Showing posts with label Friendship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Friendship. Show all posts

Thursday, August 30, 2018


It was three years ago this month that a long-time acquaintance took a total leap of faith with this cat and decided to let me carpool with her. Though we’d known the other for over twenty years, our interactions for the decade previous were completely selfish on my part; with my continually tapping into her wealth of compliance knowledge within the construction industry.

As luck would have it, our new found arrangement and getting into the groove of really knowing the other once again, was like riding a bike. That twenty minute daily commute didn’t take us long to realize we had more in common than we could possibly imagine. 

From the get go, our morning routine ranged from both of us yelling at incompetent drivers, to one convincing the other that a death wish drive-thru breakfast sandwich would never in a million years harden our arteries. For forty minutes a day, we quickly and very easily morphed into Thelma & Louise.

As an unexpected bonding bonus, last summer I was ecstatic when she invited me to join in her yoga classes at the local community centre that were geared specifically to municipal employees. Once again, she had taken me under her wing, and willingly toured me around the dance floor.

Our last practice with Ashley this summer.
TAKEN: AUGUST 30th, 2018

Well, it is with a heavy heart that I realized tonight the reality that my SweeneyMeister is retiring at the end of this year. I swear it wasn't until tonight, and the brutal realization that it was her last practice with the lady that made her fall in love with yoga, that the alarm bells went off.

Knowing the great respect she and Ashley have for each other, I felt the need to capture tonight for prosperity. Though I did take a picture of my favourite three at the end of our practice, I will admit  that I like this one the best.

It solidifies, without a doubt, that not only is my my quirky carpool sidekick very serious about yoga.... but that she also makes sure she saves my spot.

I love you my friend. I truly believe we were always meant to reconnect.


Thursday, November 23, 2017


On a very last minute whim I went to the local casino last Friday night.

For close to a year, a coworker'd been randomly inviting me to join her so I finally decided to tag along. Not to gamble,  rather to be entertained in the auditorium, the way I have always envisioned the intent; watching one of my favourite bands perform... Styx.

A crazy fun road trip to get there, we pulled in and the valet parked her very sexy SUV. Once inside the lobby, I felt a sudden gush of seasonal sensory overload. So much so, that my brain didn't know what to do. I wasn't sure if I should focus on the festive decorative tribute to Christmas in November,  or the very large volume of varying patrons buzzing about the lobby taking pictures of the tribute to Christmas in November.

My angst was immediately minimized when she proceeded to swiftly check into her complimented suite, where we enjoyed a lovely glass of red wine (or two) then matter-a-factly headed into the casino before the show.

It was quite crowded but nowhere near as loud as I’d remembered. As my french buddy 'Mauve' pulled up a specific machine and began ‘entertaining’ herself, I watched in awe. Quickly on a roll, at points she was up more than the value of a month of my wages.

Hanging low in the tall grass, I carefully sipped a glass of wine, ultimately feeling bad for watching the clock and interrupting her to let her know it was time to proceed to the show. After all, I suspect everything for her was free with their intent being she keeps her butt in a leather chair as long as possible; NOT the folding kind located in the auditorium.

We made it to the show and Styx was fantastic. When it finished we worked our way back toward the great indoors. We stopped and purchased some swag and she went to great lengths to make sure we had our picture taken to commemorate our crazy fun experience. Wandering back into the casino, I asked that she show me the premise on how she chooses a specific machine and how she determines how much to ultimately spend.

Not wanting to be a total stick in the mud, after her sharing her insight, I wandered a couple of rows away to try and hit my groove.

Ready to be completely entertained, I selected my poison carefully. I inserted my twenty dollar bill into the super slick suction pit that I swore was labelled... 'That puppy ain't never coming back.'

After what felt like an nanosecond, I cashed out my dime slot chit before I had lost my entire investment. I couldn't help but smile as I glanced at the focal aspect of my picture showing my take and announcing...

'She's a Rich Girl.'

Here's the skinny.

Though I enthusiastically donated a massive $19.64 toward my evenings entertainment, a couple of days later I realized a much more powerful thought about my out lay of cash, which is.... Your most cherished and valued wealth is  what you invest in great friends. 

Not only a great friend, this cat's a Super Hero.

Seriously... She's a Super Hero and she has a business card to prove it.

