Showing posts with label Thankful. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thankful. Show all posts

Thursday, September 1, 2016


Well, today’s September 1st and I'm sitting in my home office at dusk, wearing an over-sized sweatshirt, yoga pants, and a really hideous pair fuzzy socks. As it comes to a close, one thing I do know for certain is that my day was especially cool for a couple of reason. One being when I woke up this morn, the temperature was a balmy 9C. (Which is 48F for all my non-metric focused peeps).

When I rolled over at 5:45am this morning, clicked on my happy light, then simultaneously received an email alert; which is not uncommon for yours truly. You see, a large part of my job is employee relations. As an internal customer service, our payroll software sends out birthday and work anniversary notices to me for everyone within our company, so I may personally offer good wishes. That said, when I picked up my Blackberry this morning, my awaking email cheerfully announced the work anniversary reminder was for... Me!

I posted this to Facebook exactly a year ago today.
(C) IDP Muskoka

The graphic I am sharing was the Facebook cover shot I prepared to announce (a year ago today) that I was transitioning. I remember being both nervous and excited as I walked to meet the Sweeney-Meister and Coop for our very first carpool adventure. A year later, I am grateful for that time we've shared. This last year has evolved into an amazing job, as well as a very important friendship I am grateful for.

You know what? All of that said, temperature wise this morning and this evening may have been cool... But I mentioned today was cool for a couple of reasons.

My 1st official Tamarack North anniversary? 

Pretty freaking cool!

Monday, April 25, 2016


A year ago last week, my husband and I scrambled to arranged for a plane ticket for our only daughter and brought her home. She'd moved 3,400 kms away from us the year previous and for the five months before her return, we'd been estranged. It was a trying time for all but the relationship that we knew was poisonous from the start was over and she headed east to start anew.

Focused on the positive, our entire family promised we wouldn't press discussion about what had transpired, nor dwell on the mean things said. The truth was, when we picked her up at the airport we immediately knew she had a long road ahead of her. She would need to heal; mentally, physically and most importantly emotionally.

Staccs heading out with her crew.
TAKEN: APRIL 23rd, 2016
Well, with all of that in the past, I am pleased to report that a year later she's doing well... It's unbelievable!

Just look at her. Physically and spiritually, everyday she morphing back to a person that can finally experience joy.

Gone's the boyfriend that use to abuse her. Back is my gal, embracing a life she knew she was always worthy of. She's happy. Has a job she enjoys and has reconnected with friends she'd been told to shun because of the relationship she'd been in. 

A few months ago she began dating again. It's nice to see gentleman callers coming around and I'm glad she immediately explains she's in no hurry. I suspect it has something to do with the trust issues she has developed. In time, I'm sure those scars will heal too. 

Thursday, March 17, 2016


It's a given that most people think of today as St. Patricks Day. I suppose until 2011, I did too. 

It just so happens that 5 years ago today, one of the great ones answered their call and as a result my friend Blair McLaren passed away. 

I know that name won’t specifically resonate with the majority of my readers but trust me when I write that he was a very well respected businessman. Though not where his career would end, when I was growing up, he and his wife owned the local sporting goods store affectionately known as McLaren Sports.

Myself & Blairs' daughter Sarah. Happy to be able to still call her my friend.

If I close my eyes, I can remember the day I sat in their store and he outlined my feet for a custom made pair of John Kenbli skates. I was so excited that I was floating, and of course my mother was being my mother.

I remember the ordeal as embarrassing and I distinctly remember the conversation as generally uncomfortable. He explained the manufacturing process and expected lead time for delivery. Then, they talked about why the price was the price. 

As he answered all of her questions, in an nano-second he earned her complete and unconditional trust. He promised never to disclose to my father the money she’d spent in his store on my fateful day; and he never did. 

Over time, teaching their daughters to skate, led me to babysitting for he and his wife. I also remember it was the end of an era when they closed the store to focus on building a corporate family business ~ aptly named McLaren Press. 

