Sunday, June 9, 2013

Happy 85th Birthday HervĂ©…

Morning coffee on the very last birthday he was alive to celebrate.
Taken: June 2005
Today is June the 9th and it's the day my father was born.

Hard to believe if he were alive he would be 85 years old today. 

What I find even harder to believe is that he left me eight years ago this June 23rd. 

Makes no matter the lapse of time, as I think of him every single day.

I remember absolutely everything about my dad; the sound of his voice, the look in his eyes when he smiled, most importantly the love that he had for life. His work ethic was one thing but his loyalty to his family and his friends was so unconditional it bordered indescribable.

To this very day he remains the voice inside my children`s head, my husband`s closest confidant, and the spirit inside me to never give up and never stop trying. I use to think that my personal success came from my mother pushing me at the rink all those years. It may have been part of the foundation, but as a mother and wife I know that all the finishing touches were a tag team effort.

I couldn`t have done it without my husbands support, and he couldn`t have carried the kids and I without my father`s love and support. A cold beer in the carport is sometimes all you need when you've got three screaming kids and a wife/daughter that's a total bitch. That right there is the God honest truth.

Happy 85th Birthday Dad.

We love and miss you very much. xoxox

Friday, June 7, 2013

My Friday Night Fix

My morning went off the rails quicker than Charlie Sheen in a crack house. I'm not joking. At every single turn, I found unwanted stress. Not just stub your toe kind of stress, but the big stuff that emotional tsunamis are made of.

"The Lord helps those that help themselves.." my mother always use to say. This time last year, I would have booked an appointment with my Chiropractor to ease my body's tension and stress; nowadays, my needs are very different, so I quickly put my thinking cap on. With tears flowing again after lunch, I knew exactly what I needed to do. I needed to call and book a room.

No one will ever know... I thought. It’s a Friday night in June, there will be no one around. I had this surge of adrenaline, then I closed the office door and made the call before I changed my mind. “I’d like to book a room for right after work” I said. “Are there any available?” They have my credit card on file so there was no need to register. (Who says a small town doesn't have its perks?)

When I arrived, they were extremely accommodating. "Your room is waiting” she said. I closed the door, took off my clothes and looked lovingly at my old and dear friend. I have never been so happy to be in another’s exclusive company in my entire life.

Once I was finished, I left completely satisfied and extremely content. Tonight made me see the light. So much so that on the way out the door and whispered "just so you know... I really do love you... very much.”

My 1st Friday Night Special
Taken: June 7/13
I wish I could have heard those very words uttered back. I have always longed to hear "I love you too"  but not a single word was said. As always, I turned out the lights, closed the door, and headed home. 

Kind of sad really. When will they invent a talking tanning bed that can unconditionally return my love?

What the hell were you thinking?

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

♪♫ ♪ Happy 21st Birthday You Two… ♫♪♫

I can’t believe it was 21 years ago tonight that I was lying in a hospital bed and my son Jamie was tugging at my arm saying “...come on Mommy, let’s just go home.” We’d prepared him for the fact that he was going to have a brother and sister, but it took the overnight separation (and two screaming newborns) to snap him into the reality at hand.

Yess-sir-ree! Twenty one years ago today our family was officially complete.

They arrived  two minutes apart. In a flash, two seven pound babies landed into my/our arms filling both our lives and our hearts. I hate to keep playing the time card, but where the hell did it go?

Where do I start? From the day they were born they were a team. One would cry, they'd both get fed. The other cranky, they'd both be amused. I swear from the minute they were born they had this cosmic plan. Silly or not after all these years, that early genetic chemistry is still very apparent today.

It’s eerily quiet night here tonight. It feels kind of weird. David and Tony are both working late and Thom took Staci out for a quiet dinner (because he knew that she was home alone with me). Yup, gone are the days of balloons and birthday cakes, not to mention hall rentals and kids puking from eating too many hot dogs. Too bad really... 

I am first to admit that I’ve led a sheltered life, but Staci & David birthday parties were always some very serious fun. Guess tonight is the end of an era. A day I never imagined would arrive.

NOT A CHANCE! I gotta pull all the stops out one last time this weekend. I know that they're 21 but I gotta have one last hurrah for Sweetie & Goob right? So the judge looks to the jury and Tony says... "ABSOLUTELY"!

Who says at 21 you're too old for a surprises? Happy Birthday you two. We love you very much.

Staci & Daviid's 18th Birthday - A good time was had by all.
Happy 21st Birthday. xoxoxoxo
Taken: June 5th 2010

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Just Been One Of Them Thar Days

I’m not sure if it’s the crappy weather, or that I'm just over tired; but I was genuinely off my stride today. I suppose it could be something as simple as the barometric pressure but I’m not entirely sure. 

Part of my problem was I was awake this morning before six and (no matter how hard I tried) I couldn’t get back to sleep. I tried a movie, I tried a warm cup of water with lemon, I tried counting sheep, nothing worked. 

Serioulsy... This is how I've felt all day.
It’s literally been forever since I have felt funk instead of fab at the cottage; as a result, I just packed ‘er up, and headed for home.

The change of scenery of arriving home? Didn't help.

A relaxing hour long phone conversation this aft, a yummy Sunday dinner, an extra long tranquil bubble bath?

Not a single stinkin' solitary stitch of improvement!

