Showing posts with label Blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blog. Show all posts

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Let me start by writing that if you Google 'what is kryptonite', the search engine will report something to the effect that it's a fictional substance from the Superman comic book series, that generally has detrimental effects on Superman. Though I can't personally be compared to Superman (first and foremost because I'm a woman) I do believe that everyone has something personal that evokes a  certain level of weakness from within.

After my father passed away in 2005, I slowly started to hide my eating habits from everyone around me. The truth of the matter is that I found a comfort in food that I'd never experienced before in my life. For the first few years I managed alright, because I still ran and golfed a couple of times a week. Then, around 2009 the weight gain started to become apparent. 

Long story short, my 2011 New Years Resolution was to completely change my eating behaviours and lose the excess weight I'd gained. It was much harder than I ever imagined but in the end I got my life as well as my waist back. That said, there was some tough love involved.

A perfect close up of my Krytonite
Gravy, which was my favourite food group, GONE. Candy and fast food, GONE. Portion sizes that could feed a small family, GONE. 

The hardest habit to break? Getting my husband to stop bringing my kryptonite into the house: Miss Vickies Sea Salt & Malt potato chips.

Almost 10 years later, she and I have come to agree to disagree. The sad part is she doesn't play fair. Whilst wheeling my grocery cart through the isles on Saturday morn, I swear she's calling out to me. 

"Pssst... Rhondi. I'm in isle 3," she'll say. To which I'd immediately and lovingly respond with skitch of a shrill in my tone..."Get lost, BITCH!"

Them thar words are the only ones she ever gets in response.

Ya Gotta Laugh About It.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


At this stage of my life, I am a firm believer 'your only impossible journey is the one you've never attempted to take.' I'm sure that's my inner entrepreneurial spirit lashing out but as my nest emptied I continually reminded myself that in mid-life there wouldn't be an adventure I'd not entertain. 

Before I get ahead of myself, I feel I should admit that I am anything but a daredevil. As a matter a fact there are two things I am truly afraid of: the dark and the unknown. So, you can imagine my conundrum of inner turmoil, once I mentally convinced myself that it was time to hop on the new adventure bandwagon!

My personal Facebook cover photo last September...  GREAT adventure thus far!

I'm not going to lie. I was filled with mixed emotions when we moved the twins away to school on Labour Day weekend of of 2011. I had such angst that they were leaving, yet excited for what that meant for my newfound personal journey. As the late summer turned to fall, it quickly became apparent that I was completely alone, and my road to self-discovery didn't include a GPS nor a much needed flashlight. 

So, on a teary 2011 November night, I started this electronic journal. I'm so thankful that I've had people with me since its inception, and equally grateful for those that only stop by once in a while. The truth of the matter is, today you're reading my 600th post. 

The absolute truth is this journal journey has helped me process more life lessons than any appearance on Dr.Phil, with my plight starring in the last 600 episodes. So, as I continue to evolve and figure things out on the fly, I'd like to say those three special words, that are not only called for on this milestone day but most appropriate here tonight. 

...Thanks for reading!

Monday, April 11, 2016


I'm not sure about you but I personally find it interesting how people believe everything they read on the internet. That said, I guess the obvious question arises, what do you entertain and what do you call 'bullshit' on?

As you know, I've just returned to Canada after traveling to once again celebrate my 29th birthday in Sayulita, Mexico. The truth is, before I landed in Los Cobos last fall, I use to make a blanket statement that "I had no interest in ever going to Mexico." The root of that statement came from me taking unsubstantiated tidbits of interesting information (about the water, crime etc) and not challenging them as varying levels of hokum.

We were just a trio of gringos, peacefully walking the backstreets of Sayulita Mexico.
TAKEN: APRIL 5th, 2016
Anyway, with our dollar performing so poorly against the American buck, my cumpleaƱos planning once again had me looking at Mexico. This trip (with surfing as my focus) I knew I wanted to rent a house. We did. It was a home owned by a Canadian and the best friend of a friend that had already stayed there. I am almost embarrassed to report that when we arrived, my list of interesting internet questions for the owner (about being an off resort tourist in Mexico) leaned toward embarrassing. So much so, that by about the 10th one, he was answering me with a hint of laughter.

