Showing posts with label Electronic Friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Electronic Friends. Show all posts

Sunday, February 7, 2016


About a week ago, I receive a selfie from my buddy Darin, announcing that he was finally wearing the Muskoka Bear Wear jacket I'd bought for him when we got together last Labour Day weekend here in cottage country (READ: HAT's A FACT). Not gonna lie, I was truly giddy when he sent the pic to prove he actually got around to finally having to wear it.

You see, Darin lives 1400 miles south of me in New Orleans, Louisiana. The coldest 'winter condition' this lad ultimately endures, is when he needs to turn the heat on in the car for an nano second, to take the chill off in the morning. Brace yourself for this next tidbit snowbound  peeps... Once, or twice, a freakin' season!

I bit of Muskoka officially lands in New Orleans!
TAKEN: JANUARY 28th, 2016
Winter weather envy aside, my post isn’t even remotely about that. It's more about how two people (that live so far apart) can make the effort to remain in touch.

As I mentioned to everyone when he was here last, Darin is an Architect. A very talented one, and one I was teamed together with for a Muskoka project that began in the Spring of 2012.

As the design for that project evolved, we ended up chatting on the phone almost daily. Those calls, combined with the ability to keep in touch via social media, untimely kept us electronically connected. The even bigger deal was meeting in Muskoka at the end of last summer, which was something that we'd only ever talked about.

As you know, timing is everything. No matter who you are, or what you do for a living, you have people intersecting in and out of your life all of the time. Have you ever wondered if there's a 'super sonic all that and then some' formula, that have some stay, while others go? I do. I don't dwell on it per say, yet I've always ultimately wondered.

As a coincidental aside, the morning that Darin sent me this photo, was the day that another electronic friend @MsJennie99 tweeted.... The people you meet by accident are often ones that become an important part of your life. My reply was simple: I couldn't agree more! #TrueStory.

Next up? Rhondi travels to New Orleans and gets herself a hoodie.

Which will obviously be worn by a campfire on a cool Muskoka evening in July!

Monday, January 11, 2016


I had a former co-worker message me on Facebook over the holidays to confirm that I was in fact as big a Toronto Raptors fan as I've alluded to on my Twitter feed. My answer was a simple… “HELL, YA!”

As the kick-ass a fan I am, I was fortunate enough to get gifted tickets to a game over the holidays. At the last minute, I offered my box ticket to my oldest boy, because he'd never experienced a Raps game live. Not one to ever miss out, I immediately went online and bought myself a 9th row end zone onesie ticket on game day. 

That evening, as my husband and son landed in the executive suite, they both sent a text to try and locate me in the sold out crowd. In an effort to get on the jumbo-tron, I had about a half dozen people around me, stand and wave their arms along side me so they could see us. It was with really tired arms I had to finally phone my man with a very important tidbit of information. “You’re looking in the wrong end zone...” was what we yelled.

Short story long, watching all the action, the HBSC Bank offered my husband a 3rd ticket so that I could join my boys. We had a blast!

Had a blast with Jukebox... and the RAPS won!
TAKEN: DECEMBER 30th, 2015

Shortly after that, I began to seriously plan my April jaunt. I knew I didn’t want another resort vacation, so after my buddy Heather had such an amazing solo road trip at Christmas, I decided to look at a map. My map had one focus: the Raps schedule on the road.

I quickly discovered that my team had games less than a week apart, playing in three of the cities I wanted to visit. My girlfriend and her husband confessed they may be travelling, so that took San Antonio (Spurs) out of the mix. Yet, I hit the mother load with New Orleans (Pelicans) and Memphis (Grizzlies)... with me heading into Nashville for a couple of days and flying home from there.

My only true hurdle at this juncture's wrapping my head around our poor Canadian dollar. I can pay for my flights and car in Canadian dollars but after that, I am going to be at the mercy of dear ole George Washington. As of today, it will painfully cost me more that a buck forty-two to purchase one American dollar. Not gonna lie, when I finished my cost analysis, that was the hardest thing to personally justify.

I love the Raps, I really do. I miss my friends and I truly want to see them both. At the end of the day, it's turning out to be about a couple of men outside Darin & Twos. Truth is, it's looking like William McKinley & James Madison will be my deciding factors. No matter how much I feel I am worth it, this is turning out to be a very large investment for a mere 10 days on the road with the Raps.