What can I say, with the day almost behind me, I have very little idea why my day has presented itself as a glass half empty. Guess I'll need to think about it. Boy I hate that specific string of  words. They always seem to offer me far more trouble than they're worth.

Oh well, tomorrow is another day. As I grumble and slip into my jammies, I suppose I have to resign myself to the fact that I just absolutely hate the unknown. I can't stand when there’s something I can’t figure out. Kinda pisses me off actually!

Just sayin’

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Pot Of Gold Anyone?

My photo does not do this perfect moment justice.
Taken: May 31, 2013
As I do every Friday, I had planned to golf last night. That said, Mother Nature had a different plan. As a result, I bolted out to the cottage like lightening ahead of The Weather Networks warning of it.

As I poured myself a glass of wine the sky opened and the mother-load hit; I love a good storm, and with no lighting on the radar, I stood in the rain and kept Puddin’ fetching a tennis ball in and out of the lake.

What can I say, Dottie would participate in no such nonsense, so after dinner, it was Dot’s turn for a treat.

...Out we went in her favourite boat that floats.

The lake was like glass. The bugs were at bay, and we were all alone. Peddling along, and singing out loud to my pups, I glanced over to find this breathtaking site.

I instantly began sending it to friends that can relate. People that work with people for a living, and strive every single day to encompass a “glass half full” mindset. One friend instantly responded with the obvious question.

"Did you find the pot of gold?" he asked. "Not yet" I said. "But I feel there's hope."

His response both warmed my heart and made me smile.

"I agree..." was all I read. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Frick 'n Frack Are Back!

Though she was in a hurry, I did manage to chat with Staci before she left for a typical seasonal Monday night in Muskoka. Yup, Frick 'n Frack and the gang were off to get into mischief. It really is kinda neat that after all these years they're still such a very close group. Public School, High School, Post-Secondary school behind them, their gang is still a pack: Tightly knit and fiercely loyal.

Anyway, after a good night sleep, I awoke and headed down to my office to greet my day. When I logged onto my Facebook, my heart dropped; “Bitch who pushed me off the stage and broke my wrist... f*ck you!!!!”

Frick n' Frack before Grade 9 Spring Formal - My Babies.
Taken: April 2008
I knew they'd taken the bus to The Kee to Bala for Resort Night, but could this be true?

Without a word of a lie, here was my immediate thought process.

1) Holy shit! She’s broken her wrist!

2) Where the hell was David and the Gang?

3) Nice Facebook status update Stacccs; enough with the F-Bombs already!

Seriously? WTF! I have no idea where she gets it?! I'm pretty sure it's her father but the jury is still out.

Joking aside, one sling and a cast later, here's the story. It turns out Frick was being accosted (punched in the face repeatedly) on the dancefloor. Frack decided that Frick needed her uncondtional "you can't punch my brother in the face" support and stepped in. As Frick caught his bearings, Frack stepped back. Pushed from behind, my Sweetie (I mean Frack) landed with all her weight on her wrist on the concrete floor five feet below. 

Was there alcohol involved? Were there Police involved? Was a lesson learned? Has it been discussed? The answer to all of the above is yes. What can I say? Frick 'n Frack are back for the summer and the game has changed. Glass half full? We can finally discuss all of these life changing things as adults. 

For the record? She really was very brave. Just sayin'

Monday, May 27, 2013

Trust Is Earned

Boy, this past weekend blew by. I worked on Saturday morning; then my husband and I did our house chores that afternoon. I spent all day Sunday outside. My man was kind enough to do the groceries so that I didn’t have to leave the yard.

I love a day when I feel like I get a lot accomplished. You know those types of days, where the only thing you do is wash your face, brush your teeth, and dig out the ugliest clothes you can find. I blissfully embrace any day that I don’t have to get all gussied up. If I had things my way, everyday would be dress down day!

Out on the lake Easter Weekend
Taken: March 30st, 2013
All of that said, my post isn’t on the topic of vanity. My mood is more spiritual.

What makes some people extremely compatible? 

Why is it after all these years he and I have stood the test of time? 

Is it that there's just so much history it's comfortable? I believe it's much bigger than that.

It's been a rough couple of years. Have we had our ups and downs in the non-conjugal sense? Absolutely! Have we sat across from one and other (in tears) worried that we’d never fix what together we’d broken? Yes we have. Has it been worth all of our hard work to arrive at today?  Hell ya!!

When did I know we'd never be apart? It was this past January 22nd. An unexpected incident rocked me to my very core. I was so upset I was almost crippled. I missed work and I completely shut down. It shattered me emotionally.

During that time, like he had before, he carried me. He wrapped his arms around me and wiped away my tears. My heartbreak instantly became ours, and we got through it together.

Why am I so reflective tonight?

The January incident landed on the front burner at work again today. This time I was ready for it. Proving once again that the only person in my life I truly trust is my husband. What can I say? Trust is earned. 

Oh, and let's not forget the other thing today reminded me never to forget...


Saturday, May 25, 2013

My Silly Little Hang Up

So it happened again.

WOW, you don’t look 48” a business colleague said. Jerk!

Do men not realize that age may be a sensitive subject for some women? I don’t know about other women but for this cat, it’s like entering the sketchiest area of Detroit during a riot. 

DON'T go there!