Trust me. I've seen it. Twice!

Tuesday, July 4, 2017


For the last few weekends I’ve tried, unsuccessfully, to wrap my head around reading a specific book I purchased from my favourite used bookstore before my trip to Cuba.

For varying reasons, after a dozen or more tries, I couldn't seem to make it past page eighteen. Ultimately discouraged, I abandoned my efforts last Saturday & conceded that after more than three decades, I’d finally discovered an offering from the author that I didn’t find remotely appealing.

Throwing down that official gauntlet had me rambling about my cottage bookshelves for something to sink my imagination into. Then, out of the blue, my husband reminded me of a hard cover book I was gifted by a total stranger on my April flight from New Orleans to Dallas-Fort Worth. As you can expect, there’s a story there.

Once I took my seat, a lovely lady with the window seat cheerfully greeted me. I settled in, lowering my tray to make room for my tablet and the paperback book I was in the midst of reading. Out of the blue she announced that she too enjoyed the writer, then produced her newest offering in hardcover. She went on to explain that years ago her husband joined a book club that automatically delivered him the new releases to which he'd present those as gifts to his wife.

As quick as my envy ensued, I instantly had a WTF moment when she confessed it would be nice if he made more of an effort to shop for her so she got to read something else once in a while. I know it’s easy enough to have a book automatically delivered to a specific address but I found the fact that he would gift wrap them and surprise her with them without occasion very sexy. 

Of course, when it comes to gauging romantic gestures toward me I have little, actually zero personal experience. If you'll recall, I'm the gal that has to research and plan her own birthday trips for two every year. Not only that, on my last milestone celebration, my husband had his balloon offering delivered on the wrong day; so perhaps now you can appreciate how I would find a gift wrapped book almost orgasmic!

Anyway, we continued to chat about various books when half way through the flight she pulled out a second hardcover book asking if I’d read it. When I admitted I hadn’t, she generously gave me her never read book. I was both shocked and grateful and I accepted. As we both held onto the book as it transferred ownership, I promised her that when I was finished reading it, I would pay it forward. I would give it to another in hopes that they too would pass it on to someone new.

If you're interested in receiving this special gem, let me know. After you're done with it, feel free to ask to borrow any one of my 40+ Danielle Steele books or any of my new to me used books I aquire from The Owl Pen downtown. I don't care that they won't be gift wrapped, the fact that the owner will call me and tell me new ones have arrived (giving me the first right of refusal) is still very sexy.

What? Are you surprised that practicality won out over romance?

After 30 years of conditioning, I'm honestly OK with it. Which is why I refuse to apologize for enjoying these types of books, nor care to explain why I will gladly tune into a Hallmark Channel flick over a Martin Scorsese movie in a heart beat.

It's my mirage theory: In the absence of water, I tend to eat the sand.

Thank goodness that crap contains lots of fiber!!

Tackled a new book & a Canada Day drink with my best electronic friend simultaneously.
Neither disappointed.
TAKEN: July 1st, 2017

Friday, April 7, 2017


I had a FANTASTIC flight & first day in the French Quarter of New Orleans yesterday.

Leavin' on a jet plane.
TAKEN: APRIL 6th, 2017

My buddy RED was on the YYZ tarmac with me (formally known as Rouge in Quebec)!
TAKEN: April 6th, 2016

Landed, then I locked and loaded into my seat in Houston. Next stop, New Orleans.
TAKEN: April 6th, 2017

My first glimpse at the Masion Dupuy. Excellent location and happy with my choice.
TAKEN: APRIL 6th, 2017

LOOK...  Bourbon Street is on an angle. Could this be a sign?
TAKEN: APRIL 6th, 2017

Experiencing my first street artists.
TAKEN: April 6th, 2016

Words cannot describe the amazement.
TAKEN: APRIL 6th, 2017

Fitting, wouldn't ya say?
TAKEN: APRIL 6th, 2017

By buddy Darins' favourite bar.
TAKEN: APRIL 6th, 2017

21,447 steps later, I experienced  a fantastic travel day & got a glimpse to NOLA.
TAKEN: APRIL 6th, 2017

Saturday, December 24, 2016


For a fella that lives in Grand Cayman....
My recent tan could compete!!
TAKEN: DECEMBER 23rd, 2016
In September of 2014, I parked my butt at a small coffee shop in town to meet with a very close personal friend and co-worker.