I guess it could be worse. I could be thinking of buying a 4th dog... On second thought, maybe a $5,000 basketball themed road trip may not be such a bad idea after all.

What? ...You didn't think I'd be sitting in the nose bleed seats did ya?!

Monday, December 14, 2015


I had to zoom into the cottage the Sunday before I left for my trip to pick up a few things I was missing. A couple of them were personal items but more importantly, I’d discovered I left a large media storage card behind that is dedicated to one of my favourite cameras.

As I sat and sipped my hot cup of coffee this past Saturday morning, I decided to take a boo at what I'd transferred off my card before I left. Much to my surprise, I found a folder with a series of pictures I had taken outdoors during one of the last summer downpours I endured. The last pic discovered in the folder was the one I’m sharing now (if you look closely, you can see the raindrops that remained on my lens after entering the cottage).

Came in from the storm and there she was... Proud as a Peacock!
TAKEN: AUGUST 11th, 2015
As you know, I am a “...I'll proudly own a Blackberry phone until the company officially..." fill in the blank, kinda Canadian.

What can I say, I love my Q10 and its very sexy buttons. The sound of them clicking at the speed of light, is like music to my ears.

That said, I’ve never considered myself a technology follower, yet I would be lying if I said I hadn't looked at other products on the dark side.

I may have looked but I've never truly entertained abandoning my best friend. I guess the truth of the matter is, I know I never will. Like I said, my Blackberry has always kept me totally satisfied; that was, until I decided to take my latest BFF on a late night November swim.

Yup, since she went swimming with me, she's really been hurting. From the morning after I bailed us us out of that frigid Muskoka water, she can’t hold a charge like she use to. To magnify her woes, this past weekend a tell tale sign that the end is near appeared; she was officially unrecognizable by any USB port I tried to connect her with. Now, I don’t know about you, but when one gravitates to and financially supports a company whos name is RIM, any/all USB port insertion & connection most definitely become critical for personal user satisfaction!

As I look to pull her SIM card and trade her in on a new Blackberry PRIV, I can only hope she's been as happy with me, as I have been with with her. Here's hoping that during that last summer storm, her USB connection threw her a little extra jolt and tiny power surge of satisfaction. On second though, nix that somewhat playful and sexy thought.

...I'm sure Ontario Hydro wouldn't be able to deliver that right either!!

Sunday, September 6, 2015


I don’t know about you but I always find the best times happen when there’s no planning involved whatsoever. As someone that over analyzes everything, I’m pleased to report that yesterday proved my silly little theory to a tee.

As the proverbial ‘old gray mare’ I’m pretty routinized. I’m serious. I had a friend that use to come into my home and move things around to see how long it would take me to put them back where I felt they belonged. Anyway, when I got a last minute message that my very favourite Architect was coming into Muskoka from New Orleans this weekend, I sprang out of my routine and had to say only four words to my husband; “I need a favour!”

With my man covering off our long weekend chores, as well as my thinking cap firmly attached, I needed to quickly hatch a plan to show them around. So many ideas and so little time. Do I have JJ tour us in his Porsche? Do I ask Paul to take us out in his fastest boat? At the end of the day, even with all of my connections, such little notice had me singing solo. So, I decided to do a couple of things with them that I have never done before. In turn, I officially became a tourist, which is something I swore I’d never do.

Darin, Me & T, rockin' Port Carling!

You see, when you live in Muskoka, you generally hide on the weekends, as small hamlets turn into bustling cities. Hell, I swear we circled a parking lot a dozen times to find a spot. Partially because Darin wouldn’t illegally park but mostly because it was jammed like a can of sardines. I honestly had no idea the volume of people that landed in such a small space on a Saturday afternoon. Better yet, that I would concede and be one of them!

As Darin and I paid for our new hats, the clerk asked me if I had found everything I was looking for. My response was swift and a matter a fact, “I wasn’t looking for anything”, I said. “...The fact that I found this very sexy hat is definitely an added bonus!”

Though our visit was short and generally lackluster, I am writing this morning feeling blessed. Blessed that I got to finally meet someone that I never thought I’d get to hug face to face and blessed that I got to meet (and hug) the newest member of his team.