Just like 99.9% of the people I know, I have a couple of quirky hang ups. I hate being late, I hate not having a plan, and I hate that I am getting old (them right thar are pretty much my top three)! Don’t get me wrong, I’m not asking Services Ontario for a wheelchair parking sticker anytime soon, but I would love not to have to dye my hair EVER again.

I am of the firm opinion that age is a mindset; you’re only as old as you feel, and as young as your imagination will allow. It’s a number, not a gauge of who I am.  I am active in both mind and body, and I don’t see either of 'em stopping anytime soon. Why would they? Why should they?

What did I say to the person that assessed who I was based on the number 48? “It’s been nice meeting you. You’re 45 right?..Ya don’t look a day over 58 1/2. Oh, and the deliveries? They are at the rear!”

That’s what I wanted to say. Instead, I just turned down his very generous lunch invitation. The loss is his.

What can I say? Us gray haired mamas gotta have some very high standards!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Your Name Was What?

I generally may sound all “get up in your grill” and crap, but I am realistically pretty fragile. Though I would never classify myself as insecure, I do tend to second guess myself when people make unnecessarily cruel comments. 


An ass has a purpose!!
When it comes to these folks, the only squint of rationalization I can come up with is; that mean people have no idea they are being mean.

Trust me, I've tried to gently point it out, but the only serious flaws they'll ever see are yours. So, how does one spot a classic mean person?

They'll always play the “I honestly don't have a clue what you’re talking about" card. Which is nothing more than sheer justification of their treatment of you in their own mind.

At the end of the day, I only have two words for those types of overbearing and smothering peeps. 

Shut the hell up and MOVE ON!

OK, that was seven, but you my gist.

What can I say? My apologies. Mean people drive me crazy, not to mention make me all frizzled and frazzled inside.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Just Meant To Be...

I wandered up the cottage stairs at dawn this morn in a great mood. Turns out I had experienced one of the best weekends at the cottage ever. The weather was magnifique (not to mention the company) and for the first time in years, it feels like I'm starting this crazy six month season well rested. Well rested and surrounded by some amazing energy.

As a result driven individual, I know first hand that I can be my own worst enemy. It’s not that I want to dwell on the fact that the sky is falling – I just can’t help but focus on when the hell it will. I push harder, only to find I worry more. Some may label me neurotic: I prefer quirky (with a splash of charm folded in for good measure).

I knew something in my life had to shift and it did. A random phone call to remind a colleague that “coffee's for closers” and that they needed to "buy me a cup, pot, Tim Horton's franchise" completely changed my outlook and long term focus.

"You're awesome"...
"No! You're awesome!!"
I know it's human nature for you to read this and wonder who the hell I am talking about but it makes no matter. They know who they are, and they know I think they are absolutely awesome.

Just like me, they have the odd day where they think they may want to run for the hills and the closest lawn tractor, but I'm here to remind them that it's not an option!

From that very first cup of coffee, I knew we'd met for a reason. Moving forward, they need to make sure they never lose sight of a couple of things (Cole's Note version & in no particular order):

A) We are going to kick some very serious ass.

B) We will always promise to use our energy for good and never evil....and

C) We are going to remain humble as we tell everyone "I told you so".

Hang in there my friend. Tomorrow is another day. Why? Because we freakin' rock!

...Not to mention that we're totally awesome!!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Today I Wept ~ By Ellyse Murphy

 (c) Ellyse Murphy
All copyrights reserved

Today I wept. 

I wept for a stranger. I wept for a family. I wept for a nation. I wept for this world.

I have been anxiously checking updates daily, it’s consumed almost every conversation I’ve had and it hasn’t left my mind. Today, the update came – with great sadness. My heart fell, tears fell, I felt empty. I don’t know this man, I don’t know his family, I don’t even know somebody who knows somebody who knows him but I have a father; to grow up knowing I wouldn’t get to know my father because someone wanted a truck, would be devastating beyond words. I have a fiancĂ©; to lose him because someone wanted a thrill, would break me in half. I have uncles, brothers and friends; to lose any one of them in this way is unimaginable. And so, I wept. 

I can’t count the number of items I have sold on Kijiji. I have found many jobs and hired many people from ads on Kijiji. I have been in people’s homes, met in central locations and had people in my home. I have test driven cars and sold cars. Tim’s story is everyone’s story – we trust. 

Today, I question God. We all wonder what kind of world we live in that a man could be taken this way. It’s okay to be angry with God. Your anger will make your relationship stronger. He will guide you through. Often, right before God gives us something, he puts us through hardship. For the Bosma family, this is one of the biggest hardships you’ll know. Today you will weep, tomorrow you will weep, you very well might weep every day for the rest of your life – a piece of you was killed when your husband, father, son, uncle, friend was killed. But, one day, you will find your greatest moment of strength and you will move forward for Tim, you will find a way to honour him, find a way to prevent this from happening again, find a way to make meaning; you will find your way. 

To the media, I would ask that you report on Tim. Report about his life, his accomplishments, his family, his friends, the people who have prayed for him. STOP reporting on the suspects. I’m tired of turning on Google and finding stories about such a promising man in aviation, a humble man, a quiet and reserved man. I don’t want to read one more fact about him. I won’t speak for the family but I can’t imagine it helps them either. There is one question they want answered: why? This doesn’t require pages and pages of details on this man, your reporting is speculation. I don’t care if he was an aviation prodigy – today he is a monster. 