He'd recently resigned from the company that we’d both worked for and wanted to meet to share where his journey was taking him next.

From the moment he walked up to me and hugged me, it was like not a day had passed. I remember he had so much to say to me, that he wrote me a letter.

A tad surprised, I started to read. I could feel his eyes watching me as his powerful words brought me to tears.

Well, yesterday I walked into that very same coffee shop and he was sitting at the exact table we shared in 2014. Once again, we hugged.  Just like 2+ years ago, it felt like not a single day had passed. Don’t get me wrong, we’ve spoken on the phone dozens of times; but the last time we were actually in the same time zone together was that rainy afternoon in the fall of 2014.

I don’t know about you but there are very few people I have met in my lifetime that I trust with all of my heart. Glen, is one of them. I went to work for the company he was a partner in so that I could specifically work with him. From the day I started, it was evident that his experience & knowledge were challenged by none. The other tidbit that came to fruition quickly? When we teamed together, we were unstoppable!

Anyway,  my recap aside, we agreed to meet again next week before he returns to Grand Cayman.  As I walked away I waved and yelled with a matter a fact and melodious, ‘I love you…’  Then, when I got home, I immediately opened my lock box and once again read his very powerful letter that was written September 29th, 2014.

It opened with, 'I wanted to take this time and let you know several things, as I have chosen to be so quiet over the last almost year.'  The truth of the matter is that a strong friendship like ours doesn’t need daily conversation nor being together. I guess it’s because I feel that as long as our relationship lives in the heart, as true friends, we will never be part. Chatting face to face most certainly reinforced those points for both of us.

As 2016 closes and we greet 2017, there’s one thing I know for sure. The older I get the more evident it’s become that I am in need of fewer friends. For me, though an extrovert, the premise over the past year has evolved from quantity to quality. Hence, why in the next year, I intend on embracing only those that are truly sincere.

Merry Christmas Eve all. Hug those you love and be grateful for your blessings. Life is far too short to settle for anything less.

Peace Out.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Saturday, April 2, 2016


My Best Buddy n' ME in vacay
TAKEN: December 2016
It’s hard to believe that the first of next month marks the 30th anniversary since my husband and I began dating. 

I know it sounds corny but they say when you meet the person you are meant to marry you know. I couldn’t agree more, we instantly connected and we’ll be married 28 years in June.

Like any great accomplishment, staying together has taken work. I’d like to write that it’s been all rainbow, kittens and unicorns but that would be a lie unless those items fall in line with some serious hard work that in turn produced out life of happiness.

Work staying unified in raising our children, and a lot of hard work building a life that has us living in harmony. Like any couple, there have been times that we didn’t like each other, gaps where I know that he wasn’t in love with me and vice versa. At this juncture, we simply file those times in our life lessons folder that we’ve both learned and grown from. I also save all of those folders in case the Canadian government eventually offer me an income tax credit for continuing education.


“C” you tomorrow. 

Sunday, February 7, 2016


About a week ago, I receive a selfie from my buddy Darin, announcing that he was finally wearing the Muskoka Bear Wear jacket I'd bought for him when we got together last Labour Day weekend here in cottage country (READ: HAT's A FACT). Not gonna lie, I was truly giddy when he sent the pic to prove he actually got around to finally having to wear it.

You see, Darin lives 1400 miles south of me in New Orleans, Louisiana. The coldest 'winter condition' this lad ultimately endures, is when he needs to turn the heat on in the car for an nano second, to take the chill off in the morning. Brace yourself for this next tidbit snowbound  peeps... Once, or twice, a freakin' season!

I bit of Muskoka officially lands in New Orleans!
TAKEN: JANUARY 28th, 2016
Winter weather envy aside, my post isn’t even remotely about that. It's more about how two people (that live so far apart) can make the effort to remain in touch.

As I mentioned to everyone when he was here last, Darin is an Architect. A very talented one, and one I was teamed together with for a Muskoka project that began in the Spring of 2012.

As the design for that project evolved, we ended up chatting on the phone almost daily. Those calls, combined with the ability to keep in touch via social media, untimely kept us electronically connected. The even bigger deal was meeting in Muskoka at the end of last summer, which was something that we'd only ever talked about.

