Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Sitting in a local coffee shop at lunch today, enjoying a bowl of homemade soup, I realized that I was parked in the exact chair I was three months ago, whilst enjoying a pipping hot cup of coffee. The only difference was that today I was alone and not across from the certain someone that had kept me company on that cold winter day. As a result, I immediately felt the need to email them and tell them that I missed seeing their face. Before I could respond, my phone rang. I was elated to discover it was my very good buddy Glenner. He was calling from Grand Caymen Island. 

I suppose because we worked so closely for so long we immediately felt the need to make sure the other was on solid footing and moving forward in a positive and productive manner. Though pleased to report that both those things instantly got great big red check marks; a couple of red ticks didn't change the fact that I truly miss him. 

Between the two of us...We really do have the silliness figured out!
I've missed the intelligent Business conversations we use to have at his desk and I've missed the laughs we used to share (which were usually produced at my own expense). His contagious laughter fueled my need for humour, which always got us through the crap.

Yup, without a word of a lie, day in and day out, I was the gal responsible for cleaning up the multitude of unending shit at the circus. Yes-sir-ree, my wheelbarrow was endlessly filled by the white elephant I followed after every single day: the inheriting son!

Sharing aside, there truly is something cathartic about hearing a certain persons voice that immediately puts you at ease. Truth?

It felt like he was sitting across the table from me, rather than sitting at a Boardroom table, on a land line, in the sunny Caribbean.

He's a very good man... and I am a very fortunate that he is my friend.

Sunday, March 22, 2015


After a good jump on spring cleaning this morning, I decided to take the pups and trek into the cottage this afternoon. We’ve had such a long and shitty winter that I’d gotten in the habit of heading over to the golf course with them, rather than packing them into the car for their favourite jaunt. Truth of the matter is, I've only walked in to check on my favourite place once since ringing in the New Year there almost three months ago.

A couple of things have me hopeful that it’s going to be an early cottage season. Firstly, because they weren't needed, I left my snowshoes in the trunk of the car. Secondly, after walking in, when I got to the top of the stairs, I immediately noticed was the red steel roof was shining bright; cleared of its winter blanket. That vision right there is something I look forward to each and every spring. Simply makes me all warm 'n fuzzy inside.

I spy with my little eye... A GREAT 2015 Cottage season!
TAKEN: March 22nd, 2015

Standing on the deck outside the upstairs bedroom I couldn't help but admire how much has melted, as a result, my imagination ran away with me. I could envision the pups jumping in off the dock. I could hear the May showers hitting the steel roof and I could see me curled up in bed with my newest book. I could smell bacon cooking in the cast iron fry pan (on the BBQ) on the deck below and could feel my thumbs texting my kids, reminding them exactly what they were missing.

I don’t know what it is about the place but as silly as it sounds it's a part of who I've evolved into. I know they say that you should never get attached to Real Estate, so I suppose my only response to that would be… 

WHEN the hell have I ever made some else's opinion my own?! ? 


Thursday, March 19, 2015


I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t think I have experienced a smear of what the majority of  the successful people I went through High School with have. I’m not complaining. I chose to return home to care for my Mother, as well as get married and start a family at a young age. Nope, no apologies here; much more importantly no regrets.

Working at the Mike's Mart downtown the winter before I left for school.
TAKEN: March 1984
Out of a sad set of circumstances, I came face to face with one of my closest high school friends today. We had only seen each other once (at a wedding) since graduating. Suffice is to say, seeing each other after all this time was a tad surreal. 

Once he noticed me, he instantly made his way through a crowd of people to wrap his arms around me, greeting me with a very heart felt hug. Though glad he'd remembered me, I immediately felt myself in uncharted waters. You see, I simply couldn't identify with the person that was standing in front of me.

It might be because I don’t think I have really changed. Sure, I’ve evolved but I think the core of my personality is still the same. I guess I am just disappointed that I can’t say the same for the person whose locker was a “do you need a ride home” holler away.

Makes no matter. We're never going to see each other again. Which is clearly my loss, based on how he focused on chatting about his financial success. Though I'm happy for him, I really did want to stop him and point out that it doesn't take much money to have it better than a gal that loves living in a Town where everything is a five minute drive and a fifteen minute walk away. Didn't bother, I just told told 'em to 'take care' and went on my merry way.

Guess today proved to me... once and for all... that I have missed yet another boat. 

At my age, here's hoping the next one that happens along is wheelchair accessible!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


It was another sunny day in Muskoka today but yesterday was the brightest day that I’d experienced in a very long time. I was in the middle of a conference call when a knock came to the door. When the receptionist opened it to let me know that there was someone to see me, I was elated to see my buddy Brock. He knew by my reaction and how tightly I hugged him, that I'd suffered a really long winter of not hearing what he had to say to me face to face. 

Folks... Meet my buddy Brock Napier!
Photo (c) Muskoka News Watch ~ All Rights Reserved
I don’t expect 99.999% of you to know who the heck I am talking about (let alone recognize him) but rest assured when I boast that he has steadfastly been philanthropic within our small community and within the District of Muskoka. 

He’s donated millions of dollars and personally raised millions more in an effort to keep our current infrastructure solid and self-sustaining. It’s not only the hospitals and local charities that have received support; he and his wife donated the land, as well as spearheaded the fundraising to build our state of the art OSPCA. They truly are... amazing people.

Friends with the both of them since 2010, it was my love for my dogs that had us stay in touch after they’d renovated their cottage. Brock would bring his four pups by to see me at work when he was in town, which would ultimately always lead to a parking lot chat about the state of our economy.

Yesterday, once we finished saying hello, I immediately invited him in. I pulled him up a chair so he could openly share in our Team call. When we headed outside so I could say hello to Wendel and the girls, he took it upon himself to say he was impressed at what's been built in a very short period of time. “You certainly have a lot going on,” he commented. “I am happy for you...” he said. I humbly thanked him.

I feel truly blessed that he is my friend. His respect means a lot to me.

I do know one thing for sure,  I’ll never too busy for Brock. My only complaint may be that though he has a brilliant Business mind, he has a great big fat hairy thorn in his butt for the evolution of technology. I kid you not, he doesn't own a computer, which challenges my most comfortable method of communication. Wondering how I'll share this post with him? I'll print it off and I will FAX him.