Suppose some would say 'better safe than sorry', other true naysayers will claim 'we just got lucky and Mexico's not really like what we'd experienced.' What do I say? Use your common sense and make smart decisions. The more Spanish you know, the less everything costs. Don't venture out at night alone and look both ways before you cross the street.

Seriously... they drive like they're all from downtown Montreal!

So, from now on, when researching online, I'll remind myself to look to this quote:    
Don't believe everything you read on the internet ~ Abraham Lincoln

Interesting how that right there puts things into perspective, eh?

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Friday, April 8, 2016


As I posted about facing my fears yesterday, I would be remiss if I didn't acknowledge how grateful I am for so many things in my life today. Not just materialistic things: anything but. 

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I am extremely grateful, that I have understood from a young age, the difference between want and need. Some comment on the fact that I travel twice a year but there is a distinct reason for both trips. I want to travel for my birthday (which will be here in a minute and a half) yet I need to get into the sunlight before the harsh Canadian winter sets in. Both are stringently budgeted for and I never feel the need to overspend simply because I've managed to save more than planned.

That said, in the last five years, my being grateful is something I've promised myself I would never take for granted ever again. New people and friends I've met, the fact that I had my children close together (and at a young age) enabling me begin the next phase of my life; the list is long. As I walked the entire stretch of beach my very first morning in Sayulita, there were a couple of extra special things I realized I was grateful for this trip.

The new camera I treated myself to, and the vat of sunscreen I packed as a carry on.

May read silly to you but look at my view.... & I-chee-Mama she's hot down here!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Tuesday, April 5, 2016


As a person that works every single day so the 'glass half empty' never wins, I find that I'm constantly inspired by the little things in life that help me maintain my cheery disposition. That said, imagine my pleasant surprise when I came across this beautiful bench whilist walking the streets of Sayulita this morning. 

It reads: Smile in any situation and feel the atmosphere change...

TAKEN: APRIL 5th, 2016

What makes my photo even that more symbolic? It's been constructed out of two doors, which also reinforces for yours truly... When one door closes, another always opens. As I stood in the moment I instantly thought of those very special peeps that unconditionally make me smile. This post is for you and the impact you have on my cheery disposition.

I love you all....

Saturday, April 2, 2016


My Best Buddy n' ME in vacay
TAKEN: December 2016
It’s hard to believe that the first of next month marks the 30th anniversary since my husband and I began dating. 

I know it sounds corny but they say when you meet the person you are meant to marry you know. I couldn’t agree more, we instantly connected and we’ll be married 28 years in June.

Like any great accomplishment, staying together has taken work. I’d like to write that it’s been all rainbow, kittens and unicorns but that would be a lie unless those items fall in line with some serious hard work that in turn produced out life of happiness.

Work staying unified in raising our children, and a lot of hard work building a life that has us living in harmony. Like any couple, there have been times that we didn’t like each other, gaps where I know that he wasn’t in love with me and vice versa. At this juncture, we simply file those times in our life lessons folder that we’ve both learned and grown from. I also save all of those folders in case the Canadian government eventually offer me an income tax credit for continuing education.


“C” you tomorrow. 

Friday, March 25, 2016


It’s official. I am definitely a sucker for punishment.

For those of you that are new to reading here; since 2013 I have participated in an international blogging challenge called April A-Z. In a nutshell, I have to blog about a letter of the alphabet every single day (excluding Sundays) for the entire month of April.

I’m not sure why I waited until the 11th hour to officially make my decision to participate. I guess it's because deep down inside I wasn’t sure I wanted to. You see, last year it definitely took a toll. I was away (in Samana, DR) with shitty WI-FI trying to write and post in real time on the fly. It was extremely frustrating, an all-around awful week away, and it showed in my offerings.

I suppose you could say that because I don't write for a living, I wasn't sure I wanted to jeopardize my 10 day vacation, not to mention once again own the grueling task of writing 26 posts in 30 days. I guess you can say that for the first time since I started this electronic journal, found me sitting on the proverbial blogging fence. I have little to no stress in my life, why in the hell would I go looking for it?!