As you know, timing is everything. No matter who you are, or what you do for a living, you have people intersecting in and out of your life all of the time. Have you ever wondered if there's a 'super sonic all that and then some' formula, that have some stay, while others go? I do. I don't dwell on it per say, yet I've always ultimately wondered.

As a coincidental aside, the morning that Darin sent me this photo, was the day that another electronic friend @MsJennie99 tweeted.... The people you meet by accident are often ones that become an important part of your life. My reply was simple: I couldn't agree more! #TrueStory.

Next up? Rhondi travels to New Orleans and gets herself a hoodie.

Which will obviously be worn by a campfire on a cool Muskoka evening in July!

Sunday, November 8, 2015


Last week I discovered a very good friend was unexpectedly going through a very tough patch. So, after texting back and forth all week, we hatched a plan to try and make her feel better. In the end, we decided to head out to Orilla Lake; enjoy a bonfire and ultimately howl at the moon.

Well, the good news is that once we arrived and got settled in we never went back outside. The bad news is that because we drained the pump last weekend, we had to draw our Saturday night dish water out of the lake. No big, that’s how things roll out there until we stop going in at Christmas. The difference being, at Christmas we fill all our buckets in the daylight (not after dark when there’s been a light sleet that’s super slicked the stairs and ramp to the dock). Suffice is to say, imagine my surprise when bucket in one hand and cellphone flashlight in the other, I slipped off the ramp and tumbled into the lake.

Getting water this morning via Toby's Rock...NOT the dock!
Taken: November 8th, 2015
Because it was black dark out and I wasn’t sure what I’d hit nor where I’d land, I relaxed and went into the water so I could get my bearings. Problem was, because I was so heavily clothed (and my bucket was filling fast) I wasn’t floating back up. 

When I finally did head to the surface, it was with a fully stretched arm reaching for the moon that was clenching my phone. THAT's what came out of the water first. 

As a person whom when given lemons always tries to make lemonade, I have a couple of important notables I'd like to report from the events of last night:
A) Since purchasing the cottage, I’ve never swan in November before, so that was a first.
B) I’ve never gone off any dock (at that time of night) wearing a stitch of clothing ever; yet another first.
C) Using international judging rules, the American judge gave me a 9.5 for my dive.

Not a bad score I suppose. Though when I filed an appeal this morn and questioned why I wasn’t awarded the 10 I felt I deserved... The bitch told me it was because my arm was bent when my cell phone came out of the water and that my reach for the moon was lacking the proper creative emotion. 

I guess I should be thankful for the mark and be glad they didn't hear my language. That shit was full of emotion and the one thing I didn't need last night was to be disqualified for unsportsmanlike conduct. 

Peeps.... Ya Gotta Laugh About It!

Monday, October 26, 2015


Okay, so as you know, I blogged last night about my all day junk food marathon this past Saturday and the fact that I definitely paid for that sin yesterday. Well, it seems that not enough penance had been paid forward, because 'big fat hairy bitch Rhondi' boiled over the sides of that thar cauldron and seeped out of my pores yet again today.

My private backyard 'screening' yesterday.....
TAKEN: OCTOBER 25th, 2015
Relax, I wasn't unbearable or rude; simply a just a tad cheerful and extremely quiet. I was so bitchy today that even a bright spark of light (as captured through my my screen door yesterday) didn't help my disposition this eve.

The hard truth is that I knew last night what kind of a day I was going to have today based on a brief conversation I had late yesterday afternoon. That shitty conversation, combined with our blinding full moon last night's, turned me into a totally bitchy bitchin' blogger!

Trust me, I hate feeling this way more than you reading about it; but I seem to be stuck.

As a result, I am feeling so friggin' miserable, that I fear that even if you tied pork chops around my ears, the dogs wouldn't play with me. Hell. I was so short with Twos this morn that I never heard back from him and I had to send an apology email this afternoon. Yup, I had to apologize to my BEB (best email buddy) because I hadn't emailed all weekend. I had to email and explain it was because I am a HUGE bitch and I'd been chewing on a large bag of spiral nails the last 48 hours.

His email response was perfect. "No wonder you had a bad weekend," he wrote

"Those nails didn't have enough bite to satisfy you. They clearly weren't galvanized!" 

