Showing posts with label JERK!. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JERK!. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 5, 2025


CLICK HERE: To listen to Rhondi read this post on her podcast platform

As I mentioned in my Month of Mondays post in January, my upcoming milestone birthday trip was set, and my travel buddy hubby’s was still in the planning stages. Well, he’d decided he wanted to go to the world famous Red Rocks Amphitheater, just outside Denver Colorado. (If you're not familiar with it, l suggest you look it up.)

Tickets were purchased, hotels and an AirBnb were booked, for us to enjoy a concert and a weeklong road trip through the state. Well, as Canadians know, last Saturday night, all hell broke loose. This three-word disaster is best known to the world as President Donald Trump!

By Monday morning our dollar was worth a whopping .49986 cents to the US dollar, and a conversation over lunch had my husband and I decided to sell our tickets, cancel our lodging for refund, and scrap his bucket list trip.

Top - Proof of Purchase - screenshots
Bottom - ZBB Budweiser Stage 
TAKEN: July 14th, 2023

Then, out of the blue, we discovered the Zac Brown Band was coming back to Ontario. I immediately got on the alerts list and registered to become a member of Zamily - a member of the the Zac Brown Family; to have a two day jump on the sale of the tickets.

When my husband called to remind me that tickets when on sale at 10am this morning, I immediately confirmed my intent. “I’m going for the front row, Baby!!”

Well, you can see by the photo, I was successful of snagging two front row tickets. Which makes me think it is a little bit of karma playing in our favour.

I have only ever been lucky enough to see one other amazing artist at this venue and snag the front row.

It was Sheryl Crow. 

The tickets I had to sell that we were going to see perform at Red Rocks.

Though we had to restart planning for his 'Canadian' bucket list birthday trip, I can't help but think  about the ticket thing.....

Kind of a full circle moment, wouldn’t you say?

Friday, May 15, 2020


This is US at Orillia Lake.
TAKEN: 2008

More than a decade ago, I worked for a big fat guy that was an absolute donkey. Because I don’t like to degrade without inserting context, he was also extremely militant and generally very rude.

I remember he use to constantly page me over the loud speaker. “Rhondi, can you come to my office?” Which was code for me - that he needed to be fed.

When I heard, “Rhondi, can you come to my office, please!” I knew I was going to get a good old fashion ass kicking, because something out of my control had pissed him off.  The latter happened far more than I care to share.

Why did I stay? Truth is, I loved the job. 

I loved the job, the industry, but most of all the other people on the team. I guess you could say that I absorbed his poor treatment of me right up until the specific moment when his poor treatment of me was the straw that broke this loyal camel’s back.

Which leads me to my point:

With everything that is happening surrounding COVID-19, I find myself having similar conversations with my children about how they were, and are being treated (or mistreated) since this pandemic hit.

As I’ve mentioned, my daughter has two front line jobs, one at the hospital and one at a grocery store. She isn’t sure she wants to continue with both once the province opens up. I don’t blame her. One employer values her, the other does not. 

As a mom, all I can do is listen and let her talk things through with a sense of optimism that she'll hear herself rationalize her concerns; which I hope will eventually help her understand what she truly wants to do. 

Pre-pandemic, both my boys were doing very well in the restaurant industry. One can’t work because of underlying health issues and the second took a front line job so he could continue to pay his bills. After a month, his new employer exceeded his previous wage in hopes he would stay in their employ long term.

I guess the big picture question is should they return to the status quo or should they look to transition? At this juncture, no one has a crystal ball to tell me what the future will bring, so I can’t really be of assistance, simply listen and support.

For me, I'm just keeping it real. I have firmly instilled in all three to always treat people the way you want to be treated, in hopes that energy is returned. But more importantly, they always need to stand unconditionally strong together and support one and other no matter what.

COVID-19 or not, I will circle back to the nasty boss I mentioned at the beginning of my post. 

By sharing with them what happened to me in 2008, reinforces my point to them that substandard employers that don't appreciate young talent may come and go.

.... But family is forever!

