Friday, April 4, 2014


I have been surrounded by so much skepticism of late, I decided to blog about something that is in fact incontrovertibly true. I AM the crazy dog lady!

Puddin' riding high... while Dottie & I ride shotgun.
Taken: September 19th, 2013
I’d never had a dog as a child because my mother was a cat person. The first dog we ever got as a couple was when I was about to start my maternity leave with Jukebox. 

I thought, ‘what the hell; I’ll be home for 16 weeks, I’ll have time to train it. Seriously, how hard can it be?!’. 

Well, the baby slept through the night after three weeks and for the next six months I hauled my sorry ass out of bed in the middle of the night to let the dog out for a leak!

Though we've had very few dogs over the years, the two I have now truly have my heart.

For lack of a better saying, we are a pack. The kids tease me that the only reason they respect me is because I feed them but I also think they gravitate to me (before my husband or children) because I have a constant energy with them. The three of us seem to have a unique approach new situations. We do it together, calmly, and with trust.

If there's one thing I have discovered over the last couple of years it that you’re never truly alone when you have a dog. I would suffer so if anything happened to either of my girls but after all, if I didn't have them, what the hell would I spend my money on?

Like I said... D is for .... the DOG's MA!



  1. Stopping over from the A to Z challenge and happy to find another dog have a great looking pack and love your thought that you are never alone when you have a dogs. Mine would follow me into the shower if I let him!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Slim. I hear you on shower front. I haven's had a bubble bath in five years that didn't have one or more chins resting on the side of the tub. I wouldn't have it any other way!!

  2. I would love to be a crazy dog lady, an English bulldog has about thesame energy level as me, ha ha.

  3. Isn't it funny how we relate to ourselves via dogs and their nature?

    Last summer Puddin' jumped out of the boat and I had to swim her home. If she'd have been an English Bulldog, she would have never jumped in the water in the first place! Ya Gotta Laugh About It...!!!

  4. I love this! It is so true! I am also a crazy dog lady! If I could, I'd have a house full of dachshunds, wiener dogs!! Like you, I still have to get up halfway through the night and take the puppies out. I got a puppy for my other puppy to play with after I lost my dog I'd had for 13 years. Not thinking about how once the one finally got better about pottying in the house, the younger one still does it! And, the new one is a boy, which I've never had a boy dog on my own before, so I'm learning about the marking thing. Great post! If you have time, and want to, you can check out my D post.

  5. Lovely post! I found your blog last year during A to Z and have been keeping up with you ever since. I'm glad to see you're doing the challenge again!

    In my 20s I was a crazy cat lady and then I rescued a Shar Pei puppy (who was also rescuing me at the same time) and over the years I've shifted to being more of a dog person. I have 2 dogs now (and 3 cats) and I don't know what I'd do without them. They drive me crazy sometimes but they have kept me company through serious sorrow and they bring me a lot of joy! I love your story of the puppy waking you in the night more than your baby! When I was housebreaking my Boston Terrier this fall, there were a few nights I was in tears because I was so tired and he wouldn't go to sleep! But they're so worth it in the long run, aren't they?!