To the men who took Timothy Bosma, I have this to say: You have broken a family. You have killed the dreams of a wife and a little girl. You have crushed a mother. His family mourns his loss but do not be mistaken, they are not alone. 41,855 on Facebook alone, have found a way to be there for the family – some sent prayers, some sent love, some called the tip lines, some posted flyers, some talked to everyone they knew about Tim, some were the reason you’ve been caught. People from across the globe are pouring out their love and compassion for this man and his family. 
You are but two men. We won’t focus on you because we cannot. We cannot allow ourselves to be consumed with all that is wrong with the world. I saw 41,855 reasons that you don’t matter. 

Let us remember – just when the caterpillar thought life was over, he became a butterfly. 

Timothy Bosma – Gone but not forgotten.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Time Flies When You're Having Fun!

Last night was my Class of 1983 High School reunion. It’s not like it was some well thought out highfalutin Gala, it was planned via Facebook out of Raleigh North Carolina. There was never an expectation that thousands would land in droves; which is a good thing, because this is a really small town.

Don’t kid yourself. We had a blast. My feet are still sore today. We laughed, we sang, and we reminisced. The local paper showed up to take our picture, and a great time was had by all. A humongous hug and kiss to our dear friend Doug for all his efforts. Without his driving force, it would have never happened. 

As I sit here after the fact, I am unexpectedly reflective. On just how life is continually evolving, then in an instant you can be in the comfort of company you had no idea that you'd sincerely missed. That said, the big ah-ha for me last night was the lapse of time.

I don’t feel like it all happened to us thirty years ago but it did. I saw people I see in town once a week, and I hugged people that I thought for sure wouldn't remember my name. I got BBM messages this morning from people that had to work today, not to mention an email from someone asking me to go to tea in two weeks. Last night felt like time had stood still. 

That's Tina in the back with me.
Linda owns the amazing blue eyes and
Connie the great smile.
Tammy & Belinda - you were really missed!

Taken: May 11th, 2013
I honestly hadn’t seen Tina in thirty years. Watching her and Linda get Connie cranked up was like I was in a time warp.

I had some serious tears in my eyes I was laughing so hard! Poor Connie.

My added bonus for her? Connie and I promised each other we would “dance our asses off” and we did!

Sorry folks; I have to stop typing now and go find my ass.

Nope, not Tony. Nope, not Connie. My other ass. The one attached to my very tired legs & equally exhausted feet!

PS: I promise to post the group pic once I get a copy from my friend Bev. Cheers!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

“Here Honey… Hold This Sign!”

What can I say? I have been blessed with a wicked sense of humour. Today, I would like to officially go on record with the fact that so has my husband. I really do love to laugh, and 9 times out of 10 he’s the one that's bending me over. Seriously? Get your minds out of the gutter!

As you know, I always have a camera with me, it's an extension of who I am. Last month when we were shopping together in a knick-knack shop, I came across a very unique sign. With a very straight face (and little emotion) I handed it to him then immediately held up my phone to snap this pic. 

What can I say other than... Isn't this a great sign?
Taken: April 2013
“Here Honey… Hold this sign” I said in my very best sex kitten voice. 

"Now SMILE..." I added.

Suffice is to say that after 25 years of marriage he did exactly what I asked. 

I quickly snapped the picture then totally busted a gut laughing! 

Seriously, I know my sense of humour is sick at times, but this is just bat shit freakin' funny! Best part? His immediately requested me to email it to him so that he could share my joke with his buddy Al.

Thank you Tony. I had forgotten what a fun day this was until you showed Doug this pic on your phone last night. I love that you totally still get me after all of these years. By the way, nice smile!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

I Think I Can? I Know I Can!

What a week. I am buried in paperwork and dreaming of the sunshine. I have a million things on my mind, and two million things to accomplish. What can I say? All it takes is a State of Emergency in our neck of the woods to get things rolling.

Managed to get the cottage opened this week and I am heading to my very favourite place by precisely 1:01pm today. Let see, other good news? I have made the executive decision to move in for the season the long weekend in May rather than wait until Canada Day. 

I am hoping to get some of the long overdue maintenance items crossed off my list. There are things I want to undertake on my own. Tony would help me, but I have asked that he to let me try and do the stuff on my own. He has agreed.

I'll be soaking in this puppy
by Labour Day!
Taken: May 2000
I can’t help but be excited about my extended stay this summer. I had so much to discover last year, and this year I have so much to accomplish. Even though it’s been a very difficult week, I have managed to start my list of "things to do" just the same. If I time it right, I should be able to get everything done before the leaves change colour two seasons from now.

What’s the one decision I’ve made that surprises me the most? I am going to fold like a lawn chair and finally get internet access out there. 

Not because I would be lost without it, but because I have to rip apart the ceiling below the upstairs bathtub (and repair a broken pipe) as well as refinish a very old aluminium bathtub.

...and how the heck will the internet help?

I’ll be damned if I am going to start ripping off rough sawn pine and tearing apart a bathroom without Google to help me put it back together!

Don't be silly. I was born at night. Just not last night!!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Z Is For... ZEST

I have always embraced the zest element in my life. What can I say, my favourite colour is red and I truly am a passionate person. I am first to to put up my hand to admit - I work hard, plays hard,  and follow a very simple life platform. 

Laughter is the ignition switch and sarcasm the fuel. I am drawn to like-minded people (particularly if they can keep up with me) and I whole heartily embrace them. Though I can lead blindfolded, I love fun. It's how I roll.