Seriously... Who sends a fax anymore? I do.... Exclusively, to my buddy Brock!

Saturday, March 14, 2015


GOOB and his Momma!
The picture I am sharing today was taken Thanksgiving Sunday in 2011. Goob was home from school for the weekend and I realized (after the fact) that his being away was affecting me more than I was willing to admit. 

Though his twin sister was home every weekend, as an 'official empty nester' I could feel myself unraveling. I can only describe what I was going through as a full blown identity crisis.

So, in an effort to combat the darkness of the process that surrounded me, I started this silly little blog. That was 475 posts ago, with this offering being number 476. That said, the heart of my angst is that I haven’t written in 18 days, which is the longest stretch I have ever gone. I don't think I'm blocked but I do believe I am stuck.

You see, in the last few months, I’ve been taken advantage of, been lied to, and just plain used for an others personal gain. Lately, no matter how many times I look at my keyboard, I just can't find a stitch of humour in any of it. Frankly, it’s all just plain sad. Heartbreaking actually.

As a result, I have to ask myself; what do I do with this silly little outlet I used to use to ensure that my glass half empty didn’t win? Truth is, I’m not sure. I guess the even bigger question is…. Could this be the end of the blogging road for me?

I hope not, as it’s a hobby I enjoy. Though I do feel lately that I am lost in the forest, I realize that I'll have to dig really deep in hopes of finding my way. Here's hoping while wandering about I find and whimsically discover a great group of pine trees, that can show me my way; whilst joining me in solid kick ass rendition of 'Tie a Yellow Ribbon'.

After all, they have to be just as pissed at that old Oak tree, as I am at the gaggle of varying peeps that hoodwinked me, right?


Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Right after returning from my holiday and just before Christmas, I made a couple of pretty significant adjustments. Knowing it was going to be a long winter, I made the effort to reflect on what was working for me and what was not. You see, I had finally decided to purge the biggest bullshit items from my life; realigning my positive energy and kicking the negative garbage to the curb. 

The process that followed wasn't unlike cleaning out your garage. Hard decisions had to be made with regards to what was going to be entitled to stay and what definitely had to go. Envision yourself standing among a bunch of generally cherished clutter, having to make hard choices. Do you select your favourite rubber boots that now have holes in the soles or your favourite tennis rackets (which no longer has strings, not to mention you no longer play the sport). That said, once I had resigned myself to my choices I felt relief. That was more than two months ago.

Well, low and behold, night before last, I get a text message from the oldest and most comfortable pair of rubber boots that I'd kicked to the curb. Suffice is to say, all of those hurt feelings came rushing back, only to have the ones telling me that I had made the right decision take charge. Suffice is to say, I don't believe our paths will cross ever again. Sad but true, I have no desire to feed that expired parking meter; and Lord knows they'll never make the effort.

Quirky sent me a tobogganing video...
Holy Snow in NASHVILLE Batman!
Just like those once new pair of boots, over the years, I have been fortunate enough to meet people across the country and into the US. They easily found a window into my life but change in circumstance usually represented a change to our 'frenergy'.

Then, there's my Quirky Sidekick. He and I have created something (that I believe) few could ever replicate. What is the key? We feel the other is worth the effort. 

Let's face it, maintaining a true friendship as your life evolves and you change as a person is really hard work. I've tried to hold together certain friendships but it seems it's only the quirkest one of all that has truly made it.

I suppose it is because it's natural, truly unforced and most certainly... unconditional.

It's as simple as that!

Sunday, February 22, 2015


Like I do every Sunday, I loaded up the car and went and spent my standard hour and a half with my buddy Rod. As he handed me the bottle of water I’d asked for, I noticed an old newspaper article faded in its frame. Though I struggled to read the fine print, I could see the headline. It read... “The Hardest Working Man in Bracebridge.”

My personal motto? Work hard & PLAY harder
TAKEN: FEBRUARY 22nd, 2015
When I read it aloud and then commented that I’d never noticed it before, he very casually said “that was written when I was nineteen”. To give that some perspective, we are the very same age... 29!

As we chatted about our busy week, I couldn't help but think of the sign I had at home that Goob had given me this past Christmas (that's it on the right, keeping my snowshoes warm).

It's conversations like the one I had today, that remind how differently we've raised our children in comparison to how we were raised.

I will admit that I know I work too much. Yet, I will also admit that I don't know how to live any other way. I'm not entirely sure how it's been construed that I work so much that I don't have a life, because that's simply not true. I have a life. Exactly the life I want. One with a solid balance. One that is fulfilling and always evolving. One that is constantly ushering out the old and welcoming in the new. One that proves I'll never stop pushing and I'll never stop learning.

Afterall, life is all about finding a proper balance... right?

Okay, so who wants have lunch & play hooky with me next Friday? You're frickin' ON!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

♫♪♫ DOCTOR, MY EYES... ♪♫♪

Today was a very enjoyable hump day for me. Pleased to report that I toddled in and brainstormed with Pete, then SJ landed and took it to the next level. I semi-worked a lot and sang aloud a little. Guess I am just simply elated that today has rated as something other than a deeply frozen February day!

Aside from my good humour, when I was hunkered down first thing this morning, it produced an official “AH-HA” moment for me. Today it became undeniably apparent that I have to get prescription spectacles. I don’t want to, yet I know it’s time. Being unable to read my laptop screen this morning made me realize that my hours in front of the computer have taken a toll and it's time to pay the piper!

(...to listen to one of my very favorite Jackson Browne songs)
TAKEN: FEBRUARY 18th, 2015
Vanity aside, I have a 27” computer screen at home and it probably sits closer to my face than it should. Glass half full? I never have to use my Dollar Store magnifying glasses (pictured left) when I am working in front of it.

That said, today when I was trying to work from my laptop, it was like trying to read the fine print on a small tube of hemorrhoid cream. The inability, simply offered zero relief to the pain in my ass!