What his wife and girls don't know is that 20 years later, when I opened IDP Muskoka in 2004, Blair and his brother Scott were one of my very first calls. After all, every new marketing agency with a solid business plan, needs a great trade printer. I remember the meeting. 

It started with Scott (whom lived across the street from me at the time) then he called in Blair. Much to my surprise, the two of them made me an offer to join their team 24 hours later. Though I declined, Blair always remembered the fire in my belly and my overall vision. He was truly the first successful man that supported the concept of women leading in business.

Even with life being as busy as it was, no matter when I ran into him, he never hesitated to stop and ask me how I was doing. Never rushed nor forced. He was always genuine and very happy for me.

Musings aside, the funny thing is that all these years later, I still have those skates. Matter a fact I cherish them. Always have. Always will. 

So, tonight, I ask you to raise your green beer, glass of wine, or a glass of water to Blair.

Loving husband, wonderful father, grandfather, employer, friend. He may be gone but most definitely will never be forgotten.

Cheers, Blair...Thanks for the memories.

Sunday, December 20, 2015


I had a great time Friday at our afternoon company luncheon, so I started my little bit of holiday shopping Friday night. Then, when I woke up yesterday morn, I opened up some very specific dialogue with my husband, that I feel the need to reiterate every single holiday season. “Please don’t buy me anything,” I said

We've never really exchanged gifts, yet I was sensing he was feeling obligated to put something under the tree for me. The truth of the matter is that it’s not a bah-humbug thing, I simply don’t need nor want anything. What I want, I have. If I don’t have it, it’s probably because I don’t want it.

As parents, we’ve never put a material emphasis on this time of year but our kids are human and tend to get wrapped up in idea of it all (no pun intended). As a result, I do what most do. I buy far too much wrapping paper and tape, then say that I'll save it until next year - which I never do!

Anyway, with all of us working until at least noon Christmas Eve, this past weekend was literally our last chance to get what shopping done that we needed to do. I have always shopped locally, so I knew there would be no big shopping mall crowds to tend with, just the challenge of hiding what was purchased... As the four of the five of us that were together, were totally guilty of last minute shopping.

The Corner Cabinet in Bracebridge ROCKS!
TAKEN: DECEMBER 19th, 2015 
That said, before I started shopping for my family yesterday morn, I had to hunt and find a very personal gift for a special someone in my life. 

I’ve known them professionally since 2008, yet none of my holiday shopping buddies know them personally. All they know, is what they’ve heard me share of them. 

When I explained my challenge, I was truly amazed how they all helped me in my quest for the perfect gift. Schlepping from store to store, in a blizzard no less. Not gonna lie, it made the perfect purchase that much more personal. Makes no matter that the person receiving our effort's the epitome of  'someone that has everything', I know they'll hug me with sincerity and appreciate the sentiment.

So, with my shopping done & Sirius cranked on the oldies Christmas tune station, I type. 

I am so pleased to report that the only gray in my life this season is the colour of my hair, yet I still feel the same way about Christmas that I always have.

Unless there's a trip around the world under the tree for me... Hold onto your cash!

Monday, April 13, 2015


Well, I made it home; only to discover I left my laptop cord at the dang blasted Resort!

I didn’t panic, because I embarrassingly hoard any & all electronic accessories produced. Anyway, much to my dismay, not only did I quickly establish that I did NOT have a cord, it was instantly apparent that the boys had endured a week from hell. They say 'it happens in threes' and last night a skunk came a kockin'... and the pups gladly answered the stinking door! No pun intended.

Glass half full?

WOOT ... #7 Kyle Lowry
(My arms were too short to take the pic!)
TAKEN: APRIL 13th, 2015
When I eventually got a hold of myself, I delivered GOOB home, my JUKEBOX helped with the crisis at hand, and I got on the phone in search of answers. About a half hour later, I heard the front door close and it was GOOB with my belated Birthday gift that had gotten stuck in transit.

Check out my very sexy, #7, Kyle Lowry jersey!