Do I have the best friends or what?!

Thursday, July 30, 2015


I haven’t mentioned it before now but I’m in the midst of transitioning. I will be taking the month of August to tie up some loose ends, steamline some systems, then September 1st I am embarking on a new career direction. I’m excited about it & very few know the specifics. Truth be known, it’s been something I have been contemplating since this time last year. It was only today, when I broke the news to my closest confidant, that I realized the reality of what’s really happening with me. 

Don’t get me wrong, I’m extremely happy with my choice. My husband and I have talked about it in detail but you know husbands; a happy wife's a happy life. In turn, they just nod their head a lot, agree with you 99.9% of the time, and hope the end result is a hug that turns into sex!

Never lose sight of the fact that we always learn
something of value from every person we meet.
Today, my lunch date was the opposite. I was able to articulate my plans and direction with my close friend asking pertinent, big picture questions. Aside from congratulating me, he instantly said what I also believe to be true. “I know you’ll be much happier!” 

There is something very comforting about our solid friendship that has grown over the years. What started out as an all business thing, has now matured into a deep respect for the each other’s lives and our families. He’s comfortable telling me what he & his wife and kids have going on, as am I with him, and we always make sure the others business interests are on track (which has always been our core). I guess you can say we’ve evolved into the others perfect sounding board. We've never spoken over each other, and we’ve always been unconditionally supportive of each other, no matter what our news may bring.
Anyway, because he had to unexpectedly grab something south of here, I decided to tag along and we drove about 30 miles south for lunch. With more than our usual hour to dine, there was an unusual amount of time to chat. I am pleased that I could quietly admit to him that I feel I have finally recovered from the summer of 2012. Though there still may be faint scars, for the emotional severity of what I went through, I have come out the other end relatively unscathed.

So there you have it. I’m moving on, I've made it though, and I am grateful. Ecstatic for an amazing career opportunity and exceptionally glad for this unconditional gift of friendship.

You see, his friendship really is a gift. A gift I am grateful I get to open every single day.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015


I don’t know about you but last night I was up until almost midnight because of the icky sticky humidity. I’m not complaining, probably because I woke up well rested and ready to start my day.

Anyway, after a quick early morning shower, I wandered downstairs and settled at my desk. It's hard to believe that at 6am (probably because my home office is slightly below grade & due to the humidex) my tootsies needed to be bundled up. No if, ands, or buts about it, I immediately knew it was a four alarm ‘fuzzy socks’ kinda morn.

TAKEN: JUNE 16th, 2015
My point?

When decluttering the house last weekend, I came across a gift that was presented to me by a very cherished friend at the cottage last Boxing Day. I had brought his gift home for safe keeping New Years Day but it seems my safe keeping spot was so safe, I didn’t discover them until last Saturday. You can’t imagine my excitement when I announced to my husband "...I found Tim’s fuzzy socks that ROCK!!”

I’m sure most women would have preferred a poinsettia or a nice bottle of wine to celebrate the season but not this cat, and certainly not from the fella that knows first and foremost how I love hand knit fuzzy wool socks. You see, he and I have known each other since I entered high school and all these years later have never really ever lost touch.

Actually, even though we live a couple of miles apart, we've become the very best electronic friends. The only time we chat on the phone is if something gets lost in translation via text and we need to debate the points validity. I find it refreshing and truly appreciate that we can communicate so openly about anything and everything. What can I say, he's definitely a keeper.

As June rolls into July I guess I just wanted to let him know how much I loved my gift: they're perfect. Yup, my fuzzy socks rock. Just like our very long standing friendship.

Thanks again Bud!

Friday, April 24, 2015


After my lunch meeting today... I once again feel I truly am.
Peeps... Here’s the skinny...!

Though I am busier than a one armed paper hanger, when a very important last minute lunch invite came my way, I simply couldn't refuse.

As a result, I am pleased to report that I let my guard down MORE today than I have in well over a year. Simply put, my dining partner made me laugh, and laugh, and laugh... So much so, that when I got home, I honestly felt like my lackluster smile of self doubt had officially been rejuvenated. I kid you not, THAT is the true brilliance of unconditionality in a friendship.

