Wednesday, April 1, 2015


I'm not alone... Holton's Heroes have my back!
Off the top of my head, I can’t remember the last time I had my attendance taken. Wait, that’s a lie.

There was this total ditz that worked for my former employer that insisted I file a bi-weekly time sheet even though I was salaried. All I’ll say is that her previous employer was the Government; so suffice is to say that 99% of what she did made no sense whatsoever!

Well, it’s time for the April A-Z Blogging Challenge again and true to form the letter A presented challenges for me right out of the gate. Then, at five o'clock this morning, I realized that since starting my blog in 2011, the two writers that inspired me to start writing, no longer blog nor participate. They've stopped blogging and I'm still here. 

Yes-sir-ree, I'm still here with really shiny bells on. My thesaurus is ready and my keyboard is sharpened just like the pencils I no longer require. For bloggers starting out, all I'll say is that over the years, I have met so many amazing electronic friends via this forum that it's heartwarming. People that I would've normally never met, have let me into their thoughts and lives via their blogs. I really do feel truly blessed.

Hold that thought... B may have to be for BLESSED if I get blocked again tomorrow!

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