Anyway, I think I'm so conditioned to pushing myself through challenges that I never stop & wonder how much easier it might be with a little help. Why so? Who the hell knows... All I know is that I am squinting like at bandit trying to finish this post (and if it weren't for my happy light and my eyelashes creating shadows, I wouldn't be able to read what I am typing).

After such a great day, all I can say is here's hoping that I don't have to wear the bottom of a couple of pop bottles, welded to a set of heavy duty wire rim fence frames.

Pfft.... Whatever. At least I have half a chance in making those suckers seem fashionable!

Saturday, February 14, 2015


I got up this morn and was at my desk by six.  For the second night in a row, I didn’t sleep very well, so I just got up and at 'em. About an hour in, I checked my email to be greeted by a friendly hello and a “Happy Valentines Day”. Though I instantly greeted them back, I didn’t have the energy to explain why the annual Hallmark frenzy's something I have never really acknowledged.

Around nine, doing my very best bad hair/fuzzy slipper shuffle, I wandered into the kitchen and announced to my husband that I felt the need to Blog about my Mom today; then added, “I guess I should wish you a Happy Valentines Day”. My husband simply hugged me, kissed me on the forehead and no other words were spoken. For us, today has never been anything other than an  In Memory of My Mama Day.

I was four years old when this photo was taken.
Photo is  © yagottalaughaboutit.com
It’s hard to believe that it’s been twenty eight years today since my Mother passed. As I was daydreaming over my coffee before dawn, I remember it was shortly after midnight when my Dad woke and discovered she was gone.

After all of her suffering, my immediate thought (all those years ago) was that it was meant to be.

You see, she was just that stubborn.

If she knew she didn't want to take her journey on Friday the 13th, she'd of dug into her depths and simply refused to let go. That was my Mama. Always in control, never doing anything she didn’t want to!

At my ripe old age of 29, I have come to realize that we are all just a genetic discombobulation of both of our parents. Good traits, bad habits, even mannerisms all relate back to how we are hard wired. That said, not a day goes by that I don't thank my Mother for giving me her Business sense and her gam's. She had the most amazing mind, that was complimented nicely with a great pair of legs and beautiful smile.

Thanks Mom. Today I remember you.... I love and miss you very much.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Knowing I had a big day today, I was in bed early last night and was up before dawn this morning. After a two and a half hour conference call, by mid afternoon I’d had about enough multi-tasking one could handle and decided to throw on a coat and head outside with the dogs.

You know what they say... Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
TAKEN: FEBRUARY 10th, 2015

This aft the UV rays were so intense and temperature so mild, it felt like the only thing missing was my Fairy Godmother walking down the drive offering me three wishes. It felt wonderful!

As I walked around the dog trails, throwing sticks and basking in the sun, I found myself at the bottom of the snow covered steps to the fire pit (admiring our rickety old trellis). In awe, I just stood there.

My old friend was surrounded by a perfect blanket of snow, with a crisp pristine blue sky to offer the perfect backdrop; absolutely beautiful, solid and stoic. To a girl that hadn't been out of the house since last Saturday afternoon, it offered a very welcome visual euphoria.

Alone in the moment I couldn't help daydreaming, about my trellis and the simple thought that if I headed up that hill... Caught my snowshoe and twisted both my ankles and called 911... A really hot fireman would come role play my fantasy. (Knowing that ain't ever gonna ever happen, I went back into the house and got back to work.)

I AM pleased to report that my husband called minutes later to surprised me with the fact that he'd stopped and bought me four new pair of my very favourite fuzzy socks. That right there had me shave my legs, put on my best bonnet, and wait for him to get home to me with bells on.

What can I say? The only person responsible for making your day memorable is YOU!

Friday, February 6, 2015


♫♪♫ Happy Birthday Dear Jukebox... Happy Birthday To Youuuu ♫♪♫
TAKEN: DECEMBER 25th, 2014
Well, my baby is celebrating the anniversary of his birth today!

As I look forward to cookin’ him a kickass dinner and sharing a glass of wine with him, I can’t help but reminisce about the day he was born. All these years later, that welcome day still remains one of the happiest of my life.

Funny Story: The night before he was born, my husband had a basketball game. I never missed attending because I use to time and score all of his games. At the Half, on that fateful February 5th, I felt myself going into labour. Scared, I remember approaching my husband with my news, only to have him say “OK… But you’re gonna be able to finish scoring the game right?” I can still see the look on his face. It wasn't that he was going to be a Dad, it’s that they were winning and he desperately wanted the stat!

Well, suffice is to say, that I held on and finished the game. We arrived at the hospital shortly after midnight; but my future personal Jukebox wasn't nearly ready to greet the world. He didn’t arrive until the following day at 4:29pm. He was perfect. My husband immediately named him in the operating room and we began our life long journey as a family.

Which brings us to today. I know what you're thinking. He's awfully tall for a toddler, right?. Well, first of all, he gets his height from his father and secondly... his mother will never be any older than twenty nine, so deal with it!

Joking aside, join me is wishing this amazingly talented man a very Happy Birthday. 

For the first time in 365 days I'll be the one singing to him tonight...Instead of vice-versa!

Thursday, February 5, 2015


In the early part of 2006, I was hired by a gentleman (that was branching out on his own) to do a Business Plan. Even now, the one thing I remember most, was the constant need of reinforcement. Each meeting, I would carefully remind him... 'clients don't want to know what you know, until they know that you care'. Suffice is to say, he went an entire year without ever being hired.

The complete and total opposite applies to the two gents I met with this week. I've blogged of them here before, as we all use to work for my former employer. As the then Sale Manager, I remember verbalizing to them both, that I would gladly add either to the Team in a heartbeat. They, unlike my 2006 bloke, have "IT"!

Since my leaving in 2013, they've partnered and gone into Business together. I am not exageratting when I say that they personify the perfect partnership. One is a micro thinker and the other has a more macro approach. Their work ethic is unstoppable and they are life-long friends. The added bonus is that they are fortunate that the necessary elements of communication and trust are naturally predominant. About a week ago, they called me and asked for a meeting.

I knew instantly they understood the difference between being in the Business and being the person that looks at their Business. I was impressed that when the hard questions were asked, they were answered very honestly. I'm excited for them as they have all the pieces to a really great puzzle. Like I said, 'these guys have IT'. There’s no pretension, no ego, no excuses; just some very solid and extremely respectable goals. 