For a number of reasons, his gift arrived at a perfect time. First and foremost, with Lowry healthy (he returned to the lineup for my Birthday) we'll both get to suit up and kick it up a notch when they play the Celtics tomorrow night. Yup, it's now official, from this day forward, T-MAC & K-LOW jerseys will be pumped & ready to go!

Oh, and just another quick thanks again to my boys for their help and support last week. It really was greatly appreciated. xo

PS: ...#WeTheNorth
PSS: Couldn't resist :)

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


It was another sunny day in Muskoka today but yesterday was the brightest day that I’d experienced in a very long time. I was in the middle of a conference call when a knock came to the door. When the receptionist opened it to let me know that there was someone to see me, I was elated to see my buddy Brock. He knew by my reaction and how tightly I hugged him, that I'd suffered a really long winter of not hearing what he had to say to me face to face. 

Folks... Meet my buddy Brock Napier!
Photo (c) Muskoka News Watch ~ All Rights Reserved
I don’t expect 99.999% of you to know who the heck I am talking about (let alone recognize him) but rest assured when I boast that he has steadfastly been philanthropic within our small community and within the District of Muskoka. 

He’s donated millions of dollars and personally raised millions more in an effort to keep our current infrastructure solid and self-sustaining. It’s not only the hospitals and local charities that have received support; he and his wife donated the land, as well as spearheaded the fundraising to build our state of the art OSPCA. They truly are... amazing people.

Friends with the both of them since 2010, it was my love for my dogs that had us stay in touch after they’d renovated their cottage. Brock would bring his four pups by to see me at work when he was in town, which would ultimately always lead to a parking lot chat about the state of our economy.

Yesterday, once we finished saying hello, I immediately invited him in. I pulled him up a chair so he could openly share in our Team call. When we headed outside so I could say hello to Wendel and the girls, he took it upon himself to say he was impressed at what's been built in a very short period of time. “You certainly have a lot going on,” he commented. “I am happy for you...” he said. I humbly thanked him.

I feel truly blessed that he is my friend. His respect means a lot to me.

I do know one thing for sure,  I’ll never too busy for Brock. My only complaint may be that though he has a brilliant Business mind, he has a great big fat hairy thorn in his butt for the evolution of technology. I kid you not, he doesn't own a computer, which challenges my most comfortable method of communication. Wondering how I'll share this post with him? I'll print it off and I will FAX him.

Seriously... Who sends a fax anymore? I do.... Exclusively, to my buddy Brock!

Friday, February 6, 2015


♫♪♫ Happy Birthday Dear Jukebox... Happy Birthday To Youuuu ♫♪♫
TAKEN: DECEMBER 25th, 2014
Well, my baby is celebrating the anniversary of his birth today!

As I look forward to cookin’ him a kickass dinner and sharing a glass of wine with him, I can’t help but reminisce about the day he was born. All these years later, that welcome day still remains one of the happiest of my life.

Funny Story: The night before he was born, my husband had a basketball game. I never missed attending because I use to time and score all of his games. At the Half, on that fateful February 5th, I felt myself going into labour. Scared, I remember approaching my husband with my news, only to have him say “OK… But you’re gonna be able to finish scoring the game right?” I can still see the look on his face. It wasn't that he was going to be a Dad, it’s that they were winning and he desperately wanted the stat!

Well, suffice is to say, that I held on and finished the game. We arrived at the hospital shortly after midnight; but my future personal Jukebox wasn't nearly ready to greet the world. He didn’t arrive until the following day at 4:29pm. He was perfect. My husband immediately named him in the operating room and we began our life long journey as a family.

Which brings us to today. I know what you're thinking. He's awfully tall for a toddler, right?. Well, first of all, he gets his height from his father and secondly... his mother will never be any older than twenty nine, so deal with it!

Joking aside, join me is wishing this amazingly talented man a very Happy Birthday. 

For the first time in 365 days I'll be the one singing to him tonight...Instead of vice-versa!

Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Well, it went from sunshine to sub-zero in a flash... Via a flash-freeze that is!

