Cute at the time, but now I am pretty sure she was terrorizing others in the pack and needed a safe spot for protection based on her mischievous tactics. 

The night we paid for her and we brought her home, we were told she would challenge the weaker male dogs in the pack. As we head toward her seventh month birthday next week, I have come to realize that those early behaviours have evolved, translating her into a bit of a bully.

With me in charge and Annie as our four-legged pack leader, Miya is a very competent co-captain. Yet our Katie insists on continually trying to run the show. Both the other ladies allow it to simmer on low until she crosses that evolutionarily line... Which is when all hell breaks loose.

Because I work from home four out of five days a week, I see and hear it all. Sometimes it is comical, other times painful to watch as both the big dogs run her until she barrel rolls to take her down a peg and back into her place in the pack.

Don't get me wrong, she is a beautiful and very intelligent dog. Though her dad was an award-winning retriever and her momma a beautifully bred gem, I am beginning to think she may have a couple of screws loose. Either that, or she is crazy like a fox!

A fox that loves to shred two ply toilet paper... that I am pretty sure she hopes I didn't buy on sale!!

Sunday, May 28, 2023


We landed at the cottage Friday night to a couple of pleasant surprises. First one was that we weren’t carried down the hill by blackflies and mosquitos. Second was, when I opened the kitchen door, my view was filled with a wonderful sea of blue.

Not sure what type of bloom they were, I snapped a pic and reached out via social media in search of some help. The consensus came back that they were a flower called Forget Me Nots

Per Google, I discovered that they are a short term perennial which are a symbol of true love and respect. A wonderful cottage tribute with perfect timing as I approach the first anniversary of the death of my beloved Puddin’.

This pre-covid polaroid pic of her (taken by a friend of the kids) remains on the cottage fridge.
I will never forget her.
TAKEN: MAY 27th, 2023  

I don’t think my heart has been this hollow for the loss of a furbaby since my yellow lab Toby left us in March of 2007 at the ripe old age of fifteen. He was so special that we were over two years before we entertained another pup.

Back then, I didn’t want another yellow lab as I truly felt the space he took in my heart could never be replaced. It was only after our beagle rescue Daisy was hit by a car that we agreed it may be time for another yellow.

From the day in 2012 when she landed home, we knew that Puddin’ was special. Even as a wee bit of pup, her outgoing personality shone through from the beginning. She was forever by my side and really chill until her one true flaw kicked in. Which was when out of the blue, she would haphazardly run up the drive to confront people on our street.

She was never malicious or vicious, her outburst of random barking and jumping up and down in the same spot was just super annoying and it always ended up being a tad embarrassing having to endlessly apologize to the passerby.

I have always professed it was an ingrained effort to protect her home and her pack. My husband always chose to believe it was a simple set of loose screws!

Anyway, when we purchased Miya’s sister Katie in December, our third yellow, it was never to replace my girl.  It was a specific set of circumstances that fast tracked having another in our pack. 

As she settles into her first summer on Orillia Lake, I think the flowers Friday were just Puddin’ stopping by to say hello. Just as we bloomed with daisies the summer after Daisy's death, the yard is filled with a sea of blue for my sweet girl.

She can rest easy knowing I could never forget her, she was a very bright light in my life.

So much so, that when my time comes, both her and Toby's ashes will be buried with mine.

Wednesday, April 19, 2023


From left to right:
My beautiful Dottie on Toby's Rock (RIP July 2019) ~ Taken 2014
My Puddin' (RIP June 2022) & my Annie Banannie (11 years old October 2023) ~ Taken 2020
The amazing Miya (Born 4/9/21) and wee Katie (Born 12/5/2022) ~ Taken March 2023

Now I lay be down to sleep,
The king-sized bed is soft and deep.

I sleep right in the centre groove,
my human beings can hardly move.

I've trapped their legs, they're tucked in tight,
and here is where I'll pass the night.

No one disturbs me or dares to intrude,
'til morning comes and "I want food!"

I sneak up slowly to begin,
and nibble on my human's chin.

For morning's here, it's time to play,
I always seem to get my way.

So thank you Lord, for giving me,
this human person that I see.

The one who hugs me & holds me tight,
...And share their bed with me each night
                                   ~AUTHOR UNKNOWN~

Sunday, February 19, 2023


If my memory serves me correctly, Family Day became a statutory holiday in Ontario in 2008, and I remember those first few years of chilly Monday celebrations fondly.

We’d load up the mini van and go glow in the dark mini putting, five or ten-pin bowling, snow tubbing or tobogganing if weather permitted. As a family, we would always decide how we would spend the day, and officially vote on what we would have for our evening family meal.

Then, as life happens, the celebration of the mid-winter day saw the kids grown and gone and our nest completely empty. 

It was at that point we transitioned the conventional holiday into ‘Family Furbaby Day’ (FFD). The one paid holiday, where I would get up and make the pups a great breakfast, before we’d head outside by noon for an adventure that was totally dedicated to them having fun.

Since its inception, we have taken FFD pics of our special day all over Muskoka. We've never really decided what we are going to do until that weekend, but we both have always known where our focus would land... On them!

My hubby taming 'The Oreo Gang (Version 2)' with a treat.
TAKEN: FEBRUARY 19th, 2022

This year, because our newest addition was so tiny and had no hair on her belly, we decided to simply head to the cottage, hike our plowed road, and keep up top at the cottage not to wear her out. 