That's Glenner on the end with his head down....
He's simply checking his phone to make sure his SALES are up!

As I sat across the table from them I realized that they represent the next generation of Business in Muskoka. That said, I would be lying if I didn’t admit that I left our meeting a tad disappointed. I wished our buddy Glenner would have been sitting at the table and a part of this amazing dialogue. I know he's killing it in the Caribbean but I still miss him, not to mention my ability to brainstorm with him, when need be.

DIRR-PURR-DIRR Peeps.... DIR-PURR-DIRR. Which is code for absolutely nothing. I guess I will just always remember those words fondly. You see, it's how we use to greet each other.

Every... Single... Day.

Monday, February 2, 2015


I remember one holiday season, when I was probably about twelve, the childless couple across the street gifted each other a new refrigerator for Christmas. I also remember it being one of the most memorable Christmas holidays for the kids that lived on our street. You see, when Barb put the box at the end of their driveway on garbage day, I knocked on the door and asked if we could have it. Once opened and flattened, it was the best kickass toboggan (that easily seated twelve) EVER!

My point has nothing to do with the silly dialogue happening around the Province about the banning of tobogganing, rather it’s more about the one Christmas vacation when all the kids on our street played more with the box at the end of the drive instead of the toys gifted. Coincidentally, expected behaviour vs. reality at hand is something I am currently going though on the canine front.

Annie arrived to us in a very unconventional and unexpected sense. Because this wasn't going to be my first dog rodeo, she settled nicely into everything she may possibly need. Early on, she began to show symptoms of a mild case of OCD. At any given moment I would find a half dozen shoes at my feet. She wouldn't chew them, just carry them around and eventually deliver them. Then, she became obsessed with the toilet brush in the downstairs bathroom, that just happens to be adjacent to my home office.

Annie's a cute as a button. (With a splash of OCD for entertainment purposes!)
TAKEN: JANUARY 29th, 2015
Over and over again she’d bring it to me, I’d return it. She’d bring it, I’d take it and return it to it's proper place. 

Finally, after two days of being a tad exasperated, I went the The Dollar Store and fetched her a brush she could call her own. Six weeks later, for hours at a time, she carries that thing around like it’s her pride a joy. Just like my cardboard 'frigerator box all those years ago, she’s found an unexpected, albeit simple source of entertainment. 

Those that know me. know that I really do have a bit of a potty mouth. Good news is that I no longer need to carry around a brush and a bar of soap to keep things clean! 

Effective immediately... That's officially Annie's job!!

Saturday, January 31, 2015


Like most kids growing up, I went to a boatload of Birthday parties. The downside to my point was that my Mom didn’t necessarily believe in the whole Birthday Party scene. Because her claim to fame was that she could consistently make a dollar from a dime, I suspect it had something to do with the overall expense that had to be incurred. 

Actually, that's not entirely true. I do have several photos from my very fan-tab-u- lous seventh Birthday party she threw for me. I think every single girl in my class attended. I should clarify that it's not like she had some big plan to throw me that party, it was simply the first birthday that arrived after we’d moved to Town and I enthusiastically announced (at school) that I was having a party. It was the last one I ever had.

So, in an effort to experience something I never did, I've always over compensated when it came to my kids birthdays. Well, after much discussion and contemplation, I broke my piggy bank and gave myself a gift. I officially booked my 29th Birthday trip yesterday!

Unpacking my very colourful 'Blogging Suits' in La Romana...
TAKEN: NOVEMBER 16th, 2014
Happy we’re leaving on a jet plane & headed to the sunshine; while making dinner last night, the hard reality set in.

For the second time in as many years, I'll be away on vacation while participating the in annual A to Z Blogging Challenge.

The last time I had to juggle both events, I was on a road trip down the coast, so I could Blog at night after I took a hotel. This time will be very different. To throw a fly in the ointment, right in the middle of the trip it's my Birthday.

Because I absolutely and unequivocally hate surprises, I just did the math, and my Birthday day letter will be the letter "I". In 2013, I chose to my mothers name (INEZ) and in 2014, I chose the word IDEA. I am honest when I say that I don't try to pre-plan my posts but there's really only one word that immediately pops to mind for my 2015.

I'll be in the Caribbean, in a bikini, basking is the sun, swimming up to the bar and celebrating my 29th Birthday. What would be a more celebratory Birthday word for me to choose... than the word INEBRIATED?

You're absolutely right. INTOXICATED  may be an extremely viable word option as well!

Monday, January 26, 2015


Does anyone truly know you? How’s that for a loaded question on this brisk winter day?!

I believe we only allow people to know the parts of our personality that suit/compliment that specific friendship (Business or otherwise) and its synergy. To totally oversimplify, I often choose the easiest route to get to know someone. Then, over time, I decide if they are a long term fit to remain in my personal life. I don’t know about you but for obvious reasons, I treat a true friend, an everyday friend, an electronic friend and an acquaintance very differently. 

So, having said that, other than my husband and children, I have a very small handful of people that truly know me. You know the type? Those that can ask and/or say anything to me and I will be completely honest and myself in my reply. Those I can share my fears, my excitement, my passions and my dreams with. I can do that, because over time, they have earned my trust. When tested, they were loyal. When challenged, they were honest. 

No hair, no makeup, no problem... He loves me no matter what!
TAKEN: DECEMBER 27th, 2014
So, back to my question. Who truly knows you?

Though a few come in a close second, my husband really does know me best. We’ve always got a lot on the go, yet still find the time to unconditionally be there for one and other. 

It's not like we discuss every little thing, we can just simply sense when one needs the other and we step up to the plate!

For instance, we were walking into the grocery store this weekend and my mind had been elsewhere for a couple of days. I was very quiet and my brow was heavy. I could feel that my shoulders were curving inward and my thought process 100% negative. Less than a dozen steps in, and without hesitation, he grabbed my hand. We simply looked at each other, smiled and continued walking. It felt amazing not to have to talk about it.