As I plan my 12 month vacation schedule, Darin tells me that New Orleans just has to be on it. After yesterday, I couldn’t agree more.

Monday, August 24, 2015


I am feeling a level of anxiety in my life right now that I haven’t experienced in a very long time. I was chatting with my very best electronic friend yesterday and though he was no help whatsoever with my issue, he made me laugh about it. Which, as you know, is simply the best medicine.

I remember the day I took this photo. I was transitioning.
When we checked in with each other at lunch today, I admitted that I was teary.  What I didn't admit, was that  yesterday I led him to believe my angst was being fueled by one simple thing, the honest truth is that it’s more than that. 

My deeply ingrained fear of the unknown has taken over my very active imagination. It's not bad enough that I focus all day on the plethora of variables next week may bring, last night I dreamt about them. For some very obvious reasons, I don’t think that’s normal. So, here's the skinny.

When I left my dream job in December 2013, I really didn’t want to go. The truth of the matter is that I knew I had to; for my personal, as well as my emotional survival. After verbalizing my next move to a friend last Friday, I realized that there is still a very deep hurt inside me, that has yet to heal and it all doubles back to the way I was previously treated. I heard myself admit aloud that I worry that it will happen to me again. I don’t want to think like that but I have a zero sense of trust in a number of areas of my life and this dog infested with fleas is at the forefront.

As I share my feelings, I'm sure it must read like sad case of paranoia on my part but the dead nuts honest truth is that it’s sheer fear. I thought I would end my working career with this other company. I took their results and to a level they'd never previously experienced and in return I was treated like a big fat bag of poo. After such a hurtful experience like that, how does one ever trust again? 

Not sure if you'd agree but I've decided to have faith. At this juncture in my life, my heart tells me that it’s the best place to start.

Once again... Thanks for listening. 

Thursday, August 6, 2015


Last week, my very best electronic friend told me that he loves the fact that I honestly make the effort to greet each new day. It’s true. Though I may immediately end up stepping in dog shit when my feet hit the floor, at least from the moment I wake, I tell myself ‘she’s gonna to be a great day!'

Yesterday wasn’t quite as dramatic as the picture I’ve just painted but it wasn’t great.

Because the cottage is so close to the shoreline, the morn proved exceptionally damp and cold. So much so that I had to put a fire on in the woodstove before I sat at my desk. As I was whining via text about my dismal situation at hand, I was jokingly asked to “try and avoid suicide.” Though reading the snippet made me laugh, it literally had me snap into shape. Isn’t it interesting how certain words put stupid silliness into perspective?

Once again... I cheerfully greeted my day!
TAKEN: AUGUST 6th, 2015
Knowing it was dropping down to a balmy 11C last night, I closed all the windows in an effort to contain what heat I had generated.

When I woke & greeted this new day, there was a fog over the water telling me the water was warmer than the air. I pushed the button on the coffee maker and immediately moved my workstation out to the deck.

"No need to be inside, when you can be outside” my father always use to say.

Truth? The thought of sharing my waterfront office this morning never crossed my mind until I realized just how lucky I really am.

'...Livin' the dream' so to speak.

A dream that DID NOT require my cherished fuzzy socks today.

Thursday, July 30, 2015


I haven’t mentioned it before now but I’m in the midst of transitioning. I will be taking the month of August to tie up some loose ends, steamline some systems, then September 1st I am embarking on a new career direction. I’m excited about it & very few know the specifics. Truth be known, it’s been something I have been contemplating since this time last year. It was only today, when I broke the news to my closest confidant, that I realized the reality of what’s really happening with me. 

Don’t get me wrong, I’m extremely happy with my choice. My husband and I have talked about it in detail but you know husbands; a happy wife's a happy life. In turn, they just nod their head a lot, agree with you 99.9% of the time, and hope the end result is a hug that turns into sex!

Never lose sight of the fact that we always learn
something of value from every person we meet.
Today, my lunch date was the opposite. I was able to articulate my plans and direction with my close friend asking pertinent, big picture questions. Aside from congratulating me, he instantly said what I also believe to be true. “I know you’ll be much happier!” 