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Sunday, January 24, 2016


Relaxing with a hot cup of coffee and my tablet this morning, I clicked onto my Linkedin icon and immediately began to scroll. It’s something I do faithfully throughout the week but not so much on the weekend.  I am always glad see specific colleagues there. A couple of them in particular, share some extremely informative content, that I always look forward to reading. As it turned out, a gentleman that hired me and never properly paid his bill was soliciting blog followers. Out of nothing other than sheer curiosity, I read his post.  I had to chuckle.

You see, in the spring of 2014, he’d opened up a so called 'marketing firm' with no idea what he was doing. He spent a boatload of money on a sexy new website (with a sleek Corporate feel) to make it look like he had a clue, yet anyone that knew him personally, wondered what the hell he was thinking. When he landed his first true PR/Marketing client, he called me because he was completely lost. He ultimately failed his client.

The reason he failed his task at hand was primarily because he let the gentlemen he was working for tell him that the data was wrong and they were right. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, data doesn’t lie. The hard reality is that you need to help a client understand how they've arrived at the moment in time they’re in. Instead, from the beginning, I suspected that he felt he had to be completely like minded to them (hence my graphic) and they simply steamrolled him. After he refused to pay me the full amount agreed upon, I stopped feeding him how to manage the platform, and he was released. 

As expected, he came clean to them about who was in fact really responsible for the work that had been done. So, I wasn’t entirely surprised when my phone rang with an offer to pick up where he’d left off. My answer was a swift and confident no thank you. I knew 5 minutes into that call that you had to unconditionally believe what they believed to be the truth;  and I knew without a single shred of uncertainty, that I did not. I never spoke to any of them again.

Some months later, I got an email from that so called marketing fella I'd left behind. He invited me for lunch, so that he could apologize for what had happened in person. When I declined, he became frustrated. When he pressed me why I would no longer have anything to do with him I was honest. All those months later it was never really about my money that he’d kept. You see, over that lapse of time it was about respect. He’d lost mine.

I know we all think money is the most important thing earned but in my books, respect is the hardest item we'll ever have to earn and if taken for granted, one of the easiest items someone can lose. Make sure you always treasure it.

Whenever asked about that point in time in my career, I have a very simple & standard answer. Which is...

I tried to help Save The Bala Falls... and failed miserably!

Sunday, September 27, 2015


It's not easy being green. Especially when you're a red like me.
Well, as I promised my dogs, we landed at the cottage just in time to start dinner last night. Then, after the kitchen cleanup was complete, the four of us burned brush until well past 10pm. 

You know what they say about your eyes being bigger than your appetite? Well the same goes for me when I take on a task that requires more than my delusions that I can get things done all by myself.

As a result, I stayed in bed this morning and watched a movie. Partially because of the single digit morning temperature but mainly because I know I have to do more of what I was doing last night and my lower back and arms have little motivation to do so. If I could simply win the lottery and be able to afford flat land in Muskoka....

Anyway, as I sip my coffee and pop an Advil, I can’t help but look at the beautiful day ahead of me. The leaves haven’t really started to change and I have to wonder if this may be a year of light yellows and browns rather than the oranges and vibrant reds I really love. The truth is everything here is still very green.

If you think Kermit has it bad being green, think about the poor trees. The expectation for them to change is never ending. We clearly embrace their presence but always have an agenda that pertains to their future. They do their best to please us but never seem to hit that specific mark when it comes to our personal satisfaction. I know a couple of people that I allow to treat me like that.

My point, in a very roundabout way is that the trees don’t have a choice which colour they become or at the speed in which they change and grow, Mother Nature is driving that bus. I on the other hand, know what makes me happy and at this juncture it’s starting to look like it won't include those that play silly games.

Unless of course it’s Canasta, Yahtzee, Scrabble or a solid match of Trivial Pursuit. I love to play those silly games all day long.

Silly little head games disguised as caring for me? Not so much!

Monday, April 27, 2015


My only regret is carrying crappy "taker" baggage for far too long!
Three years ago last November, I was the girl with the balloons. 

My nest had emptied and I was embarking on a personal journey that I knew would change me to my very core. 