I'd like to think he grabbed my hand because he wanted to... but I'd been a pretty big bitch, so it could have been self-preservation on his part. At the end of the day (Cole's Note version) I suspect he didn't want to have to sleep with one eye open for fear I'd kill him in the night, so he gambled and went for my hand. I also envision him thinking, if  he grabed my hand, there'd be an outside chance he might hit the jackpot and get laid.

To put your mind at ease peeps, I am pleased to report he happily went to work this morning. HA...Told ya he knew me.

Ya Gotta Laugh About It!

Saturday, January 24, 2015


I may be extremely outgoing but believe me when I reinforce that I am the least spontaneous person you'll ever meet. I guess that's why I can’t help but wonder if that’s why I compartmentalize so well. Everything is neatly packed into silos before I ever start tending the farm. I'm not sure if anyone can relate; but for me, everything is very black and white. Occasionally, a splash of grey may creep in. Unfortunately, a sexy fella named Christen is no where to be found when it does show up!

Oh, the childhood memories I have. What a great place to live!
TAKEN: JANUARY 23rd, 2014
For a reason (beyond silly) I got 'stuck' this past Friday. I guess you could say I got stuck in the black and white of it all.

The more I looked, the worse it got. I simply couldn't find, yet desperately needed, about fifty splashes of grey. 

Finally, filled with angst and totally exasperated, I bundled myself up and went for a walk. Half an hour later, here's where I ended up.

Coming down the hill I couldn't help but notice the vibrant leaves that had held on and made it until the January thaw. The closer I got, the more the burst of red stayed with me. When I hit the bottom of the hill, it was like my life flashed in front of me. 

I pictured Kelvin Grove in it's original state. I imagined the gang of us teens swimming to the famous sandbar (that the RMS Seguin got hung up on during it's last trek up the Muskoka River). My eyes and thoughts moved to the the far right where our wedding party stood to have our formal pictures taken. Then, they shifted to the far left and to my quirky sidekick. I imagined he and I eating lunch at our favourite picnic table more than a decade ago. Oh, the Canada Day fireworks with the kids, the risky swimming at the base of the falls when I was a kid... The pond hockey surface. Then, it hit me.

The boulder in front of me is really nothing but a pebble. I'm not lost in the forest, because a forest is very deeply rooted and unable to change. I see the one tree in front of me as a survivor. Some days, I am sure it sucks that it doesn't have other trees around it to talk to but let's face it... Trees don't talk.! (Well, maybe if they are on a really great acid trip but not in everyday life, which is my very round about point.)

At the end of the day, life really is very black and white. Yesterday only proved to me that it's each and everyone of our jobs to find the colours, embrace them...and stay the hell out of the forest.

It's just as silly and simple as that!

Thursday, January 22, 2015


A couple of summers ago, we had an Africa hot early pre-summer Muskoka heatwave. It wasn't the elevated temps that made it memorable, it was that our next door neighbours were expecting their first child. I was living at the cottage and doing the ten mile commute, while Goob worked and lived at the house in town. At home for the day (late in her pregnancy) I innocently asked her if he was behaving.

GOOB n' ME. Love that he's rockin' his classic Raptors Jersey!
“Other than the weekend pick-up games of basketball at 2am in the morning, I wouldn't think anyone was over there,” she said. 

"I can sleep through loud music” she continued. “It's the thunk, thunk, thunk, thunk of the ball on the driveway... It's like a slow drip to the forehead when you can't sleep!.” 

Naturally, I apologized.  Told her I’d speak to him and without hesitation, gave her very some very sound advice; if it happened again, simply go to the nearest open window and yell... "GOOB! PUT THE BALL AWAY AND GO THE F*CK TO BED!!” 

Taking the 'unconventional parenting approach' made no matter. The competitive, testosterone filled young men (we totally consider family) let it happen again. The net was taken down the next day and eventually disposed of. That said, though a childhood relic was put to pasture, we've never waivered  as a die hard basketball family.

I am officially going on the record that I am NOT a hockey fan. If you want to know why I don't 'bleed blue' the answer is simple. I bleed basketball. At this particular moment, I just can't confidently attach a colour to my passion. You see, not only can the Raps NOT decide on a logo; they seem to be a tad confused on which uniform colour to wear. Makes no matter. My philosophy has been deeply routed and totally ingrained since my children were small. 


Sunday, January 18, 2015


The picture I am sharing today was the one the Bank took in December of 1999 when they appraised our cottage on Orillia Lake. All these years later, though the landscape has changed, that photo is still pinned on the fridge with a magnet. As you know, this neat little haven has served us well as a family.

That very first winter we spent many enjoyable days there, yet didn’t spend the night until the snow was totally melted in the spring of 2000. About three weekends into full-time enjoyment, we arrived that Friday night to the realization that we’d been robbed. I remember feeling a tad scared, not to mention really fecking mad! How the hell could someone be so self-serving?
The structure remains the same... But the landscape has definitely changed.

Well, this week I discovered we’ve been robbed out there again. This time, by Hydro One!

As you all know, I obsess about my Lakeland Power bill for the home in town. That said, all these years later, I have never really bothered to take a good look at the cottage hydro bill. 

So, when I opened the current bill for $158.36, I thought my Christmas cottage romp was generally pretty affordable. Then, I started to think about it; I only used three small 110 volt heaters and barbecued (mostly) because it was so mild. It was then, I decided to really look at it. The bill was for the last three month billing period,  ending December 25th.

Last fall, in the 90 billing days, I used a total $14.03 in hydro and none of it was in On-Peak time. Keeping the HST,  their debt retirement out and grabbing my bullshit Clean Energy Benefit... 897% of my bill was delivery!

I'm an open minded gal but nothing pisses me off more than getting truly screwed and no one buying me a drink first. Wait, could that be what my Clean Energy Benefit credit is for? A drink, so that I can get up the nerve to pay my bill? Hell, the value of that is so small, I wouldn't even be able to fill a thimble with rubbing alcohol. Whatever, all I can do at this point is express my frustration. So here's a visual...

All you need to do is imagine me cheering. Imagine that you can hear my voice enthusiastically saying "I'm your number one fan Hydro One... I'm your number ONE fan Hydro One..." really loudly and over and over again.

Now, picture me waving my extremely outstretch middle finger, whilst gloriously chanting it!