There is something very comforting about our solid friendship that has grown over the years. What started out as an all business thing, has now matured into a deep respect for the each other’s lives and our families. He’s comfortable telling me what he & his wife and kids have going on, as am I with him, and we always make sure the others business interests are on track (which has always been our core). I guess you can say we’ve evolved into the others perfect sounding board. We've never spoken over each other, and we’ve always been unconditionally supportive of each other, no matter what our news may bring.
Anyway, because he had to unexpectedly grab something south of here, I decided to tag along and we drove about 30 miles south for lunch. With more than our usual hour to dine, there was an unusual amount of time to chat. I am pleased that I could quietly admit to him that I feel I have finally recovered from the summer of 2012. Though there still may be faint scars, for the emotional severity of what I went through, I have come out the other end relatively unscathed.

So there you have it. I’m moving on, I've made it though, and I am grateful. Ecstatic for an amazing career opportunity and exceptionally glad for this unconditional gift of friendship.

You see, his friendship really is a gift. A gift I am grateful I get to open every single day.

Monday, July 27, 2015


I'll remember this moment for a very long time. BIZARRE!
TAKEN: JULY 24th, 2015
With summer in full bloom, I took last Friday to myself. I walked with Sweetie downtown to grab an ice cream cone and to wait for word that my friend had safely landed his plane at Muskoka Airport from his home base in Cleveland. 

I find it hard to fathom that he can be to me (or at least wheels to the ground in Muskoka from Cleveland) quicker than I can get in the car and drive to Toronto.

Long story short he was late. I was worried and Sweetie couldn't wait any longer to meet him. So I loaded her onto the trolley at the Falls and Puddy and I headed back through the downtown awaiting my good news call.

Here's where the story gets kind of neat. As I bent down to take this picture, another American friend was about to exit one of the storefronts in the distance. I didn't know it at the time and there was zero expectation that we would see each other, yet imagine my surprise when  he merged onto the sidewalk in front of me. It had been three years since we'd last met face to face.

When I called out to him, I honestly don't think he recognized me at first. At least that's how I read his face. To be fair, I don't blame him. Who would expect to bump into someone and their dog during regular business hours? Either way, I'm glad we chatted. My life may have moved away from the industry he services but it was nice to discuss my upcoming return face to face. Three years later I still feel the way I did when we were working together, which is that he's a really good person.

As my Cleveland buddy and I enjoyed lunch today I wanted to share how his stronger than normal headwind, changed my fate and had me bump into an old friend; yet, I didn't. Instead we talked for an hour about Muskoka and his quest to retire and buy a cottage here.

At the end of the day I think he could love Muskoka as much as our family does. The American dollar is strong and interest rates are extremely low. I guess we'll just have to wait and see where things go with that. Because, as Friday once again reinforced...

Timing is everything!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015


I don’t know about you but last night I was up until almost midnight because of the icky sticky humidity. I’m not complaining, probably because I woke up well rested and ready to start my day.

Anyway, after a quick early morning shower, I wandered downstairs and settled at my desk. It's hard to believe that at 6am (probably because my home office is slightly below grade & due to the humidex) my tootsies needed to be bundled up. No if, ands, or buts about it, I immediately knew it was a four alarm ‘fuzzy socks’ kinda morn.

TAKEN: JUNE 16th, 2015
My point?

When decluttering the house last weekend, I came across a gift that was presented to me by a very cherished friend at the cottage last Boxing Day. I had brought his gift home for safe keeping New Years Day but it seems my safe keeping spot was so safe, I didn’t discover them until last Saturday. You can’t imagine my excitement when I announced to my husband "...I found Tim’s fuzzy socks that ROCK!!”

I’m sure most women would have preferred a poinsettia or a nice bottle of wine to celebrate the season but not this cat, and certainly not from the fella that knows first and foremost how I love hand knit fuzzy wool socks. You see, he and I have known each other since I entered high school and all these years later have never really ever lost touch.

Actually, even though we live a couple of miles apart, we've become the very best electronic friends. The only time we chat on the phone is if something gets lost in translation via text and we need to debate the points validity. I find it refreshing and truly appreciate that we can communicate so openly about anything and everything. What can I say, he's definitely a keeper.