It's simple. It is the one specific time thoughout the year that I enjoy the specific forum of connecting and meeting other bloggers. By participating I see my largest increase in readership within those 30 days, so the stress of participation does have its perks.

So, my goal this year is to have a stress-free experience and I am confident our arrangement will work out. You seem I sent a text to my stress and ended our relationship specifically on my terms, then blocked them from communicating with me after.

What? Isn’t that how you dump someone today? ...Via BBM, WhatsAp, iChat, Facebook, or a simple text message?

If not, DO NOT tell my stress.

...I hit send, bolted, then landed in my very cool happy place to which they do not have a forwarding address!

Thursday, April 30, 2015


Well, I made it!

I survived my 3rd AtoZ April Blogging Challenge and my hyphenated words reflect the stored ounces of energy I have left to create even one more post. To say it's been a very long and emotional month, would be an understatement.

As expected (& as I do every year) I've gained readers, while others fell by the wayside. I was sad to see my buddy Gary go during the writing process this month. He quit reading at PEEPS; which was fitting I suppose.

Lastly, I would be remiss if I didn't thank each and every one of you for reading my silly thoughts until the end. With this, my 506th post under my belt, this years challenge has once again proved to be a very personal journey... Of both reflection, as well as of self-discovery.

Cheers ~ Rhondi

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


When it comes to my technology habits, I’m pretty old school. I love my Blackberry for its buttons, the same way I love my desktop computer for my keyboard. I love the sounds they both make as I plug along through my day; combined with my mouse, hearing them click offers me a productive feeling that I am accomplishing what I've set out to do. Yet, for some time now, I have been mentally preparing myself for Black Phone Day

You know the day? When Blackberry is either taken over or goes under. Until that day I refuse to make a change. I’m a proud and loyal customer that will remain a customer until it’s no longer an option for me. If I can contribute to saving just one Canadian job… You know the spiel.

Enjoying my one application wonder this morning over coffee!
TAKEN: NOVEMBER 12th, 2014
Knowing that I may eventually move from RIM, I've chosen Samsung as their successor. The practical kinda gal I am, going to that type of tablet seemed obvious.

What made me finally bite the bullet? Well, I gave in for a couple of reasons. Heading away, I thought it may back-fill taking my laptop so that I can still write and fulfill my SM & web obligations.
WRONG on all accounts! 

I don’t like typing on it (...Peter tells me I just have to get the hang of it) and my eyes are failing me so badly that I find the text too small on the social media apps to be truly productive. Suffice is to say, the only thing I use it for is to play Candy Crush. With those three things admitted, it doesn't make the purchase very practical does it? 

That said, neither does the fact that I play Candy Crush. Oh my goodness, I can't believe I just admitted that. It's official... I'm going to hell in a hand basket!

Glass half full?

At least I know my new one app tablet is small enough to come along for the ride!!

Monday, July 28, 2014

The 400th Time's A Charm

My newest business associate was telling me last week that he'd finally gotten around to reading some of my Blog. As expected, there were questions: as always, I was honest. What started out as a simple coping mechanism has taken on a life of it's own.

Here's to the Muskoka summer that was never meant to be.
TAKEN: JULY 27th, 2014
Truth of the matter is that tonight is my 400th offering. 

Yes-sir-ree, I  have written about & processed four hundred different life events, stories, not to mention varying emotions. 

The part that really tugs at my heart strings is that this is only my 347th actual post. The others sit in limbo for only my eyes and heart to ever see and feel. I'm not even remotely embarrassed to admit that because every single one's contributed to how I've arrived at today. Few know how truly cryptic they are and I suspect no one else cares. Makes no matter, all are an extension of me, kind of like children.

Early on, my cousin Nancy asked "Why is your husband never really mentioned in your Blog?" 

My response was immediate. "Because it isn't his Blog!"

Why does he appear today? Well, yesterday was an exceptionally memorable day. Mid way through the afternoon we were having so much fun I picked up the camera. Because I totally suck at taking selfies it took us a number of tries. We had a blast taking them and for the very first time in four hundred attempts I am going to share a blooper reel.