A couple of days ago, I was bragging about how I hardly needed a coat, then this morning I awoke to the mercury dipping to a chilly -20C. I’d like to be able to report late January Florida temps here at Orillia Lake, instead Muskoka has snow squall warnings on the horizon. As a result, I'm headed home at dawn.

Imagine witnessing ice being made... and not via my ice maker!
TAKEN: DECEMBER 30th, 2014
It’s been an interesting day for me. It’s the first time that I've actually been here to witness the ice form and winter take shape. Yikes, does it ever happen fast!

When I was up in the night stoking the fire, I noticed patches of ice forming in the moonlight. By dawn, I could hear a distinct crackle of the flowing agua and the newly formed ice arguing... Like an old married couple.

Bundled up (in the amazing company of my one daily cup of coffee) I cautiously watched the pups on the hill out front and listened. Not to the pups silly but to the immediate climate changing around me. Then I realized how great it felt to be here all alone. After being here for almost a week, I feel normal again. 

To quote a very wise man, "one person's normal, is another person's absurdity" and he's exactly right. Who the hell would think that standing outside, in sub-zero weather, listening to ice freeze, was normal?

Apparently, both he and I do. Because I just emailed him this picture!

Monday, November 24, 2014


The funniest thing about typing that post title was that I didn’t. I literally cut and paste it from a Google English/Spanish translator site. (It means the perfect vacation for those of you as challenged as yours truly ...)

A good book, a cold drink, lots of sun... and a great photographer!
Taken: NOVEMBER 21st, 2014
Not gonna lie, after a week away, the only word I can express confidently in Spanish, is Ola. Yup, pleased to report that I nodded a lot: and said Ola a lot. 

I did sign up for a Spanish class (by the pool). Upon its completion, I immediately swam up to my man at the bar announcing that I was NOT going back to school the following day.

"Who knew they really wanted to teach me to speak Spanish" I said - like I'd been exposed to the Ebola virus. He'd had much more fun with his pool side event participation. Mine actually had a test. Hard to gravitate to a Prof that doesn't speak Ingles (in 90 degree weather) when I could be floating in the pool, drinking a Cuba Libra!

Smiles aside, I've been blessed to have experienced this beautiful country we live in from coast to coast, not to mention my fair share of States belonging to our neighbours to the South of us. I have also been fortunate enough to get to travel in the Caribbean; yet prior to this past week, I’d never experienced this type of serious language barrier. (I was shocked to meet only a dozen English speaking peeps.)

We stayed in an Adults Only Resort, so I found it interesting to watch how other couples communicated with each other without the distraction of the English language filling in the blanks for me. At the end of the day, everyone was truly there to reconnect, with their only distraction being the partner that they were there with. Hence my photo.

My husband isn't a book worm like me. I knew the library was closed once he sat up and said "Whooowkaaay...". It was code that I was to stop reading and that we were to head to his favourite bar on the beach. Just our luck,  our British friends from our sister resort were waiting for us for Tiffing Time.

Ya gotta love it. They'd be having a blast with Dire Straits cranked and blaring. Johnathon would be right lit, telling everyone how much he loved Canada. For the record, Sultans of Swing has always been (and always will be) one of my very favourite songs!!

Really, really, grand times.... All of which, ultimately weave, into the perfect vacation.

Monday, August 18, 2014


All these years later, I still text my Quirky Sidekick almost every single day. Even though we're 1,500 kilometers apart, we still manage to make the other a priority in  our very busy lives. All these years later, who knew that being the smallest Team in such a large company would bond us forever? 

As I have shared many times before, my mother passed away on Valentine’s Day 1987 from ALS (more commonly known as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis – or Lou Gehrig’s Disease). Recently, to raise awareness, a viral ALS Ice Bucket Challenge was created and long story short, my Quirky Sidekick Tim was challenged.

Not only did he seriously accept Jerree’s challenge, he also donated some of his very hard earned money to this worthy cause.

Working within the hockey community in Nashville, trust me when I tell you that he WENT BIG. His chosen ice bucket was a Zamboni!