Ya Gotta Laugh About It...!!

Friday, January 16, 2015


Thank God it’s Friday, because I’ve had a very emotional week!

So, to always strive to remain self-aware, I'll admit that I know it’s the accumulation of a number of different things. The fact that I can both realize and admit that, helps me understand why I broke down and cried right before I left to come home this afternoon.

Since my feet hit the floor Monday, I've been on this roller coaster ride. A ride that has had me mired in the feelings of fear, shock, elation, sorrow, frustration, angst, happiness, laughter and love. I was telling Pete this afternoon about my deeply rooted quirks. I could see by the look on his face that he wasn't sure if he should think I’m brilliant, or bat shit crazy. As a true Entrepreneur, I can assure you that I am a solid balance of both.

Like most people, I have triggers. It's just that this week decided to serve each and every one of them suckers daily. (All-inclusive and as a three meal a day 'buffet'.) As a result, each day moved several different emotions within me depending on what that buffet was serving. Because I've conditioned myself with internalizing, my tears were just simply a release telling me I made it.

So I have to find my glass half full.... Let me see. It can’t be the wine I’m sipping, because my glass is more than half empty. It can’t be that the Raptors play tonight, because they always make my glass overflow. I think my moment will come tomorrow afternoon; when I strap on my snowshoes, grab the pups and trek over to the eighth tee on the golf course.

If I position myself right...?
My voice will go over the 8th green, right up the 9th fairway, then into the curling rink!

It will be there, that I scream extreme expletives at every single one of the emotions I have felt this week. If I do it right, one of two things will happen; I’ll either lose my voice, or I’ll get a round of applause from everyone at the curling rink participating in this weekends bonspiel.

She's a no-brainer. Ya gotta shoot for the round of applause… Right?

Because most people would give up once they've lost their voice. 

That's my glass half full.... I'm truly grateful that I'm not like "most" people!

Sunday, January 11, 2015


PEEPS... Meet my winter BFF!
TAKEN: JANUARY 10th, 2015
As I mentioned in my last post, this past week has been brutal for l'il ole me in the snow removal department. 

When I woke up yesterday morning, the plow had passed twice in the night and the snow bank at the end of the driveway was more than four feet high. Armed with my trusty scoop, I bundled up and headed out. When I got out there, I was simply gobsmacked. 

NEVER, in all the years that we’ve owned this home, have I ever had to tackle a bank that big. The hardest part was that I literally had no place to put the friggin' crap.

So, I ended up having to cart all of it across the street and load it into the ditch. The worst part was, because there had been so very much accumulation, I had to make some major scoop trails in order to make room for the snow I was moving. Suffice is to say, by the time I finished yesterday, my arms felt like they each weighed a ton.

After a hot bath last night, I woke up this morning feeling like a million bucks!

Got the laundry done, groceries done and had a solid plan to build the annual 'dog trails' with my snowshoes before I put supper on. Well, let me tell ya something. Once I got going, that million dollar feeling I woke up to this morn, turned into a $1.99 K-Mart blue light special!

About 45 minutes in I started to head down the hill toward the railway tracks. Thirty feet in from the top of the yard, I hit (what felt like) an air pocket. Down I went. The worst part was I was facing downhill and the snow had me immobilized. I was totally FUBAR’d!

I called for my husband, nothing.  My arms felt so heavy I could barely support myself. I kept stepping on my snowshoes and I could feel the muscles in my legs straining. With three dogs trying to help by jumping on my back, I just let all my muscles relax and started laughing. I am very pleased to report, that I eventually regrouped and got myself back up the hill.

You’d have to think that the worst part of the last couple of days was that my legs now feel as heavy as my arms; that’s not it. The worst part is that three neighbours offered to loan me their snowblower yesterday morning as I dug out of that stinking snowbank. 

My response to all of them? “No thank you, I really do like the exercise...” 

The worst part... is that I am a complete and total idiot for not saying ... "Yes, please!" 

I suck!

Thursday, January 8, 2015


Does anyone remember those cheezy ‘I’m with Stupid' t-shirts? They had a big finger that was pointing at the person walking beside them; classic 1970’s. Well, you may not be able to see it by the picture I am posting but my hubby and I are both wearing those shirts. Yup, and the arrows are pointing directly upward toward our chins!

YUP... We're as stupid as they come!
TAKEN: NOVEMBER 19th, 2014
After more than three solid hours of snow shoveling today (for the umpteenth day in a row) I have to second guess the next couple of months. Yes-sir-reeee, we could very well be the two stupidest people on the face of the earth!!

Matter a fact, that is a camera hanging around my neck, which is feeling very much like a noose today!

I was so excited for my buddy B over the holidays. He surprised the very beautiful T with an amazing trip to Cancun as a Christmas gift. She’s so excited and I am really excited for them. When declining his invitation to join them, I was confident I could cope in their absence mid February (as it was raining outside as we sipped our Christmas Cheer) on the 28th of December. Afterall, winter had yet to arrive.

Flash forward to the last couple of days in Muskoka...

We're only a week in and today is the first day I regret telling my husband that the snow blower fund could be utilized elsewhere. For crying out loud people... With it being -35C yesterday with the wind chill, and walk to the office today in blowing snow, we seriously need our heads examined!

With another foot of the white stuff expected to fall overnight, I only have two words for all of you (as I look at us with our tanned skin wearing very little clothing) TRIP CENTRAL!

Can February get here fast enough? Nope, definitely not for this cat!

Sunday, January 4, 2015


While perusing my social media outlets over the holidays, I came across a post. A post, that almost a week later, still stands out. There wasn't a graphic but the overall message was very simple. In 2015 ask someone to take your picture. Put yourself out there! 

ANNIE n' ME in the driveway!
(Photo Credit? NOT ME!)
TAKEN: JANUARY 2nd, 2015
Though the context is about taking selfies, the last thought has burrowed itself my cranium. After much reflection, I realize that I had so much to accomplish in 2014, that I’ve truly isolated myself of who I really am; a full blown extrovert. 