Thanks to each and everyone of you for staying in touch. For whatever reason, I enjoy this somewhat unconventional process of keeping an electronic journal. I am pleased to report that not only did I survive last winter - but that I am witnessing, first hand, the Muskoka summer that was never meant to be. 

Oh, that is except for... yesterday. From about two until five o'clock to be exact!


Sunday, March 30, 2014


It’s that time of year again, when I willingly torture myself, daily, for an entire month, with the sole purpose of honing my mediocre creative writing skills. That, and to embrace reading/chatting about other offerings posted by approximately 2,000 other avid contributing bloggers.

Any/ALL letter ideas will be greatly appreciated!
Yes-sir-ree... How coincidental is it that April Fools' Day marks my first offering in the 2014 A-Z Blogging Challenge?

For all of you that weren't followers last year, I have to scribe a post a day. Each day represents a different letter of the alphabet: 26 letters covered off in 26 days (with Sundays off for good behaviour).

Last year was the first time I participated. I did it for a couple of very specific reasons. By the end of the month, I had hammered out 99% of the emotion attached to something that had been plaguing me. Even now, when I have any doubt about my decisions I revisit those offerings. The process was extremely cathartic. Crazy hard... but extremely cathartic.

Why the general hesitancy? This year I am in a different place. I’m not sure if my tentativeness is because I remember just how hard it was to finish last year, or because my thoughts and outlook this time around are just so much darker.

Either way, I’m gonna give it a shot. With my fingers crossed I truly hope I will be able to finish. 

Wish me luck. … Tuth is I KNOW I’m gonna fecking need it!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Brace Yourselves Kind Folk…

Trekked into the cottage and enjoyed an amazing Spring day yesterday. For once, it was my husbands idea to head in and relax (before the shitith hitith the fan). It'll be a very crazy month for  me but that's part of the fun right?

Thanks Tony!

Taken: Orillia Lake... Forever Ago

I’m not sure why I took on this A-Z Challenge; I’ll be honest, I am not sure I will be able to finish. I have always been pretty driven, so I guess that's why I am willing to try.

How be we all just fold and give me an E for effort in general shall we?

My first EFFORT is tomorrow. Seems like there are very few Canadians involved; so I can’t promise I will even get noticed. That said, if you like a particular post, please share it. I promise I will keep them brief. A quick boo (even at why I chose the letter for the day) is all I ask.

Before it starts, I wanna send out a great big thank you. Thanks for understanding Tony. You know I will make it up to you  the first weekend in May!

Speaking of the first weekend in May. Can you have the water, septic, and outdoor shower hooked up at Orillia Lake by then?

Shoot. Let me guess, too far? CRAP...I knew it! I'm sorry. They were on my list of things to do and you know old habits die really hard...

Let's go this route. Anything on the list you can get crossed off before the first weekend in May will be greatly appreciated. xoxo

Friday, March 29, 2013

A Wee Fly In The Ointment!

As I began hatching my A-Z plan, it dawned on me that I have a compounded problem. That is, well, really big.

This weekend is Easter. Happy Easter ALL. I work this weekend. Next week is Cottage Life, the week after I am in the City for my birthday, and the week after that I head away on vacation with my sister until the end of the month.

As I sit here shaking my head (at the magnitude of the commitments I've made) I think I need my freaking head examined. Am I a total sucker for punishment? Don't answer that! 

As a prelude, I was chatting with an electronic friend last night and they offered me some advice “just keep is when you stop that you have to worry” he said. 

Seriously? That’s all ya got? A real friend would jump right in there and say “you can do it; I know you can” or “to help, I’ll post for you the four days you’re driving”.

Better yet “I’m made of money. How be you and your sister fly out of Buffalo? I’ll pay!!” Okay, I know I'm reaching on the last one but ya gotta give me points for throwing it out there.

I digress. Back to my issue at hand; which is there won't be enough hours in a day. Because not doing any of the above isn’t an option, as suggested I will just keep going and push through. I think if I am organized, have my ducks in a row, have my tee times booked before I leave, it should be fine.

Lastly, I’m joking, about my friend being made of money. He's totally made up of a throng of sarcasm, complimented by a spalsh of sexy marmalade imported from France.