I’ve told him over and over again that I couldn’t have endured what he did for this worthy cause; yet he assures me he's glad he did. What can I say, other than I am very proud of him. Thank you Timmy. You're the best Quirky Sidekick a girl could ever ask for.

If you could please take a minute to see how brave a man he really is. HE's AMAZING!

Thanks Peeps...

Friday, July 18, 2014

Thank God It’s Friday!

I've always made an effort to hone my ability to multi-task; yet, I don’t know why I find comfort in the moments when I'm in overdrive. You know those days? When you have so much on the go that you swear you can hear circus music in your head & sense carnies (circus folk) standing behind you at your desk? All of that said, this was one hell of a long week under the Big Top!

Late yesterday afternoon my husband called me to ask if I needed anything. Knowing that a barrel of Pinot Grigio and two very large straws were not an option, I quietly said nothing. Then, about forty five minutes later, I heard the dogs barking signalling that someone was coming down the steps to the cottage.

My best friend bough me flowers...
Aren't they purdee?
Taken: July 17th, 2014
When I swung about in my office chair and looked up, my husband was standing there. Shocked, I said, “...what the hell?!”

All he said was, “I sensed you were having a bad day”.

My eyes filled with tears. After all, it was his birthday and I was the one getting a gift.

Once again, the both of us are treading in new waters. Our son moved in with his best friend this past week which officially makes us 'empty nesters’

Though we both have so much on the go, for a couple that do a lot apart, we most definitely find our way back to each other in the moments that truly matter. It’s like we've come full circle and we are unconditionally there for one and other.

I shouldn't type that like there's a hint of surprise in the keys, because there isn't. Let’s face it, at the end of the day, isn't that what best friends do? They unconditionally support one and other?



#TGIF everyone. 

That is all...!

Friday, April 25, 2014


You heard me.... VAMOOSE!

What are you waiting for? Good riddance... Scoot, scram, zip and get the hell outta town!!

Friends... Meet my buddy John.
Taken: SPRING THAW 2008
(The above photo is property of North45 Communications)

Just so we’re clear, I'm not talking about my good buddy Johnny (JW) Wright: on the contrary. 

My bellowing is for the ice on the lakes to get the heck going, so that winter can officially be deemed over.

We all may be a little stir crazy here but JW has taken a different approach to the lunacy. He's made an effort to document the winter from hell from a positive perspective. You see, he's one of the lucky ones. He both lives & works here.

I've had the pleasure of dealing with JW professionally for about a decade and I consider him a personal friend. Out of sheer selfishness, I've been after this lad to start a video blog for what seems like forever. I may be what is considered a social media junkie but I never click on a link for the sake of clicking. My time is very valuable and online I use it wisely. Never once, have I not truly enjoyed what John's had to say and/or share.

If he were smart, we'd tag team and get him a segment deal on Cottage Life Television. Uh-Oh... I just heard his beautiful wife Pam drop a dinner plate on their kitchen floor.

What can I say Pam? We both know talent when we see it!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

My Wendel Misses Me!

This morning, right after the local newspaper hit the ground with our TEAM announcement, my Boss received a call on his cellphone. He always answers the phone in a melodiously upbeat way, so in the moment, about all I noticed was that he had an incoming call. 

As I continued working away, I heard his voice getting closer and him say “Rhondi? Just a minute, let me get to her and I’ll hand her my phone.” 

My beautiful & bestest Basset Hound buddy WENDEL
...and his older brother Benny.
TAKEN: November 2, 2012
As I grabbed the phone and offered my standard greeting."...Hello, you’re speaking to Rhondi”A very familiar voice replied “Peacock?"

"... Wendel misses you!”

Excited as all heck, my response was instant. “I knew you’d call”. I said. "I KNEW you'd call!!" The fact that he did absolutely made my day.

Allow me to back up: about three years ago I met a husband and wife that were renovating their very beautiful home/cottage on Lake Rosseau.

She was the kindest of souls with amazing taste and he was a high powered businessman with some very serious service expectations with regards to the money he was looking to spend with the company I was with. All and all, I dealt with them both for almost a year.