With that admission on the table, you'll be equally surprised to learn that in the past thirteen months (electronic friends excluded) I have spent 90% of my time either alone or with family/pups. Don't get me wrong, I've built something truly amazing but this holiday season made me realize that I've been missing interacting face to face with others for far too long. It's time to 'put myself out there'.

I'm not afraid of what the upcoming year will bring. I enjoy meeting new people, as well as establishing new Business associates. As an extrovert, both come quite naturally. With my lessons learned file folders in tow, I know I'll need to be very careful and extremely selective in whom I trust. With my mind made up, I am hopeful.

As we all know from experience, when any of us sustain any big change, friends and inner circles ultimately shift. Which always bring us back to those handful of people that were meant to be in our lives forever.  For which, I will always be both respectful & grateful.

It's their unconditional belief in me that gives me this strength to continue to build. They know who they are, so I'd like to thank them.

Thank you, for simply being 'YOU'... And loving me, for simply being 'ME'.

Thursday, January 1, 2015


Holy Snow Squalls Batman!

As predicted, the land, as far as the eye can see, is a blanket of ‘Frosty the Snowman’ snow. That wonderful type of precipitation, that is all light and fluffy and perfect. The very kind of snow we usually get right before Christmas. Once again, someone needs to check Mother Nature's meds. (Because that perimenopausal bitch is definitely crazy outta whack, not to mention off her rocker. AGAIN!)

It's my hat.
No, it's my hat.
NO... It's my hubby's hat!
TAKEN: JANUARY 1st,  2015
I’m kidding. I don’t mind it. Truth is, I love it.

Matter a fact, once the plow passed a second time this morning, we headed out to clear the freshly fallen snow. 

Not only is it very pretty out there (and the fresh air exhilarating) but today’s snow makes me smile. It signifies that I made it through those awful six weeks after I am forced to "fall back"

As my picture illustrates, like every year, it’s been a bit of a tug of war. However, with the help of a jolt of vitamin D and the ongoing task of keeping my young Anna Lee out of mischief, I made it.

Actually, take a good look at the picture. I have an ever so slight chance of making it until the Lakes open, without the loss of a lot of my shoes and other personal belongings. She's absolutely and unequivocally stolen my heart, let's hope her razor shape teeth can equally respect my crap. Ya Gotta Laugh About It...!

Happy New Year everyone. All the best in 2015 & thank you again for reading.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Well, it went from sunshine to sub-zero in a flash... Via a flash-freeze that is!

A couple of days ago, I was bragging about how I hardly needed a coat, then this morning I awoke to the mercury dipping to a chilly -20C. I’d like to be able to report late January Florida temps here at Orillia Lake, instead Muskoka has snow squall warnings on the horizon. As a result, I'm headed home at dawn.

Imagine witnessing ice being made... and not via my ice maker!
TAKEN: DECEMBER 30th, 2014
It’s been an interesting day for me. It’s the first time that I've actually been here to witness the ice form and winter take shape. Yikes, does it ever happen fast!

When I was up in the night stoking the fire, I noticed patches of ice forming in the moonlight. By dawn, I could hear a distinct crackle of the flowing agua and the newly formed ice arguing... Like an old married couple.

Bundled up (in the amazing company of my one daily cup of coffee) I cautiously watched the pups on the hill out front and listened. Not to the pups silly but to the immediate climate changing around me. Then I realized how great it felt to be here all alone. After being here for almost a week, I feel normal again. 

To quote a very wise man, "one person's normal, is another person's absurdity" and he's exactly right. Who the hell would think that standing outside, in sub-zero weather, listening to ice freeze, was normal?

Apparently, both he and I do. Because I just emailed him this picture!

Sunday, December 28, 2014


If this year produced the quietest Christmas eve and day of my life, then Boxing Day definitely rated as one of my busiest. I posted, showered, packed, and landed at the cottage all by mid-afternoon. It was so mild outside that within the hour I was shuffling about the woodstove in my really ugly and over-sized slippers. I may have been tired... but I was certainly glad to be back.

I hadn't intended on coming in Boxing Day but the long range forecast (not that the weatherman is ever right) gave me the feeling, that if it did in fact drop to -10C, getting it heated and the beds cozy for New Years Eve would be a much bigger task. So, I figured I'd stay here, enjoy my three days, then make the ten minute trek home until Spring.

This is what I call... Lake Effect SUN!
TAKEN: DECEMBER 28th, 2014
Well, today's is my third day and I did in fact head home. I quickly showered, picked up more supplies and returned. I've landed back out here until the cold, or my lack of Mott’s Clamato juice, eventually ushers me home.

As I was carrying my bags down the stairs, I stopped in my tracks and rummage through my coat for my phone. As I stood in this moment it felt like the 28th of September, not the 28th of December as the calendar reminds. It was a beautiful sunny Sunday and I immediately knew I wanted to share it with you.

As I look past the holidays, the one thing I do know for sure, is that I have some solid personal goals and serious hopes for the new year. Just so happens that this little piece of not so flat land, is my truly amazing glue that will hold all of it together.

What more can a girl ask for?

Friday, December 26, 2014


What can I say? All of that hype and today is the infamous Canadian Boxing Day.

 I just saw a neat American cartoon that read: When I was little I always thought Boxing Day was a holiday when you piled up all the boxes from Christmas presents, set them on fire, and danced around the flames. I also wondered why we never celebrated Boxing Day! Good One!!

My Dad loved the holidays. His steadfast sense of family, the food, the cheer. More food, more cheer. Anyway, I know that I’ve shared stories about my quest to keep finding those silly Petro Canada Olympic glasses. Just so we’re clear, my obsession is exactly that, which is ongoing and very real. (Read: HEY DAD... GUESS WHAT I FOUND?)

TAKEN: DECEMBER 25th, 2014
Just as I would if he were still alive, yesterday, he and I shared a Christmas drink.

As I was sitting there staring out the window & sipping, I wondered if he’d have any solid words of advice for what I have going on in my life right now. 

I envisioned him sitting on the sofa next to me. He’d listen to what I had to say and be non-judgmental. Then, I suspect he’d rattle the ice cubes in his glass signifying it was empty and tell me everything would be fine.