He knew exactly what I needed, which in turn erased any of my self-doubt. It got rid of all of those questionable shitty cob webs, that'll in turn help me topple any future naysayers. I had a blast. I am extremely grateful for his friendship and he's the perfect ally in any storm.

Our friendship?

Most certainly... UNCONDITIONAL.

Saturday, April 18, 2015


Staccs is moving back to Ontario next week. Not for a visit but to generally start anew. 

Though she's shed a tsunami of tears in the last couple of weeks, the one thing she can’t deny, is that her inner circle have rallied around her and unconditionally assured her that she’s doing the right thing.

Saying her PEEPS are 'all that' is an understatement. As selfish as this may read, I am glad the advice she received to regroup came from them and not me.

I love my shot of TEAM PINK. Brat Pack... Black & White.

Wearing those “bat shit crazy bitch mother, that stood in the way of true love” pair of shoes have to be the most unfashionable & uncomfortable pieces a gal will ever wear.

The ugliest outfit that goes with those f-ugly shoes? Letting your children experience life lessons when you know that you're ultimately the heavy. There is no handbook for parenting, yet today proved that I have learned to truly listen.

To my daughters PEEPS....  You are all such amazing Men. 

Never lose sight of that!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


It was another sunny day in Muskoka today but yesterday was the brightest day that I’d experienced in a very long time. I was in the middle of a conference call when a knock came to the door. When the receptionist opened it to let me know that there was someone to see me, I was elated to see my buddy Brock. He knew by my reaction and how tightly I hugged him, that I'd suffered a really long winter of not hearing what he had to say to me face to face. 

Folks... Meet my buddy Brock Napier!
Photo (c) Muskoka News Watch ~ All Rights Reserved
I don’t expect 99.999% of you to know who the heck I am talking about (let alone recognize him) but rest assured when I boast that he has steadfastly been philanthropic within our small community and within the District of Muskoka. 

He’s donated millions of dollars and personally raised millions more in an effort to keep our current infrastructure solid and self-sustaining. It’s not only the hospitals and local charities that have received support; he and his wife donated the land, as well as spearheaded the fundraising to build our state of the art OSPCA. They truly are... amazing people.

Friends with the both of them since 2010, it was my love for my dogs that had us stay in touch after they’d renovated their cottage. Brock would bring his four pups by to see me at work when he was in town, which would ultimately always lead to a parking lot chat about the state of our economy.

Yesterday, once we finished saying hello, I immediately invited him in. I pulled him up a chair so he could openly share in our Team call. When we headed outside so I could say hello to Wendel and the girls, he took it upon himself to say he was impressed at what's been built in a very short period of time. “You certainly have a lot going on,” he commented. “I am happy for you...” he said. I humbly thanked him.

I feel truly blessed that he is my friend. His respect means a lot to me.

I do know one thing for sure,  I’ll never too busy for Brock. My only complaint may be that though he has a brilliant Business mind, he has a great big fat hairy thorn in his butt for the evolution of technology. I kid you not, he doesn't own a computer, which challenges my most comfortable method of communication. Wondering how I'll share this post with him? I'll print it off and I will FAX him.

Seriously... Who sends a fax anymore? I do.... Exclusively, to my buddy Brock!

Friday, December 5, 2014


Day before yesterday, one of my closest friends and I had our very first fight. When it was happening, I was in shock and hoped it was just a silly misunderstanding. The unfortunate part, is that prior to that realization, the super shitty train wreck had already left the station. I guess if there’s a silver lining to our scenario, it would have to be that we know each other well enough that when I called a time out, we both respectfully took it.

Forty eight hours later, what was disagreed upon truly isn't the big deal. The bigger deal is that in the almost fifteen years that we’ve been friends, there hasn't been so much as a harsh word between us; simply a boat load of laughter, interwoven with heartfelt love and unconditional support.

At the end of the day, I suppose the reality is that any/all long term friendships are like a marriage. There are certain elements of give and take and they're a hell of a lot of hard work. I imagine that is why some don’t sustain. It’s easier to give up than to persevere. I am the first to admit that easier relationships always present themselves, so the ones that require investment, generally hit the sidelines. Not every time... but I’m sure you’ll agree, more often than not.

My point (because I honestly do have one) is that you should never focus on the work, only the reward. 