As June rolls into July I guess I just wanted to let him know how much I loved my gift: they're perfect. Yup, my fuzzy socks rock. Just like our very long standing friendship.

Thanks again Bud!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Thanks for the post idea Becca!
Well, here it is. My very first selfie. How goofy is it that I vividly remember the night I took this bad boy?

Crux of the story is, Facebook was the new and in thing, and I wanted to change my profile pic for the upcoming season. Admiring the festive lights in the livingroom,  I hatched a plan. 

Seeing that the days of holding up ones phone was years from hitting the mainstream, my pic was staged using a 35mm digital camera and a mirror. Even today, I still find the look of it intriguing.

Everyone knows that each and every aspect of social media and online optimization is a part of what I do. I guess you could say that I’m one of the lucky ones that get to do “IT” for both business & pleasure. As I reflect, I have to admit that it's been an extremely interesting journey, that started with a Myspace account so many moons ago. From there, I just followed the technology, invested my time, and got lucky. Most probably wonder why I stay with Blogger and haven't headed over to Wordpress, the answer is a no-brainer.

I don't write for a living, I simply enjoy to write: I'm comfortable here.

This Blog wasn't created to generate revenue, just some interesting thoughts and a personal peace of mind. As I officially wind it down, it feels good to know that I have accomplished exactly that.

Silly ...geeky... selfies...  et all!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Knowing I had a big day today, I was in bed early last night and was up before dawn this morning. After a two and a half hour conference call, by mid afternoon I’d had about enough multi-tasking one could handle and decided to throw on a coat and head outside with the dogs.

You know what they say... Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
TAKEN: FEBRUARY 10th, 2015

This aft the UV rays were so intense and temperature so mild, it felt like the only thing missing was my Fairy Godmother walking down the drive offering me three wishes. It felt wonderful!

As I walked around the dog trails, throwing sticks and basking in the sun, I found myself at the bottom of the snow covered steps to the fire pit (admiring our rickety old trellis). In awe, I just stood there.

My old friend was surrounded by a perfect blanket of snow, with a crisp pristine blue sky to offer the perfect backdrop; absolutely beautiful, solid and stoic. To a girl that hadn't been out of the house since last Saturday afternoon, it offered a very welcome visual euphoria.

Alone in the moment I couldn't help daydreaming, about my trellis and the simple thought that if I headed up that hill... Caught my snowshoe and twisted both my ankles and called 911... A really hot fireman would come role play my fantasy. (Knowing that ain't ever gonna ever happen, I went back into the house and got back to work.)

I AM pleased to report that my husband called minutes later to surprised me with the fact that he'd stopped and bought me four new pair of my very favourite fuzzy socks. That right there had me shave my legs, put on my best bonnet, and wait for him to get home to me with bells on.

What can I say? The only person responsible for making your day memorable is YOU!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014


I have always been a huge music fan. A true fan, not a fussy music fan like some people I know. As long as there’s a half decent beat, I’m into it. Hell, hand me a pair of spoons and I’ll always get the party started. That love of all things music has transformed me into a concert going junkie. As a result, once the kids left, I went on an amazing magic carpet/concert going bender.

Truth of the matter is my husband and I were in different lanes at that time, so it was Goob that convinced me that going to any concert alone would be a blast. I remember him telling me “everyone around you is there for the very same reason you are. They all love the music as nuch as you do.”  Guess I realized that if it didn’t bother him to go to events alone I should give it a try. I decided to start planning my solo treks. More than three years later, I have saved every ticket stub and I've loved each and every experience.

He loved his Birthday seats!
TAKEN: NOVEMBER 15th, 2014
Other than his obsession with The Band, my husband is a huge CCR/John Fogerty fan. Last winter he’d mentioned that he was coming to Canada. He also admitted that he was worried that at sixty nine years of age, this may be his last touring hurrah.

I had told him that I had tried to get tickets to three of his closest stops to us but hadn't been successful. He was disappointed, yet never worried too much about it. Then, for his birthday last summer, I presented him with the tickets I'd purchased the day they went on sale. He was ecstatic. 

Never the fan of his magnitude, I suggested he take one of our sons; he insisted that I accompany him. When all was said and done, I had a blast. I am so use to attending alone that I got in the zone and stayed there from the time he came on the stage until he finished. Walking back to the hotel, I admitted to my husband that I enjoyed the John Forgerty show better than the Eagles. He agreed. It wasn’t just the seats, the Show (not to mention the overall vibe) was just top notch.

