Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Happy 2nd Anniversary Everyone

Did you know that today is our Anniversary? 

Not my husband and my wedding anniversary but your and my personal milestone as a group. Today, Ya Gotta Laugh About It has turned two. It's official; we lept from being an infant, and blossoms into a toddler with cartoon colourful pull ups!

What the firetruck? I can not believe that my electronic journal is two whole years old that may soon be ready to post its crap into the big people pottie!! I am serious when I share that it seems like only yesterday I decided to give this medium a shake and posted my first entry. Boy, has my life changed since that fateful night. Two years later I am proud to boast that both my life and my mindset have blossomed.

In celebration of last year's common thread of 3 word sentences, I would like to pay tribute. A day later and a thirty five cents wiser, here are five (very important personal three word sentence) steps in surviving any brutal mid life crisis:

Happy Anniversary To US!
Here's embracing the 58 people that read my first post.
1. Have No Regrets!

Thank you everyone.

Thank you for reading.

Thank you for listening.

Because let's face it: "life's too short to let the glass half empty win..."

CHEERS PEEPS... Now pass the freakin' cake. I'm starving!

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