Yesterday I posted that I wish I could have been free to be me. One of my newer readers commented “all those things in the past, made you who you are today” and I realized that she’s absolutely right. I really am simple. I am just simply ME. Great heart, fun loving, amazing dental plan, and a solid inner zest!

April 30th, 2013 - ZEST
Taken: March 30/13

I'm kidding (though dental hygiene is key). The truth of the matter is, if you give off that specific "zestful" energy, with the right connection, you will always get it back in spades.

Like mindedness gravitates to like mindedness. Get it? "We have unmistakable like minded ZESTness!" Okay, that was lame.

That right there tells me maybe my word should have been ZERO. Which is the number of posts I have to complete to finish this blogging challenge. 

Oh my goodness I did it. I can't believe it.

I say we pour me a glass of wine! Better yet? How about we give me a great big hug!

Zest or no zest, this exercise was exhausting, and gosh darn it... I have absolutely and unequivocally earned both!!!

Monday, April 29, 2013


Oh, the double edged sword. I’m the first to admit you can never go back; but if you could, what’s the one thing that you would change? I realize it’s an unrealistic question but deep down inside, I would be surprised if you said absolutely nothing.

April 29th, 2013 - YESTERDAY
Taken: April 1977
If I was being completely honest with myself, there are a few things in the last thirty plus years I would have done differently. Some apply to my immediate family, some apply to me intimately as a person, and some even apply to my married life.

I have spent my entire life as a driving force for everyone else; fiercely competitive with a core focus on progress and success. 

As a person never wanting to stop moving forward, I can’t believe that in this very moment I am thinking about what could have been.

It’s not because I am feeling especially reflective, it's just the word itself planted the seed. As soon as I chose 'yesterday', my imagination literally ran. 

My childhood, sports, teen years, discipline, marriage, small children, grown children, career; the reaction was swift. That said, I am going to go there just the same. 

If I could venture to any given yesterday what's the one thing I would change? It's more of a wish really.

I simply would have been free to be ME.

Saturday, April 27, 2013


I know, I know, it's not a word but I don't have one (nor do I have the slightest hankerin' to ask for help). That said, there really is a point to my unconventional choice. 

I've had a pretty amazing month of April. The winter has had challenges (both personally and professionally) but I am pleased to report that I made it. I have a great tan, I'm completely rested, and I made it! Well rested aside, just when I was convinced that everything was copacetic, I get another curve ball. It happened yesterday afternoon and it was in the form of an email.

I immediately forwarded it to my friend Zack and asked the obvious question. "Do you think this was sent to be cruel?" It was from someone that's never really been a part of my inner circle, but they'd been corresponding with someone that use to be (and that person had really hurt me professionally). 

Zack's response was not only bang on, as an added bonus it was crazy comical. It made me laugh, and a day later I realize he's right. He's been right about the person for months & months, but it took the event yesterday for me to see it from his perspective.

April 27th, 2013 - Xcellence
Rhondi & Zack ROCK!
As I sit in crappy Super 8 in the middle of Pennsylvania, I have a couple of things to look forward to in my very immediate future:
1) Tomorrow I get to rest my A-Z.
2) I am less than 500 miles away from getting the hell out of this crowded (dog lovin') vehicle.
3) In less than 24 hours I will be sleeping in my very own bed again and...
4) I have a Monday lunch date with my buddy Zack! (I haven't seen him since Cottage Life so it's time.)

I Love You Man. Why? Basic math dude.

YOU + ME ='s  X-cellence...

  Friendship X-cellence!  

Friday, April 26, 2013


Sun, just like water and fire, have my unconditional respect. All three are extremely dangerous when taken for granted. It was evident night before last around 7pm when the effects of the hypnotic power of the UV rays bouncing off the Atlantic had been ignored all day.

Both my daughter and my sister had suffered a terrible burn the first day in the wind. My sunscreen kept me free from harm yet I was a little bummed that I hadn't really tanned. Each day brought weather challenges but the day before yesterday was absolutely perfect and my skin was more protected than any condom commercial ever produced.

Out and about early, I ventured about a mile up the beach, and swam in the ocean most of the day. My daughter was cautious so that her skin could heal but my sister was another story. Miss "my skin needs to burn before I can get a tan" needed an Olympic size swimming pool of aloe and a bottle of Advil to fall asleep night before last. Man, her skin made fire engine red look pink!

April 26th, 2013 - WALKABOUT
Wailing for the SkyWheel to start. Amazing!
Taken: April 25/13
With an overcast day in the weather forecast, our plan yesterday was to head to the Hub for a walkabout.  

Staci and I wanted to walk the Pier and take in the large Ferris wheel that had caught our attention  last Christmas.

We enjoyed a fun lunch then fed our parking meter just north of Ocean Blvd. We walked and talked heading to our first stop which was the landmark SkyWheel. After five rotations we headed to the Pier, took some great pictures, then shopped until we dropped.

The only downside? Though our walkabout was amazing, when we got back to the house, Puddin' and Dot had been into mischief. In the middle of the living room was our jar of peanut butter open, with about a third of it gone.

In shock my sister yells "how the hell did she get that off the shelf it was on in the pantry"? My response was the immediate and obvious. "She stood on Dottie's back!

"How did they get it open" she continued. Staci didn't miss a beat, "by using their thumbs silly!" 