Suffice is to say that I made some much needed and very big life moves. Then, to compliment my new outlook, I started this silly little Blog. As stupid as this reads, yesterday proved to me that the woman of more than three years ago, has officially morphed into a space where she knew she needed to be.

How so? As I looked down at my phone yesterday, I rolled my eyes, injected applicable sound effect, and said only one word. Pffft....WHATEVER!

You see, for the last leg of my journey, I decided that 2015 was going to be dedicated to the "Death of The Taker!” You know the type, they'll only call you when they're in a jam, need something and/or are looking for an ego boost. The even bigger trait of a taker is that they are conspicuously absent whenever you’re in need of them. 

Why is it that people think they can re-enter your life without penalty for treating you poorly? Could it be that they have no clue that they truly have? 

WHATEVER… Nuf said!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Why is it lately I feel like everyone is screwing me and no one is buying me a drink first?

Seriously... Old friends, new friends (assholes, that think they’re my friend) even the odd Facebook "friend". In keeping with that theme, I have to go on the record that no one has screwed me longer and harder than Hydro One!!

I know I’ve ranted about this before but I can completely understand how some Canadian households don’t know if they should feed their family or keep them warm. Though my situation may not be as grave, it doesn't leave me any less disgruntled.

I guess my biggest complaint is what Hydro One wants... Hydro One gets. NO offering of foreplay, and most definitely, not even a finite drop of LUBE.

I can honestly tell you that after the last couple of winters, nothing will ever surprise me. The only preparation I have for getting screwed, are the actions I take before I open the bill: I tense up every muscle in my body and brace myself for what's coming!

All I’ll say is that after every one of our monthly encounters, I’m always left unsatisfied.

No big surprise there. I suspect the CEO has a teeny weeny…. BRAIN!!!

Thursday, March 19, 2015


I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t think I have experienced a smear of what the majority of  the successful people I went through High School with have. I’m not complaining. I chose to return home to care for my Mother, as well as get married and start a family at a young age. Nope, no apologies here; much more importantly no regrets.

Working at the Mike's Mart downtown the winter before I left for school.
TAKEN: March 1984
Out of a sad set of circumstances, I came face to face with one of my closest high school friends today. We had only seen each other once (at a wedding) since graduating. Suffice is to say, seeing each other after all this time was a tad surreal. 

Once he noticed me, he instantly made his way through a crowd of people to wrap his arms around me, greeting me with a very heart felt hug. Though glad he'd remembered me, I immediately felt myself in uncharted waters. You see, I simply couldn't identify with the person that was standing in front of me.

It might be because I don’t think I have really changed. Sure, I’ve evolved but I think the core of my personality is still the same. I guess I am just disappointed that I can’t say the same for the person whose locker was a “do you need a ride home” holler away.

Makes no matter. We're never going to see each other again. Which is clearly my loss, based on how he focused on chatting about his financial success. Though I'm happy for him, I really did want to stop him and point out that it doesn't take much money to have it better than a gal that loves living in a Town where everything is a five minute drive and a fifteen minute walk away. Didn't bother, I just told told 'em to 'take care' and went on my merry way.

Guess today proved to me... once and for all... that I have missed yet another boat. 

At my age, here's hoping the next one that happens along is wheelchair accessible!

Saturday, March 14, 2015


GOOB and his Momma!
The picture I am sharing today was taken Thanksgiving Sunday in 2011. Goob was home from school for the weekend and I realized (after the fact) that his being away was affecting me more than I was willing to admit. 

Though his twin sister was home every weekend, as an 'official empty nester' I could feel myself unraveling. I can only describe what I was going through as a full blown identity crisis.

So, in an effort to combat the darkness of the process that surrounded me, I started this silly little blog. That was 475 posts ago, with this offering being number 476. That said, the heart of my angst is that I haven’t written in 18 days, which is the longest stretch I have ever gone. I don't think I'm blocked but I do believe I am stuck.

You see, in the last few months, I’ve been taken advantage of, been lied to, and just plain used for an others personal gain. Lately, no matter how many times I look at my keyboard, I just can't find a stitch of humour in any of it. Frankly, it’s all just plain sad. Heartbreaking actually.