As a precaution for the wee one, I jimmy-rigged a backpack that I would put on my front so she could see the big dogs in action and stay warm at the same time. Turns out, she’s a true Rockstar and kept up nicely with her little legs.

Anyway, I posted the photo I am sharing on another social platform today disclosing the following:

In Ontario, today is truly dedicated to work/life balance.

Personally, I only discovered the meaning of the phrase once my husband had to have life altering surgery and wasn't expected to live. 

I hope everyone embraced today as we did. 

#lifeisshort #lovewhatyoudo #happyfamilyday

Embrace it we did...

Turkey bacon all around at breakfast, then zoom-zoom down all the backroads with the windows open for all the smells, and great treats once on the trail. 

What else can I say, other than our twelve paws and four legs loved being outdoors together on a beautiful Muskoka Monday.

Enjoying a really spectacular day.

Saturday, January 21, 2023


My wee Miya Maria and me... Musing beneath the trees.
TAKEN: December 29th, 2022

Well, it appears I have once again survived 'Blue Monday'

Though I'm sure some men might consider Blue Monday what follows the weekend if they didn't get laid, but I am referring to the Monday that is identified world wide as 'the most depressing day of the year.' 

The exact day is calculated by assessing weather (W), post-holiday debt (d), time since Christmas (T), failing New Year's resolutions (Q), low motivation (M), and a lack of decisive action (Na). This year, it was Monday January 16th.

For fun, here is my current assessment and reflection of their criteria:

Weather – The weather man is the only dude that can do his job wrong 100% of the time and not get fired.

Post-Holiday Debt – Don’t have any. Hard to go into debt when all you do is put up the same lights, decorate the tree the same every year, and only purchase heart felt gifts for three loves.

Time Since Christmas – This one has a reverse effect for me. I cringe when they start pushing me at Hallowe’en to 'deck the stinkin' halls'.

Failing New Year’s Resolution -  Didn’t make one. I set goals I want to accomplish but never make resolutions

Low Motivation -  This one did tick a box or two this year. Unnecessary and immature drama prior to breaking for the holidays tainted my time off. There were lots of tears. I realize now it was my own fault for allowing it to bother me. It’s over now, and I was feeling great prior to January 16th .

Lack of Decisive Action: Not with this cat. Booked and paid for my birthday trip  to Vegas on Black Friday, paid off the car more than a year early, and continually remove toxic people from my life. If there is one thing I am – it is extremely decisive!

As an aside, for me this milestone day doesn't register in the same way it may with others. I find it important to acknowledge because it signifies the end of my season affective cocoon (aka: time change coma) and is the beacon of light at the end of the tunnel which leads me to spring. Coles notes, it means the shortest day of they year has passed and the longest day with sunlight is on the way.

As I look at the photo I am sharing, I love that I captured such a great moment. Sitting by the fire, Miya waiting for the next snowball to be thrown, with music filling our yard. It was truly a great day.

Sitting there sipping, I remember in the moment turning to my husband and raising my Yeti. "Let’s face it," I said. 

"It is on days like these that I am convinced that wine was invented because God just wanted all of us to be happy!"

As we both chuckled at my spontaneity, I leaned over and clinked his can, then I continued as I always do. "Ya gotta laugh about it," I said. 

Ya just always gotta laugh about it! 

...Take THAT Blue Monday!!

Saturday, April 9, 2022



Ya Gotta Laugh About It
By the way, this shot took four cupcakes!!
TAKEN: April 2, 2022

Today is the amazing Miya Maria’s first birthday and I can’t begin to express how much joy this little rascal has brought to us and everyone she meets around her.

I knew I would be away to celebrate with her in person, so I planned a little party and photoshoot before we left. Excited at the thought, I told my husband what I wanted to do. As expected, he rolled his eyes, told me I was crazy, then drove me all about town to shop for props.

My first stop, Dollarama. I immediately made a beeline for the party section. As I perused the plethora of beautiful birthday hats that man with the ever-rolling eyes whom refused to stay in the car piped up with, "you know, she’s not going to keep that stupid thing on her head.” Knowing he was right, I made a second purchase of the headband you see here.

Next stop, Dollar Tree. For better candles and the hope for a nicer hat. No hat but I scored the candles for a buck then headed to Wal-Mart in search of the perfect cupcake. Only packages of twelve mini ones there, and my driver and I agreed we did not need to eat the leftovers. Grabbed what else was needed and back to the car we went.

Open the hatch and there you have it. Miya had shredded the hat, ripped apart three of the four headbands (which now simply read APPY RTHDAY) and the candles were missing. All I could do was carry on my quest. All my husband could do was laugh!

Not to take my eye off the ball, into the grocery store I went and headed for the bakery. What the hell, they wanted $1.99 for one stinkin’ cupcake?

Again the man with the ever-rolling eyes who officially named it Let’s Laugh At Rhondi Day chimed in yet again, “there is no way she is going to do this thing in one cupcake.” 

Dang, he was right again. So this time I rolled my eyes and bought a pack of four.

There really is no handbook for what stupidity looks like. But on that day, this quest officially deserved to post my picture next to the word in the dictionary. 

Over six attempts, with three dogs, four cupcakes and one headband left I did it. Not proud of the journey but happy with the result.

Please join me in wishing the beautiful Miya a Happy Her-Day. We celebrate her today as she was the perfect gift I gave myself last year at this time.

You see, on this day last year, she was MIYA BIRTHDAY PRESENT!

...Thanks again for reading.