Who the hell needs cash when you're rockin' the other two? Not that cat!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

26 Letters in 26 Days…

Well it’s official. I've signed up for the 2013 A-Z Blogging Challenge.

What the heck? I figured it's not like I have a busy life; nothing ventured, nothing gained right? Because I know the suspense is killing you, I am please to announce that I am registered as #1383. 

Life On The Muskoka River (as blogged by Cathy Olliffe-Webster) was/is my inspiration and she's registered as #180. Better late than never right Cathy? I'm kidding. It feels kinda cool. They expect more than 2,000 Bloggers will register before midnight March 31st.

What the hell am I talking about?

I have to blog about a letter of the alphabet every single day (excluding Sundays) for the entire month of April. There are rules to follow and guidelines that have to be met. Trust me, this serious blog stuff!

What did I do immediately after I joined? I started a little spreadsheet; because I'm afraid I will get blocked, and I'll get the boot.

As of right now, there is only one letter of the alphabet set in stone. The letter “I” will be for my mother, and her very unique name.

I promise to keep them short and would appreciate any input if there’s a topic you’d like to read about. FYI - There's nothing written in stone that "S" will be for SEX but I may entertain a bribe or three!!

Wish me luck. Better yet? Let's just have a few really great laughs along the way!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

And The Winner Is? HAPPINESS!

There are only two things in my life that are truly mine and this blog is one of them. As a result, I always try and write something every single day. Some entries are too personal to post and some just simply boast far too many curse words. All of that said, since my blogs inception, only one thing has seen and heard it all.

I’m not proud (and a little ashamed) to admit that my wireless keyboard has literally been to hell and back this past year. There have actually been times that I've had my good buddy on life support.

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” someones wise grandmother once said, which truly applies to my poor wee storyteller helper. I have been so hard on this little guy that I could imagine him slipping the wireless mouse a note, asking which day the electronic recycling truck passes, so he could hitch a ride and get the hell outta town!

I suppose I'm feeling sorry for my Microsoft Wireless 800 because last night I heard myself  utter the exact words that have eluded me. “All this time I think I’ve been looking for happiness” I said.

With arms wrapped around me it dawned on me, I am happy. The only difference between then and now are the things that make me happy have evolved and changed.  

Last night I finally realized that being happy doesn’t mean everything has to be perfect. It means that I  promise to see beyond (what I perceive as) imperfections and enjoy life one day at a time.  Close to two years later I've ultimately discovered that happiness is a choice that only I can make for myself.

As I have posted time and again, I had a really great summer. Moving forward, I have ultimately decided to stop trying to be what others think I should be instead making a personal commitment to continue my journey toward exactly who I want to be. I want to be me.

All gibberish aside, I am pleased to report that I just had a heart to heart with my keyboard. He’s relieved to hear the next thing on my list to deal with is the actual activity of downsizing. I am very excited to report that he's committed to me. He's just hoping downsizing will be far less emotional!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Well I Feel Stupid...

I was proud as a Peacock last night after I'd posted my first blog entry. So excited that I immediately shared the link with my Facebook friends & Twitter followers and I waited.
I must admit, I was not prepared for what happened next. I looked at the screen in horror as a fellow Facebook friend posted that I had missed the all-important and somewhat critical memo that “BLOGGING IS DEAD”!
Sufferin’ Succotash! How could this be? I love blogs. I appreicate the community of real bloggers who use real blogging software which now officially includes MOI! Dead...? If I were dead how could I still be typing? Come on it's a valid question...

All joking aside, the fact that I have never made the commitment to keep a personal blog going until now hasn't made them less appealing to me but why the perceived change in status? After all death is so final. 
Did the ease of Facebook send bloggers to the unproven grave? Did Twitter followers make the blogging community drink the Kool Aid? "Take a sip" and you'll never type 140 characters the same way again! 
I say the answer is neither. Blogging may be changing but you know what they say about change, "You can't stop it only manage it". Meaning there is an awful lot of URL shortened links on Twitter than lead us to one type of blog or another.
At the end of the day, if I peel the layers of the onion back, I am sure I'm just pissed at the fact that I missed the memo! Imagine how Perez Hilton feels!!!