As bizarre as it may sound, after my Quirky Sidekick and I took our time out, I immediately thought of my son and his Quirky Sidekick, that is a girl but not his girlfriend.

She's been apart of our family for-ever (and endured the crap that comes along with that specific badge, with amazing grace and honour). Those two have been through so much together, for them to wake up and not to be friends, almost seems wrong. 

They, just like me, have learned that people will come and go. If you're willing to dig in your heels and invest in someone, it can last a lifetime. (After seeing them together on the day I left on vacation... I may need to call Squid for some advice on my current quirky conundrum!)

Well, seeing as I am being honest, I suppose I should come clean with the fact that I am almost embarrassed to admit that I have little experience in calling a time out. Outside of my marriage, I've always let the train steamroll ahead and dealt with it after that fact. 

I guess I didn't hesitate this time, because I absolutely know we're BOTH worth it!

I love you Quirky... My husband knows you love me too.

Let's really try to never fight again xo

Monday, November 24, 2014


The funniest thing about typing that post title was that I didn’t. I literally cut and paste it from a Google English/Spanish translator site. (It means the perfect vacation for those of you as challenged as yours truly ...)

A good book, a cold drink, lots of sun... and a great photographer!
Taken: NOVEMBER 21st, 2014
Not gonna lie, after a week away, the only word I can express confidently in Spanish, is Ola. Yup, pleased to report that I nodded a lot: and said Ola a lot. 

I did sign up for a Spanish class (by the pool). Upon its completion, I immediately swam up to my man at the bar announcing that I was NOT going back to school the following day.

"Who knew they really wanted to teach me to speak Spanish" I said - like I'd been exposed to the Ebola virus. He'd had much more fun with his pool side event participation. Mine actually had a test. Hard to gravitate to a Prof that doesn't speak Ingles (in 90 degree weather) when I could be floating in the pool, drinking a Cuba Libra!

Smiles aside, I've been blessed to have experienced this beautiful country we live in from coast to coast, not to mention my fair share of States belonging to our neighbours to the South of us. I have also been fortunate enough to get to travel in the Caribbean; yet prior to this past week, I’d never experienced this type of serious language barrier. (I was shocked to meet only a dozen English speaking peeps.)

We stayed in an Adults Only Resort, so I found it interesting to watch how other couples communicated with each other without the distraction of the English language filling in the blanks for me. At the end of the day, everyone was truly there to reconnect, with their only distraction being the partner that they were there with. Hence my photo.

My husband isn't a book worm like me. I knew the library was closed once he sat up and said "Whooowkaaay...". It was code that I was to stop reading and that we were to head to his favourite bar on the beach. Just our luck,  our British friends from our sister resort were waiting for us for Tiffing Time.

Ya gotta love it. They'd be having a blast with Dire Straits cranked and blaring. Johnathon would be right lit, telling everyone how much he loved Canada. For the record, Sultans of Swing has always been (and always will be) one of my very favourite songs!!

Really, really, grand times.... All of which, ultimately weave, into the perfect vacation.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


When we purchased our first home in December of 1988 we were ecstatic. It was three houses up from my Dad on the opposite side of very street I grew up on. We knew nothing about home ownership and had no idea that the math of the investment would have Kraft Dinner and tomato soup be our most cost effective grocery staples (both of which my husband refuses to eat to this day) for a very long time .

Times were definitely tough. To increase that hardship, I unexpectedly got pregnant. I remember the day the rabbit died. I also remember telling our next door neighbours before telling my husband. That very moment came flooding back to me a couple of weeks ago, as I stood in the exact spot in their backyard.

It was actually Poppa Peter's Birthday... But he let Jukebox believe the Party was really for him!
Taken: August: 1992

Nana Anne, Poppa Peter & Auntie Andrea have been in my children’s lives since the moment they were born. They've unconditionally loved all of us and us them. Poppa Peter passed from complications to diabetes seven years ago this month and Nana Anne unexpectedly left us this past summer. That unexpected (very heartbreaking) event has Auntie Andrea & I as close as ever.

A couple of weeks ago, Andrea and I got chatting on a Friday night and she told me a story. After her father's funeral, her sister needed to have had a chat with him and asked him to send her a sign. “Don’t send me pennies from heaven Dad” she asked a loud, “...I wanna see at least dimes!”