It was neat to hear him talk of his experience to fellow Canadians the following morning as we waited to take off at YYZ. As I listened to him chatting, I was glad that he'd finally jumped on my really great bandwagon. After all these years... He finally gets it. 

As I listened to my husband chatting about, I couldn't help but think of my good buddy Zack. He's the only other person that has lived vicariously through my experiences and loved each and every one of my concert going outings as much as yours truly. 

I worry. He's in such a bad spot that I didn't have the heart to mention what he was missing. Not because I thought he'd be angry; it's just with the death of his Dad and other really big life changes I know he's spending his time on a very different bandwagon. 

Kinda sad really... but I know he knows I'll always be here for him no matter what!

Monday, November 24, 2014


The funniest thing about typing that post title was that I didn’t. I literally cut and paste it from a Google English/Spanish translator site. (It means the perfect vacation for those of you as challenged as yours truly ...)

A good book, a cold drink, lots of sun... and a great photographer!
Taken: NOVEMBER 21st, 2014
Not gonna lie, after a week away, the only word I can express confidently in Spanish, is Ola. Yup, pleased to report that I nodded a lot: and said Ola a lot. 

I did sign up for a Spanish class (by the pool). Upon its completion, I immediately swam up to my man at the bar announcing that I was NOT going back to school the following day.

"Who knew they really wanted to teach me to speak Spanish" I said - like I'd been exposed to the Ebola virus. He'd had much more fun with his pool side event participation. Mine actually had a test. Hard to gravitate to a Prof that doesn't speak Ingles (in 90 degree weather) when I could be floating in the pool, drinking a Cuba Libra!

Smiles aside, I've been blessed to have experienced this beautiful country we live in from coast to coast, not to mention my fair share of States belonging to our neighbours to the South of us. I have also been fortunate enough to get to travel in the Caribbean; yet prior to this past week, I’d never experienced this type of serious language barrier. (I was shocked to meet only a dozen English speaking peeps.)

We stayed in an Adults Only Resort, so I found it interesting to watch how other couples communicated with each other without the distraction of the English language filling in the blanks for me. At the end of the day, everyone was truly there to reconnect, with their only distraction being the partner that they were there with. Hence my photo.

My husband isn't a book worm like me. I knew the library was closed once he sat up and said "Whooowkaaay...". It was code that I was to stop reading and that we were to head to his favourite bar on the beach. Just our luck,  our British friends from our sister resort were waiting for us for Tiffing Time.

Ya gotta love it. They'd be having a blast with Dire Straits cranked and blaring. Johnathon would be right lit, telling everyone how much he loved Canada. For the record, Sultans of Swing has always been (and always will be) one of my very favourite songs!!

Really, really, grand times.... All of which, ultimately weave, into the perfect vacation.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Any Great Day Offers Perspective

Have you ever had a day that went from FUNK to FAB without warning?

Well, when I rolled out of bed this morning, I was completely and unequivocally indifferent to my day ahead. I knew I had a number of things to check off my ‘list of things to do’ but was bummed that the weather was still crap. In protest, I waited to stoke the woodstove, then pouted as I almost instantly gave in. Whatever, it was freakin’ cold!

See what I mean? FUNK. 

Then, piece by piece, everything effortlessly came together. Grumpy and cold, I checked my phone to find a text from B. He normally doesn't text so that (and his positive bang on the spot message) instantly made me smile. 

...a perfect Orillia Lake sunset captioned by yours truly!
Taken: July 18th, 2014
Shortly thereafter, I was awarded a meeting. One that I'd been asking for since the 2013 Fall Cottage Life Show. 

All of a sudden, my phone went wild and my giving into the woodstove didn't matter so much.

Then, the truly and very unexpected happened.

Knowing I was in a funk not fab mood, a business associate (on his way north) wanted to see me. No if, and, or buts.

They confirmed that they'd grab us some lunch in Gravenhurst, then progress to meet up at my cottage. Problem was, I’d never made the offer to meet them there before. They’d need directions. I was nervous.