That's MY GIRL! Why? Because life is short... Ya Gotta Laugh About It. 

As promised, this one's for you Brian Morrison. This one's for you!

Thursday, April 25, 2013


April 25th, 2013 - VACATIONS
Taken: April 22/13


A - Always

C - Cherished

A - And a

T - Truly

I - Indulgent

O - Offering of much

N - Needed

S - Sunshine, Sleep, Shopping & Smiles....


Wednesday, April 24, 2013


What makes someone (or something) unstoppable?
April 24th, 2013 - UNSTOPPABLE
Taken: Sunset Apr 23/13

Is it because they were born hard wired that way? Or is it simply a personal life choice that over the years has ultimately defined them?

In this case, I think my Puddin's unstoppable leap of faith is part and parcel a clear lack of fear.  She is surrounded by people that she trusts, and instinctively knows she'd never be put in danger.

If that is her case, what is mine. What makes me unstoppable. Better yet, am I?

Probably a lot of the same factors as my pups, with a sprinkle of internal drive (that was established when I was very young), topped off with a sense of confidence (which I have no idea where it comes from). I never say never and can't is not an option. The idea itself is something I always ponder.

Truth be known is that some days I wish I knew and others I am glad I don't. I am just grateful for the lot in life I've been given and continually strive and push forward. After all, a girls gotta do what a girl's gotta do!

Today that would be the laundry.


Tuesday, April 23, 2013


From the time I was a small child my parents puts a strong emphasis on a family vacation. Because my father worked maintaining large machinery, July summer shutdown was when we would always venture away.

Traditions are hard to break. My husband never traveled as a child so when I would share all the photos of the places I'd been he agreed that travel was something worth saving for.  Our own adventures started when the twins were ten months old.

So far this has been an amazing "girls" trip. I did cheat a little this morning. Blocked for a "T" word, I sent my first and only email since leaving home. After a couple of suggested words, I wished them a good day, then fired my  Blackberry back into the night stand drawer and started my day. 

April 23rd, 2013
Taken: This morning...
Feeling great, I proceeded to enjoy a quick shower, then Staci and I ventured out. With no particular destination in mind, we  landed on the Main Street in Cherry Grove to enjoy a morning walkabout. 

Just like the Gorbies that loiter outside of Marty's in Muskoka, Staccs and I jumped at the chance to pose out front of Miss. Vickie's.

As I loaded the pictures off my camera I conceded the harsh reality. I was officially that dreaded "T" word.


Monday, April 22, 2013


Here I sit with my only sister.

She has always been my sounding board.

So sincere. So special. So sweet. 

Saturated in constant sarcasm we smile.

So much time has passed.
As we sit in the sun we still wonder. 

Where has the time gone?

It doesn't matter - we're here today.

We are sisters.

I love you Andrea... Very much.

April 22nd, 2013 - SISTERS
Taken: Today!

Saturday, April 20, 2013


Just spent two day on one. 
Tonight we relax!

April 20th, 2013 - ROADTRIP
Taken: April 20th, 2013

Friday, April 19, 2013

Q Is For...QUEST

April 19th, 2013 - Q is for... QUEST
Taken: December 2012 
I am dog tired and I am on a QUEST for some rest.

I need it. I crave it. I've earned it. Pleased to report I am close but not there yet. Let's just say I am sitting in a Super 8 (just shy of I95) that smells like dog and the WIFI sucks.

Puddin' looks like I feel. I can't believe how much she's changed since I snapped this pic the last time we took  traveled this route. That said, she and Dot are so much more relaxed than the last time around. Relaxed or not, our adventure has not been without some unexpected challenges.

Like I said, my quest is simple. I'm in search of what I consider to be a Pot of Gold at the end of the rainbow. For me, it's complete and total relaxation. Glass half full? I know for a fact that I am officially over half the way to Leprechaunville!

Less than 24 hours 'til I take my sister's picture with Pedro and Staci officially pushes the grocery cart with a smile. Can't wait until we're unpacked, giddy, and soaking up the sun.


Thursday, April 18, 2013

P Is For... PUZZLE

April 18th, 2013 - PUZZLE
Taken: On the dock! September 2nd, 2012
My name is Rhondi and I am a puzzle doer. Not sure if that designation even exists, but I'll stay with it just the same.

Crosswords, find-a-word, jigsaws, trivia, and the most fascinating puzzle I work on every single day. That puzzle called "life".

You know the one? It kind of resembles a Rubic's Cube?

You get one area figured out and you turn around and everything else is a mess. You backtrack to try and understand what happened, hoping it won't happen again.

It's truly the hardest puzzle I have ever worked on, and one that I am certain is impossible to master. I don't know about you, but I often ask myself can something that happens so effortlessly for me, be so difficult to figure out? 

My core goal with any puzzle is to keep it progressing. Finding the right answers, which in turn bring me to my next  decision. Just as I was sitting on my dock last summer with my dog, I decided to work on two puzzles simultaneously. One was that puzzle called life. The second? Look at the picture... 21 ACROSS is Adam Levine.

My best guess would be I had to name the group he's lead singer for. Swooosh.... Maroon 5 would have been my answer. Just like that, it was written in ink. It was finished. Never to be looked at, nor thought about again.

One down. One to go!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Let’s just get the white elephant out of the room on this one. I wanted to choose orgasm, yet I didn’t register for adult content so I moved on. Opinionated was a close second, you all know I am so why bother. Orillia Lake is something I've already beaten to death: next? 