From that moment on, dimes began to appear in the strangest places. Since his death, the most poignant spot had to be the morning Nana Anne passed. The pets were on the bed with her, and there was a dime on the floor beside her. 

Do you want to know what's even more amazing? Because 911 was called, the Police arrived before Andrea. She continued to tell me that she'd never sat in Poppa Peter’s chair since he’d passed. Well, unbeknownst to the Police, they cleared the chair off in preparation of her arrival. When she went into shock, that is where she was placed.... Into her father's chair

When I was over to the house that following Saturday & Sunday after our chat... Jacquie, Andrea, and I, lovingly reminisced about them both. As we worked (moving, sorting and loading a trailer for landfill) we talked of the dimes that were being sent from heaven.

When the guys picked up Poppa Peter's chair (the very chair the Police sat Andrea in) there was a dime sitting underneath in full view. What a moment. You know what the dime beside the bed and under the chair signify to me?

Nana Anne wasn't meant to take her journey to heaven alone. I'd like to believe that he came to greet her. Once she passed, he wanted to reassure Andrea that he was there for her too.

I don't know about you... but I'll never look at a dime the same way again.

Rest in Peace Anne and Peter. We will always love and miss you both very much. 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


What a day. What can I say? I didn’t sleep last night anticipating my lunch meeting with the former coworker I mentioned a couple of days ago. It truly was a luncheon date that was ten months late, but I'm a firm believer that good things come to those who wait. Today did not disappoint.

Restless that I would be emotional, mid morning, I called in my Crew (a core group of guys that I keep in touch with that have also moved on from our former employer).  I asked them to meet me to say goodbye. I called them in for a couple of reasons; I knew my friend would be delighted to see them but more importantly I wanted today to be a happy goodbye. I did NOT want to cry. Tall order for this cat from the get go.

It’s hard to describe the amazing energy we created when all of us were back together: in one word, powerful. It was heartwarming to see the excitement for our friend as he shared his plans for the next leg of his journey.


After the Crew left, he and I talked about why we never reached out to one and other before now. Surprisingly enough, the reasons were eerily similar. 

Because he knows I can look him in the eye and verbalize what he means to me, to reciprocate, he wrote me a letter.

It was perfect. Big surprise, I CRIED!

His words were very kind & impeccably written. I'm truly flattered.

I've said this before and I’ll say it again. There’s no sure recipe for starting over. You simply make up your mind. You dig in your heels. And you DO it!

To the Crew today I verbalized that I don't have a single regret moving on and starting over. The biggest thing that warms my heart? Neither do any of my FANTASTIC FOUR! I guess the good news is we're going to be golfing together. Matter a fact, it will be in the off season and in Grand Caymen.

Because THIS story is sooooo not over yet!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


My cottage neighbour and I rocking her SeaDoo Sunday afternoon
Taken: SEPTEMBER 28th, 2014

Allow me to introduce you to the back of the head of my friend Shelly. Not only is she a boatload of fun, she's a great neighbour. You know what people say, you should always consider yourself blessed if you have great neighbours. At our cottage, on our specific stretch of the shore, we have only three. Which brings me to that other famous saying ... Two out of three ain’t bad! HA!

Anyway, when I pulled back in the cottage drive mid afternoon last Saturday, I neglected to look down her lane to see if her truck was there. Instead, I messaged her when I settled on the dock with the radio blaring and I was sunbathing alone.

"You're missin' some beauty weather girlfriend... GREAT day" I typed.

"No I'm not country girl. We've been hanging out on the dock all day. It's GORGEOUS" she replied. As soon as I read her BBM message, it was instantly ON. Suffice is to say, we both enjoyed the rest of our weekend.

As Shelly headed back to the City Monday morning, I also headed back into Town. With Monday being another amazing weather day, we couldn't help but touch base. Just like myself, she gets restless when it comes time to leave. It's not because what we have is extravagant, matter a fact it's the polar opposite. For similar reasons, our small piece of waterfront property, offers both of us a sense of sanity and emotional security.

She's back for two week in October but I don't own a wet suit so I suspect that last Sunday was my last ride for the 2014 season. Even worse, I know we won't be able to stand in the water and chat for hours on end. Makes no matter, I only have four words for Shelly.