Just so we’re clear. My idea of cottaging and a person that has a vehicle that costs more than 4x’s the original purchase price of this gem of a property, can never really align. Hell, this is one step up from camping. I’d always thought that... Until today.

Today proved that you can never know what another is really thinking. Not only did they bring the sunshine down the hill with them... They came with bells on, toting our very yummy lunch!

The moral of my story is to never discount any day. Those weather laden days you may deem as crap, may very well turn out to be amazing. Look at me today. My advice? Wake up every single day wanting and willing to be FAB...


(...and stop over thinking. That was lunch advice. Point taken.)

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

If I Had A DIME...!

Chatting via email this morning (with my very fave Business colleague) made my day ten times brighter than Mother Nature’s generous post long weekend UV offering. I don’t know about you, but I love laughing via email. As silly as it sounds, I can hear the other person’s voice speaking to me as I read, just as I’m certain they can hear my laughter in return.

As I was playfully multi-tasking my phone rang. In the instant that I read the call display, I said their name aloud. Another former client; one, that most definitely is etched on my short list of all-time favourites.

Oh, I remember it well. It was the week leading up to Easter in 2013. He was starting a ‘small’ renovation and wanted to meet with me face to face so that he could better understand his options. I agreed, only to have him lose my number. Boy, if I had a dime for every time a man claimed they'd lost my number...  I’d be retired and definitely be living large by now!

Chuckles aside and long story short: he and I never met that day. AND... his small renovation, ended up being not so small. As his project progressed, we talked on the phone (sometimes daily) for months until his contractor pulled the boats out of the water for the season in November.

Working the 2013 Fall Cottage Life Show, I heard a very familiar voice announce “I just wanted to say hello..”

Without hesitation I turn and yelled his name and hugged him. Today, I heard his voice again. It'll be weird not dealing with him and his contractor this summer but he sent me something to remember him by. The view from his dock I helped to enhance.... So to speak.

Thanks for the call Dr. C.

Now that you're a reader, we'll always effortlessly keep in touch.


Monday, April 28, 2014


In this world we have created, that has a focus on what's written rather than what's spoken, X’s and O’s have to be what I look forward to receiving most. You may think it silly, but when there's distance between you and someone you love, there’s nothing better than a text message ending with a bunch of those silly little letters in a row.

Santa's Village -  Labour Day Monday (Photo Credit: Auntie Andrea G)
Taken: September 6th, 1993
Case in point, my daughter moved home last weekend. 

Well, not home per say, but back to our hometown, where her parents can pick her up for grocery shopping and return her to the comfort of her very own rented space.

Organizing the big move was a tad challenging, as it was done at odd hours and primarily using instant messaging. It was an  emotionally trying time all around and it was tough to let her know that there was no anger toward her in any frustration we may have been feeling. Let's just say that both our thumbs got really quick texting each other in the ‘xoxoxoxo’ lane.

It's hard to explain...

I don’t care if I’m in my office and I get a message from GOOB (who's upstairs in his bedroom) ending in a great big XO, or a quick Facebook message from Jukebox, (after sharing a bottle of red wine and some amazing music) reporting he’s made it home safe & sound.  Admittedly, instant messaging may not always be ideal, but it's an important part of how we communicate as a family.

My husband? Though he does text, he's not a big technology kinda guy. Instead, he kisses me every single day... and his hugs? Amazing! 

I am pleased to report that with those... He's got me on his unlimited plan!!!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Welcome Back Zack!

For the first time in months, I have been exchanging emails with my friend Zack. He’s doing well, has been as busy as me, so there are no hard feelings. Like bringing anyone up to speed with what you've been up to - there are always a million questions.

The best part about reconnecting with a good friend is that there is zero bullshit. You pick up where you left off.

It's as simple as that!

Before I got married, I was insecure and wanted to be everyone's friend. (So much so that my middle name could have been ‘placate’.)

Once married, financial constraints limited my husband’s social reach, so I was labelled a bit of a bitch. When the kids arrived, my life took on a life of their own. Free time was non-existent; so suffice is to say when the nest emptied, I was pretty much lost.

For the last couple of years, it was Zack that talked to me over and over about open communication with my spouse. It was Zack that told me that anything was possible, and it was Zack that gave me the strength to never give up. What can I say other than I've really missed him. 