Outgoing, I am. Obese, I am not. Offensive, I try. Considered, once; “once was lost, now I'm found” ...Pffft, I’m blocked.

April 17th, 2013 - OPTIMISTIC
I am overwhelmed at work but who gives a crap? I don’t eat organic so that's pretty silly. 

Oh Henry? Oh My God? How about obedient? Don't answer that. BLOCKED!

The object of my affection? The occasional off colour joke? Well, it's never occasional, which leads me to obnoxious.

One-horse, one-sided, old, only, onward? Nope!

Zero. Zip. Nada. Nothing. Zilch.

Officially blocked, I am optimistic one word will come to me by the end of the day. Who says "more isn't necessarily better... sometimes it's just more?" 

Oops. Obviously? That would be me!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


In early May we are having a High School Reunion. It is for the graduating class of 1983.

It is being planned in a rather unconventional way, which is via Facebook. There are three that have a vested interest in the event, but it is Tony’s (oldest & bestest long lost) buddy Doug that has been the driving force from the start.

April 16th, 2013 - NOSTALGIC
Taken: June 2012
The last time Tony saw Doug was 1987, and we were merely dating. We were in the city with another couple, & spontaneously ran into Doug at Yorkdale.

We partied until almost dawn; I remember there was dancing involved, and arguing about who knew more about The Beatles. (Doug won!)

Flash forward: Doug and I add each other on Facebook. The next time he and his wife travel into Canada, we arrange to see one and other again. I can’t explain the emotion Tony and I felt when Doug and Amy walked down the stairs at our cottage. It was like time had literally stopped. Amy was instantly comfortable, and it was all very crazy familiar. 

Meant to be comes to mind. Watching Doug and Tony together, was like they’d seen each other a month earlier. They talked and talked and talked; I honestly believe that it was that weekend, that Doug knew he really wanted to come home again and see everyone, not just Tony.

You’ve done an amazing job planning this reunion Doug. So many people I run into are looking forward to seeing you (along others that haven’t been in town since graduation). Best part about this event? Thanks to the internet, everyone will feel like they were there, even if they aren't.

Thank you Facebook. We may be 30 years older, but we’re gonna party like we aren't! Here's hoping we can all stay awake past midnight!

Monday, April 15, 2013

M Is For... MARTY's

April 15th, 2013
Taken: October 7th, 2012

Isn’t it funny how you remember some things so vividly, that when you close your eyes and think, it’s like you can be in that very moment again? 

That's me and the day I took this picture. It was just a great day all around. It was Thanksgiving weekend. 

Goob was home from the city, the sun was shining, and the five of us strolled down the entire main street together. In and out of stores, laughing & enjoying an amazing day.

Tony, the twins, and I, accounted for four. My very best electronic friend was our 5th. 

I remember the exact moment I held up my phone to take this photo. I immediately sent a copy via BBM, then I stood there telling my family our story about why Asians don’t eat Marty’s World Famous tarts.

Just like that it was as if the five of us were in the very same moment together. In that specific instant, he wasn’t commenting via text, he was giving my son a high five, and asking my husband how the hell he’d put up with me all these years!

It’s funny how people come into your life. Some stay, some don’t. Then there are those you connect with that you wish you could experience life with but can’t. Friends since around this time last year, by the end of last summer, Tony would ask “is that B you’re chatting with?” Of course my answer was usually "yes".

As expected, the novelty of texting and photo sharing wore off, but we do still correspond via email. Tony and I still speak about him regularly, now a days (when I mention him at home) about the only thing Tony doesn’t say is… "Tell him I say hello.”

Probably just as well he doesn't live around here. Let's face it, Tony has always been way more fun to be around than me!

Saturday, April 13, 2013


From a very young age, I could find humour in anything. I wasn’t the class clown, but I wasn’t found hiding in the corner either. You know the old saying? “When you meet the one you’re going to marry, you’ll know.” I couldn’t agree more. Because from the very first date we went on, Tony made me laugh. I was smitten.

I am quick to admit that I really do have a pretty sick sense of humour, so for the most part, we've always had a home filled with sarcasm and laughter. Sunday dinners were always my favourite, because one of the five of us would be on the hot seat, in turn it was front row entertainment for us all.

April 13th, 2013 - LAUGHTER
Taken: April 2008
My son has a natural rhythm for delivering zingers. His wit is so sharp that you can’t see the joke coming until everyone around you is bent over with laughter.

My husband tries, so do I, but more often than not my children comment “Ooooh Mom… That was a Dad joke!” Which means I completely tanked in my effort. 

Doesn’t keep me from getting back on the horse. Never has, and it never will.

Kurt Vonnegut said “laughter and tears are both responses of frustration and exhaustion. I prefer to laugh because there is less cleaning up to do afterwards!” I couldn’t agree more. Except for when you make me laugh so hard I cry. Honestly? THAT is the very best cleanup this gal loves to experience.

Have a great day all, and remember to keep that frown turned upside down!

Friday, April 12, 2013


Since starting this whole A-Z challenge thing-a-ma-hoochie, I am absolutely gobsmacked at the volume of messages I have received; each and every one overflowing with encouragement, not to mention words of kindness.