At the end of it all, during our time, I embraced a very kindred friendship with their four dogs. Over time, he came to understand my unconditional love for hounds. So, when his renovation was complete, which was around the time my Daisy Marie was killed, knowing how I missed my girl, if he was in the neighbourhood he’d bring my buddy Wendel and the lot by for a visit. 

Before long, every single one of those pups knew they were coming to see me. From the time they'd pull into the parking lot, until the second I walked out the front door, they were in heaven. Not only did they know the sound of my voice, they anticipated the energy and affection that I always showed toward them.

I'm not going to lie, I had confided in their owner that I was leaving my job but in the end I never shared when. I know for a fact they would have stopped by at Christmas only to find me gone. Today he confirmed that by saying " never left us a forwarding address."

I’ll be honest, I had no idea how successful the owners of these dogs were; and to this day it's never once mattered. He and his wife are amazing philanthropists that love Muskoka and have always treated me with respect and kindness. Once again proving that you should always treat people the way you want to be treated.

That also goes for their dogs. I am extremely proud to call Wendel, Benny, Annie & Grace my friends. They're coming around for a visit to my new office tomorrow. I can't wait to show all of them off.

Note to self: Wear clothes that dog hair doesn't stick to. Otherwise I'll be smiling and totally covered in it!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Happy Birthday Jamie

Today my oldest boy is celebrating his birthday. Out of respect for his personal privacy I won’t divulge his age except to share that it's somewhere between being old enough to drink alcohol legally anywhere in the world and too young to collect an old age pension. How I was so young when he was born, is truly one for the record books!

I know every mother says they love all their children equally and I do believe it to be true. That said there is always something very special about the journey you take with your first born. So much more attention to every little detail because all you had was a textbook to see you through. There was no internet then, so Googling “how to soothe a diaper rash” wasn't an option.

That's my son and I on the bottom left.
Photo Cred: Staccs
When I think back to the moment he was born it was the happiest moment in my life. 

Matter a fact, his birth bumped my wedding day to the number two spot.

I remember how happy my husband was he had a son and just how perfect he truly was.

He slept through the night after three weeks and the only person that held him in their arms more than my husband and myself, was my father. He lived across the street and until the day he died Jamie held a very dear spot in his heart.

As he celebrates this momentous day enjoying a romantic evening with his girlfriend, I am faced with the hard reality check that all of those parenting books never shared. They never tell you when your job is done. Hell, there is no warning; your kids eventually do the deed but no matter who you are nothing ever prepares you for it.

Happy Birthday Jukebox…. We love you very much and I hope you had a really great day.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Bring it 2014

Walking into the cottage today I was playfully talking to myself aloud. Relax. I am told that as long as I don’t answer myself back the exercise is really quite normal.

Comfortable in my stride, I started listing significant month my month moments that summarized my past year. Some moments truly made me sad, yet others scored a very loud HELL YA...  Quickly followed by a glass half full Giddy UP!

2013 offered all of us a quiet yet cherished milestone...
Here's the skinny on my year in review...

My 2013 low point was a blind side experienced in Life Lesson #457 posted last January.

My high point was most definitely A Quiet Milestone posted in October. Thank you again my amazing Jukebox...

My biggest surprise of 2013 was never discussed as a post.

It quietly arrived in the form a friendship in the early Spring of 2013. Sound business advice (combined with them being solid sounding board) gets this person a significant 2013 nod from me.

Award ceremony aside, I have to admit that what's trending on Twitter tonight is very true. Tomorrow will offer the first blank page of  a 365 page book to be written.

The best part about that specific challenge is I feel I am starting 2014 at peace with myself, my family, my life, as well as my business skill set.

I like that... I LIKE THAT A LOT!

Happy New Year and thank you ALL so very much for reading.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Yo Ho Oh, Christmas Tree

To me personally it’s a one three punch to tell me the festive season has officially arrived. The tree is up and trimmed, there is a fresh blanket of the white stuff on the ground, and there's a wonderful smell of home baking wafting over the house by way of the kitchen.