It’s not that we deliberately let our friendship wane; I just had other things in my life I needed to focus on. Best part? He totally gets all of that. I’m glad I am going to see him again because he's living proof...

Living proof that you're always hardest on the ones you love.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Z Is For... ZEST

I have always embraced the zest element in my life. What can I say, my favourite colour is red and I truly am a passionate person. I am first to to put up my hand to admit - I work hard, plays hard,  and follow a very simple life platform. 

Laughter is the ignition switch and sarcasm the fuel. I am drawn to like-minded people (particularly if they can keep up with me) and I whole heartily embrace them. Though I can lead blindfolded, I love fun. It's how I roll.

Yesterday I posted that I wish I could have been free to be me. One of my newer readers commented “all those things in the past, made you who you are today” and I realized that she’s absolutely right. I really am simple. I am just simply ME. Great heart, fun loving, amazing dental plan, and a solid inner zest!

April 30th, 2013 - ZEST
Taken: March 30/13

I'm kidding (though dental hygiene is key). The truth of the matter is, if you give off that specific "zestful" energy, with the right connection, you will always get it back in spades.

Like mindedness gravitates to like mindedness. Get it? "We have unmistakable like minded ZESTness!" Okay, that was lame.

That right there tells me maybe my word should have been ZERO. Which is the number of posts I have to complete to finish this blogging challenge. 

Oh my goodness I did it. I can't believe it.

I say we pour me a glass of wine! Better yet? How about we give me a great big hug!

Zest or no zest, this exercise was exhausting, and gosh darn it... I have absolutely and unequivocally earned both!!!

Saturday, April 27, 2013


I know, I know, it's not a word but I don't have one (nor do I have the slightest hankerin' to ask for help). That said, there really is a point to my unconventional choice. 

I've had a pretty amazing month of April. The winter has had challenges (both personally and professionally) but I am pleased to report that I made it. I have a great tan, I'm completely rested, and I made it! Well rested aside, just when I was convinced that everything was copacetic, I get another curve ball. It happened yesterday afternoon and it was in the form of an email.

I immediately forwarded it to my friend Zack and asked the obvious question. "Do you think this was sent to be cruel?" It was from someone that's never really been a part of my inner circle, but they'd been corresponding with someone that use to be (and that person had really hurt me professionally). 

Zack's response was not only bang on, as an added bonus it was crazy comical. It made me laugh, and a day later I realize he's right. He's been right about the person for months & months, but it took the event yesterday for me to see it from his perspective.

April 27th, 2013 - Xcellence
Rhondi & Zack ROCK!
As I sit in crappy Super 8 in the middle of Pennsylvania, I have a couple of things to look forward to in my very immediate future:
1) Tomorrow I get to rest my A-Z.
2) I am less than 500 miles away from getting the hell out of this crowded (dog lovin') vehicle.
3) In less than 24 hours I will be sleeping in my very own bed again and...
4) I have a Monday lunch date with my buddy Zack! (I haven't seen him since Cottage Life so it's time.)

I Love You Man. Why? Basic math dude.

YOU + ME ='s  X-cellence...

  Friendship X-cellence!  

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


From the time I was a small child my parents puts a strong emphasis on a family vacation. Because my father worked maintaining large machinery, July summer shutdown was when we would always venture away.

Traditions are hard to break. My husband never traveled as a child so when I would share all the photos of the places I'd been he agreed that travel was something worth saving for.  Our own adventures started when the twins were ten months old.

So far this has been an amazing "girls" trip. I did cheat a little this morning. Blocked for a "T" word, I sent my first and only email since leaving home. After a couple of suggested words, I wished them a good day, then fired my  Blackberry back into the night stand drawer and started my day. 

April 23rd, 2013
Taken: This morning...
Feeling great, I proceeded to enjoy a quick shower, then Staci and I ventured out. With no particular destination in mind, we  landed on the Main Street in Cherry Grove to enjoy a morning walkabout. 

Just like the Gorbies that loiter outside of Marty's in Muskoka, Staccs and I jumped at the chance to pose out front of Miss. Vickie's.

As I loaded the pictures off my camera I conceded the harsh reality. I was officially that dreaded "T" word.