I've pushed through a tough couple of months. Lately, a lot of people (unbeknownst to them) have reached out to me with a random act of kindness. They probably think I'm being silly thinking that they were being kind; but trust me, in my hour of need, they absolutely were. 
April 12th, 2013 - KINDNESS
I truly appreciate any kindness paid toward me and I believe you get back the energy you personally exude.

If you're there for someone, there's an above average chance that they will be there for you.

You have no idea how much it means to me that someone will walk up to my desk and tell me to stand up. "Stand up and give me a hug" to be exact. Completely and totally random, yet appreciated because they knew I really needed it. Amazing!

The biggest act lately? Last weekend. I left a very good friend waiting around Toronto for hours, for the silly opportunity of having a late dinner with me. Why is that one of the nicest things anyone has done for me in a very long time? Because I know they were going above and beyond.

We both knew there was going to be a lag, but the later I ran, the worse I felt. Nothing can describe how great it felt to wrap my arms around them saying “thank you so much for waiting”; to which they responded, "it doesn't matter... we're here now". 

Being a kind person isn't rocket science, it's a mindset. I can get grumpy, I can be stern, but I honestly understand the importance of expressing true kindness. It's simply a life choice you choose to embrace.

All of that goo said, I want to go on the record with: JDK may have inherited her K by marriage, but I am sure it was meant to be. She is the kindest person I have ever had the privilege  of knowing my entire life.

You are ALL really more important (to me) than you realize. 

Thursday, April 11, 2013


My oldest son was born in the dead of winter in Muskoka; he slept in a bassinet beside my bed for the first month or so, then graduated into his very own crib. Once he moved into his nursery, I made a choice that there would always be a radio playing. Why? Because we didn’t want him to be one of those babies conditioned to total silence.

April 11th, 2013 - JUKEBOX (Peacock)
Taken: December 31st, 2010
Always set to the local radio station, it was rarely turned off. He dozed off to the tunes, and woke up the same way.

I truly feel that early choice we made for him, has embedded the musical passion he has today.

Genetically, Jamie is completely surrounded by musicality. It’s a very common thread that is everywhere (on all sides of our family).

He is completely self-taught, disciplined, and he has fully embraced music as a craft. He’s talented. He’s extremely talented.

I remember the first time I watched him perform live I was in awe. After working with the acoustic and bass guitars he moved to the drums. We were always supportive of his passion; in fact we used to leave the house Sunday afternoons, so he and his band could practice. At the time I didn’t really understand the genre of music they were perpetuating, but it was keeping them off the streets, and they were having a blast.

Now a days, I just simply admire his evolving talent from afar (YouTube mostly).

Keep going Jukebox. We know you can accomplish whatever you put your voice and self driven talent behind!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

I is for… INEZ

Growing up I remember always thinking what an odd first name my mother had. It had so many pronunciation options; to this day, I am not really sure which is correct.  Just like her name, she was unique.

I know that a lot of people reading this will have mixed emotions about my mother. At the end of the day; she was just that, my mother. You always look to both of your parents to understand how you've evolved into the person you are today. When it comes to my mom, I know that I have inherited some very specific traits.

My mother loved music and books. I was lucky enough to get her amazing 78 rpm record collection, and my brother Pierre was gifted her wall of books. Just like her, I too love both very much. She had an amazing ability to manage and save money, complimented by a very astute business sense. Ding, ding, ding, I lucked out in those departments too. Then there's my smile. I have been blessed with my mother’s smile.

April 10, 2013 - INEZ (Perrault - St.Onge)

Photo Credit: The North Bay Nugget (circa 1948)
TAG: Raising Awareness About
You know what they say: A son is a son until he takes a wife. A daughter stays yours all of your life…

I did just that. She passed in February 1987 but I got to spend the last six months with her every single day.

I was her caregiver. We kept  each  other company, and I never once let her know that I was really scared too.

All these decades later I think of her often. How she was so young when her life ended.

There are so many things I wish she could have been alive to witness. She really did have a beautiful heart. I was just the one that got to see it most often; I will always be eternally grateful for that.

Thanks Mom. You did a really great job with me. Just like you taught me... I fight for what I believe in and I've never given up!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Well, it’s that time of year again. You know "that time"? When your special day rolls around on the calendar to remind you that you're one step closer to support hose, dentures, and really long afternoon naps!

I may be another year older, but this year the day will be considerably different than last. I had a great birthday last year (probably one of the best ever) but my mindset wasn’t as good as it is this year. Like I always say, change is good! 

As busy as I am, I know my day will come and go. I'm hopeful the odd person will wish me all the best; I’ll be grateful, I always am. There will not be a cake. No gifts will be given. That's not true; I know I will give myself one very specific gift. I’ll look in the mirror, thank God I am alive, and pray another year passes, and I don’t fall and break a hip.

April 9th, 2012 - HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Taken: April 1982
Because I've never really celebrated my birthday, there are very few pictures marking the specific day. 

The photo I am posting was taken thirty one years ago this week. The cake and photo were courtesy of my favourite cousin Joanne, and the pic was snapped at their kitchen counter in North Bay. 

Look at me! Who was that girl all those years ago?

I remember that very day (it was a Saturday). I remember I was happy. It was a very happy time in my life. Better yet? I know that on this day thirty one years later, the answer is exactly the same!

Lastly? The fact that it’s my birthday week means that I get to do my math any way I choose...

This year? I am one very happy 29 year old!!