As a result, I have to ask myself; what do I do with this silly little outlet I used to use to ensure that my glass half empty didn’t win? Truth is, I’m not sure. I guess the even bigger question is…. Could this be the end of the blogging road for me?

I hope not, as it’s a hobby I enjoy. Though I do feel lately that I am lost in the forest, I realize that I'll have to dig really deep in hopes of finding my way. Here's hoping while wandering about I find and whimsically discover a great group of pine trees, that can show me my way; whilst joining me in solid kick ass rendition of 'Tie a Yellow Ribbon'.

After all, they have to be just as pissed at that old Oak tree, as I am at the gaggle of varying peeps that hoodwinked me, right?


Sunday, October 26, 2014


Let me start by saying that I have been friends with Rod Bullock since Public School. 

Actually, I asked him this morning when he started working for Mr. Burton at Centennial Coin Laundry, and together we figured out it was the Fall we were in grade nine, which was 1979. All of Mr. Burton’s customers loved him. So, no one in town was even remotely surprised when Mr. B sold the business to Rod. That was over thirty three years ago.

I don’t think I've ever shared this before but about three years ago I started doing my laundry at the laundry mat. I never really knew what the going rate for doing laundry outside the home was (and with Rod’s parking lot always full) I found myself next door at Fabricare for almost a year. Then, in the late Fall of 2012, my husband realized a couple of hours a week WAS much more efficient and agreed to help. The first thing he did was switch us over to Centennial Coin Laundry so that he could visit with Rod.

Well, when I changed jobs last year, my husband’s job also changed. Now he was the one that worked a few hours every weekend getting his guys ready for a smooth running Monday morning, so once again I assumed the laundry duties. Well, last Saturday, Rod’s was totally jammed, so I found myself next door at what-cha-ma-call-its. When I entered, I discover I was all alone; the only person doing laundry in a facility that feels twice the size of Rod’s.

The first thing I noticed was the price of the washers. The second thing I noticed, was a label on the dryers stating that I should expect to pay three plus dollars to dry an average load of laundry. I found that odd, because I normally only pay $1.25 to dry a load next door. I’ll be honest and admit that this post isn't about the money as much as it is about the way I was treated.

I’m in Sales & Marketing; I ask every single person I meet how business is multiple times a day. Doesn't matter if you’re a pizza delivery guy or an investment banker, in my opinion it’s all relative. So, as the only patron in the facility, I couldn't help but notice the level invested dollars I was surrounded by and (in the couple of hours I was there) the fact that the only revenue being generated was thanks to my dirty laundry. Curious, I asked... “is it always this slow?” 

I am a very happy Centennial Coin Laundry CUSTOMER!
Taken: October 26th, 2014
(CLICK HERE to read Stephen's DAVID v. GOLIATH Post)
Main Street Retail: David v. Goliath in a Small Town
“Depends…” was the passing reply. (Matter a fact she was just downright rude.)

“I couldn't help but notice how busy it was next door” I continued.

“Well, those people aren't use to the experience you get here” was her pretentious and very condescending reply.

It was her tone. Those people… Those people… Those people. I was gobsmacked. I couldn’t believe my ears. THOSE PEOPLE!!!

Without missing a beat I responded: “I feel the need to tell you something,” I said. “I am only here this morning because I couldn't get in next door. It was totally packed!”

She shrugged her shoulders and walked away from me. I was her only customer. I was solely responsible for the only revenue generation to pay her wages. Didn’t matter. I gave her the chance to redeem herself yet she didn't. After all, I'd disclosed that I was one of THOSE PEOPLE!

Anyway, when I was greeted by an always busy Rod this morning, I asked him what’s the best time to arrive to do my laundry;  then I told him my story, and that I was going to Blog about it. He in turn produced a post that one of his very successful cottage clients wrote about him this last Labour Day Weekend.

I wonder how Stephen will feel knowing he too is one of THOSE PEOPLE from across the alley?! Hopefully he's as proud as I am to be one. 

Keep up the GREAT work Rod! You've wholeheartedly earned & deserve my business.