I know I have shared that I started taking a B12 supplement when the time changed this fall, as well as I inherited a happy light. I can't believe how both have made a world of difference for me. I have a much brighter outlook (no pun intended) and my overall level of energy has increased leaps and bounds.

Thanks to my two new friends and a plethora of other life changes, I am really looking forward to our family Christmas this year. Not because I am at the top of Santa’s nice list (because let’s face it... in my mind naughty gets the year round nod)  but because this is the first time in my entire life I have ever enjoyed the holiday process.

There is nothing prettier than waking up to
a fresh blanket of snow.
Taken: December 8th, 2013
This year, my husband and I thoughtfully picked out a tree that barely fit inside our home; we tag teamed and strung the lights together, and he made home-made soup yesterday and critiqued my approach as I finished decorating it.

We have discussed all the gifts that have and will be purchased and we have done every stitch of shopping together. As warm and fuzzy as it sounds, all of the above are a series of very firsts for us.

I am a little embarrassed to admit that he's never really shown interest nor ever been involved in all the preparation and details. Matter a fact, for the past 25 years he’s just basically shown up and enjoyed the party.

With the nest emptying, I never realized until a few years ago just how angry and resentful having to endure the process alone had made me. Guess you can say I went on strike.

In hindsight, I know now, that my children didn't see nor understand at the time what was happening. The holidays were just the final straw for me. Leaving the Christmas tree up and undecorated for three solid weeks, and no one noticing, was just affirmation that I was truly ready to start anew. Three years later, embracing the festive season is a significant step for me, and I am glad I've taken it.

Anyway, as I strategically placed the candy canes on the tree yesterday, I was sure to place them high enough off the ground to so that Puddin’s sweet tooth wouldn’t over take her brain and wreck everything. What can I say? Like any lab, she’ll always be a handful. 

I suppose like any over achieving, results driven, wife and mother of three… So will I.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

One Magic Carpet Ride. Music Included!

I am so unbelievably giddy that I truly need to pinch myself. This time tomorrow night I will be meandering around the Air Canada Centre in Toronto anticipating something that's been a bit of a life long dream. Seeing The Eagles LIVE in concert.

It's a Bucket List thing for me really. Tomorrow night I will be firmly planted in 20th row (on the stage right floor) experiencing what I consider true musical genius. Oh those vocal harmonies, I can hardly wait.

What's that old saying? You're never given more than you can handle? Well, hold onto your hat there Aunt Bessie because my Bucket List just got another little ditty added to 'er this morning. 

After we thoroughly enjoy The Eagles tomorrow night, my husband will proceed to leave me at YYZ Thursday morning. Why the airport you ask? Because I am hopping a plane at noon with Stephanie to see Bon Jovi this weekend in Montreal! 

The planning started last Friday night. The question was posed and I willing gave my standard answer, which was of course... "GIDDY UP!" Without a doubt, this is the most spontaneous thing I have ever done in my entire life.  

Who the hell am I kidding? This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I immediately pounced on it. Just like that, Mike and Peter reminded me today, that there will be 20,000 other women looking to 'pounce' on Jon in Montreal.

Oh relax, I'm sure Steph and I will meet Mike at the gate Sunday afternoon from YUL totally unharmed and 100% restraining order free. What do you mean that's nothing but wishful thinking?

All I'll say, is that I am pleased to report, that we're BOTH very fast runners.

WHAT? Why are you laughing?

....and that's all I gotta say about that...

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

What Happiness Looks Like

My husband and I inherited our friend Brian from my father. 

You see, Brian was Poppa’s next door neighbour. In fact, he always used to say to he and Renee “let me know if you're having a party. I'll roll over onto my good ear. I won't hear a thing!” My Dad loved them both very much.

Our couple friendship solidified in 1999, when Brian was our Realtor Extraordinaire on our Orillia Lake purchase. Outside of that, I remember the first time we got together to play cards. It was automatically the men against the women. It became a constant source of banter, not to mention pure comedic relief each and every time we got together. 