You want to know something? I don't think my father ever once asked me for a second drink. He’d just rattle the ice in his glass letting me know that his first one was finished. That was his cue. Life is funny like that; how certain moments ignite specific memories.

You want to know what else is funny about life? That it's bat shit crazy hard, right up until the moment it isn't.

SO spark up them boxes, control the flames and have a really great day!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014


It's Christmas Eve, so naturally my quirky sidekick and I chatted this morning.

He was pleased to report that he'd accomplished all of his holiday shopping, and I was excited (that he was excited) about his countdown to putting on the fat red suit for his two little girls. The only thing that I had to report, was that he had delightfully interrupted a really sappy Christmas movie that I had stayed in bed late watching.

GOOB & Jukebox rockin' a Christmas hug yesterday for their Momma!
TAKEN: DECEMBER 23rd, 2014
This is the first year that I can actually admit that because our children are now young adults, today has truly felt like any other day for me. 

I’m not sure if it’s that the boys and I took a road trip yesterday, or because I didn’t have my daughter reminding me (every single day) of every single thing on her wish list; I suspect it's simply a combination of both.

Gone are the traditions for the young and excited, ushered in are the making of their own individual traditions. This year, it won’t be me that entertains tonight, it will be Goob and his room mates that open their home to greet family and friends.

Gone is the anticipation of trekking to grandparents to exchange gifts, ushered in was the formal gifting of money. I am okay with all of that, as it truly is the most practical thing to do for them. I’ve always tithed at Christmas. However, the needs at home this year are so much so, that what normally would have gone into the community, have been invested to those equally in need (...that just happen to possess my DNA). 

I am sitting here typing and thinking of the way we use to spend Christmas Eve and that those days are officially gone. I was struggling with that so much this morning, that I had a mini meltdown and uncontrollably burst into tears. My personal Jukebox immediately opened his arms and wrapped them tightly around me. 

"I love you Mom..." was what he whispered in my ear. He just held me and let me cry. Words cannot express just how grateful I was. In this Xmas instance, receiving was far better than my giving. 

What is it that I am always saying on this silly little blog? That you can't stop change, only manage it. Well, today was a really big reminder of that specific wee ditty for yours truly!

Merry Christmas Eve to all… And to all a good night. 

Monday, December 22, 2014


Well, it’s that time of year again. When everyone breaks for Christmas and I start obsessing about the weather. Not in an 'I'm Dreaming of White Christmas' kind of way, matter a fact the opposite. You see, though purchased in 1999 - in 2007 we started a fun cottage tradition.  We’d pack up the toboggans, strap on the snowshoes, and head into Orillia Lake for a few days to ring in the New Year. 

Puddin' showing Annie the view. PRICELESS!
TAKEN: DECEMBER 21st, 2014
I’ll gently remind everyone that New Years Eve 2013 dipped to a chilly -21C outside, so our cottage trek was not even remotely an option. The year previous, we were in South Carolina. So suffice is to say that I've had my fingers, toes, as well as my eyes crossed since the beginning of December!

Optimistic that it's going to actually happen this year, I headed in with the pups yesterday. I was a tad worried how itty bitty Annie would make out but figured worst case scenario, I'd have to pick her up and carry her. Not even close. She was a compete and total ROCK STAR. That said, I have Shelly to thank that her little legs didn't have near the expected trek to travel.

You see, I was pleasantly surprised and exceptionally fortunate that my BCF (Best Cottage Friend) has kept our private cottage road open. When I saw her brand spankin' new truck parked at the top of our first hill I was thrilled. (Not gonna lie, that truck keeping our road open just may rate sexier than she and I scooting around the Lake on her three-seater SeaDoo!) 

Anyway, as my title infers, yesterday was my dreamboat Annie's very first cottage adventure. She's doing well. Just like me, she's very open minded and curious about trying new things. Yesterday, I especially loved watching how the other two pups made sure she was safe at all times. They have truly embraced her and are always scurrying to make sure she's okay and content. After all, that's what best cottage girlfriends are for right? Right!

Uh-oh, gotta run. Annie is pulling the bows off the presents and the shims out of my crooked Christmas tree. It's not good. Matter a fact I can read the headline now…

Crazy Dog Lady Arrested... As Crooked Tree Pummels Innocent Pup!

Innocent my FAT albeit friggin’ festive ass!

Saturday, December 20, 2014


Who's a doormat? Not this cat!
TAKEN: DECEMBER 19th, 2014
I  have to admit when my feet hit the floor last Friday morning I knew it was going to be a great day. As I've shared before, when I know that I am going to have a truly memorable day, I snap a selfie.  Though I had a important one o'clock, that wasn't it. Sorry Pete.

You see, the night before, I pulled up my big girl panties until they hit my armpits, then made some very hard personal decisions. When I woke Friday morning and still felt the same way as the night before, I knew my day would be a memorable one. I'd pulled a plug; a plug that would never allow myself to be a specific persons door mat EVER again!

Locked and loaded I started my trek to my one o'clock. I always shuffle the five hundred plus songs on my phone and I always sing aloud when I walk. That said, I know I only have four good notes, so I am careful who hears my very gregarious performances.  I do keep the volume on my phone low enough that I can hear if I'm in tune but when I hear the neighbourhood dogs howling as I walk by, I immediately know I need to kick my personal volume down a notch. Well, for the very first time Friday, I got caught.

As I was headed down a lane near our local hospital, one of my very favourite songs was selected by the shuffle. Lost in the lyrics and music of Anna Nalicks - Just Breathe, I was totally engaged in the moment. To get the breathing right takes commitment, so I was 100% in. I didn't see any Ambulances or Police cars under the Emergency Room entrance, so I kept my tone and volume consistent.

As I landed at the end of the lane, I instantly (peripherally) felt a woman in my song space. As I quickly pulled my earbuds out, she began to clap. I was in shock. I immediately apologized. "I usually put my vocal cords on mute when I come upon someone" I said, "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize" she said. "It was really good...!"

 To which I immediately and playfully started to root thought my laptop bag in search of my wallet. "I pay ten bucks for compliments like that" I said. We both burst out laughing and I continued on my trek.I am pleased to report that I sang aloud the rest of the way to my one o'clock.

YUP... Friday was truly a great day!