I lost my long standing euchre partner Renee to breast cancer a few years back. She suffered terribly, I miss her even today, but my story really is about Brian. He endured an exhausting and heartbreaking journey, handled it impeccably, so naturally we prayed he'd once again find happiness.

Quite simply a 'BLT' moment... Brian Loves Tess.
Taken: October 5th, 2013
Orillia Lake
Enter... Tess

I remember the first time we ran into them at the Home Depot.

Brian was his jovial self, while Tess was welcoming and looked absolutely amazing. Shopping at the home depot no less!

As a couple they have an energy. More a calmness really, which is very comforting to witness. Meant to be is the only way I can describe it.

Anyway, Saturday, Brian brought Tess out to Orillia Lake for the very first time. We raised our glasses to our health, and we played our very first game of Euchre.

Once again, it was guys against the girls. Once again, the girls kicked some serious ass. 

Of course, on cue, Brian and Tony accused Tess and I of cheating (on our very first hand) which leads me to my final thoughts.

TESS, thanks so very much for the really great visit. 

BOYS, it's been almost fifteen years... Face the statistical facts. 

You are BOTH just really shitty euchre players!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Pedal, Walk, or Run… I’m Having FUN!

Pedalling the Pups in the rain...
Taken: Friday October 4th, 2014
Driving by Snap Fitness yesterday I laughed aloud when I read their marquee: “If your dog is fat… You're not getting enough exercise!” Personally, I thought the message was brilliant.

Oh, my 'Quest For My Waist'. What a journey it has been.

Sometimes I wonder how I lost the weight I had gained, but more importantly I never want to forget HOW I gained the pounds I have lost.

It's been almost three years since I started my quest, and I’m still not happy with my shape and size. Then again, I wonder if any woman my age ever really is.

I walk way more than the recommended 10,000 steps a day, I dance a couple of times a week, and I am very outgoing in every other facet of my life. I most definitely watch what I eat, and I certainly don't feel nor act my age.

Keeping with that last thought, my personal fitness guru was telling me that eating chocolate releases the same endorphins as having an orgasm.  Intrigued by the statement, I decided to do some basic math. The average chocolate bar contains 884 calories.  Having sex, can burn up to 300 calories per half hour. 

Hmmm, I say the perfect solution is to enjoy an amazing two hour romp, and avoid any type of chocolate offering all together. That gives me a big bonus 1200 calories burned, and a perma smile that will stay with me way longer than any silly Kit Kat bar can possibly offer!

Now that right there is some serious calorie counting I can throw my back into! Guess I need to whip my husband into shape.

Whip? Maybe, not. Blindfold? Definitely, MAYBE!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

It's Official... All Couples Complain!

I don't think I've shared this before, but I have known my husband since first grade. 

You may find it odd that I remember that little tidbit, but I have pictures of us in the same public school class the first year my family moved to town. Though we went all the way through to high school graduation together, we really did run in different circles. Why? My mother was strict, his mother was not.

Once we graduated high school, I worked for a year before I left for college. It was then, that we started bumping into each other once a week (at my work) because our jobs intersected. Flash forward a few years, when we officially ran into each other one busy Friday night in Muskoka. I was living in Toronto and home for a visit. It was when my mother first got sick.

Enjoying Canada's Wonderland without the kids.
Taken: July 2000
Why so reflective? 

I had a client come in to see me at work this past week and she was complaining about her husband. What she didn't know was that he had been in complaining about her earlier in the day.

They both admitted to me that they had been married over 50 years. After chatting with them, I felt a calm relief.

I understand the person you marry when you're in your early twenties, may not be the one you'd choose as a life partner at forty five or fifty. I get that.

BUT, that complaining couple reassured me that my husband and I are not alone. Truth of the matter is, just like them, we'll never stop bitching and moaning about the others idiosyncrasies, even into our 70's.

That quirky couple taught me a valuable life lesson. If you can manage to stay best friends and (constantly work to) stay on the very same page? Nothing else matters.

I'M EXCITED BABY... After listening to them...You & I have definitely got it made!