Showing posts with label Winter in Muskoka. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Winter in Muskoka. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 10, 2016


This past February 1st, I playfully greeted the day by welcoming all of my electronic friends to the shortest/longest month of the year. I found the post to be an exceptionally witty snippet when originally shared, until today. The aforementioned longest part, steamrolled any short comings the month may genuinely provide. 

I'm not quite sure why I'm feeling so lethargic. I am getting lots of sleep and working hard at keeping a well balanced diet. Not to mention that for the first time in the better part of a decade, I'm not even remotely stir crazy.

Could it be me? That no matter what life choices I make, I just naturally want to hibernate? You know ... Hibernate:(verb)
When one hunkers down in the bedroom closet, peacefully wrapped in a blanket, the entire month of February. My more specific version also paraphrases the streaming Sex & The City (while in said closet) as much as possible. 

Definitions of what the hell is happening to me aside, I realized today that I am totally over this stupid month. I guess you could say, it's the 10th and I'm spent. As I wallow in a post of self pity, I completely blame the shortest/longest month for this rant. I really thought when we'd had a green Christmas, I would sail though the months that followed with some grace. Apparently, today has proven that's not an option.

I'm tired, I'm cranky, and as much as the voices in my head tell me not to... I am heading upstairs to find a bag of potato chips to ease my angst. Hmmm, maybe I should add a provision for 'snackage' to my above definition.

Is this how you spell guacamole?  Never mind. Chip dip will fill the bill perfectly.

Thanks again for listening. Oh, and Season 4, Episode 4 starts streaming at 8!

Just sayin'.

Friday, January 1, 2016


Well, for the first time in I don’t know how many years, I stayed upright and officially rang in the new year at midnight last night. I didn’t get home much after that but for some very strange reason, I stayed in bed until after noon. Wait, I’ll come clean. The reason I stayed in bed wasn’t strange, it was thanks to my mother-in-law and her super special Sangria recipe!

Anyway, when I finally found myself vertical, I headed outside to shovel. I couldn't help but realize that this had been the busiest holiday season for me in at least a decade. Part of me feels the lack of snow helped make me more mobile, another part of me's resigned myself to the fact that I am just more settled. No bullshit calendars to deliver, no ads that needed to go to press; just a week of some much needed me/we time.

Like some, I’m not a ‘new year, new me’ kind of person. I am who I am and I'm okay with that. Don’t make resolutions, never have. I will admit that there are superficial things I wish I could change but the truth of the matter is that I am generally okay with the aging process. The hard reminders come via my pups. As Dot struggles to do the stairs, I know that'll eventually be me. As I sit here and admire the snow falling from the sky, my personal thoughts fall in line with, “…just please don’t let me fall and break a hip this winter!”
My perfect New Years Day office view!
(TAKEN: JANUARY 1st, 2016)

Giggles aside, I wanted to share that I drew and posted a graphic on Linkedin (that I retweeted) this morning. It read:

Follow you heart. 

Just be sure to take your brain with you!

With that very simple bit of advice forming my 2016 mantra, I DO intend on following my heart this year.

I AM going save every penny I can to travel more, and I AM going to embrace every single opportunity of adventure that presents itself. 

As I sit here writing and daydream about all the things I am going to do in 2016, the first thing on my list of things to accomplish is staring right at me in the face. I need to immediately get my ass outside and bring in the two lawn chairs I left out on the patio. 

Happy 2016 everybody. I'm truly looking forward to a very exciting year!!

Thursday, August 27, 2015


When I hopped out of bed at the house this morning, it was so damp and cold the my teeth were close to chattering. After I covered myself with my warmest bathrobe, I wandered and clicked the button on the coffee maker and let the dogs out. My immediate assessment was that it felt like a late fall day that was going to turn into a winter one at any moment.

Bound and determined not to whine out loud, I grumbled under my breath about the cost of hydro, which instantly rationalized my refusal to turn on the heat. Then, I put my slippers on over my fuzzy socks and grabbed my morning mug in anticipation of that very first sip of coffee.

Come here Santa. DO YOUR JOB!
TAKEN: AUGUST 27th, 2015
Just so we're clear, my mug choice for today was a conscious one. You see, my waking to the gloom that summer as I know it is over, I needed a push. A push toward the biggest false sense of phony euphoria and shameless cheer that exists: SANTA CLAUS!

Anyway, as I share that last comment, today proves me one of the masses. Someone trying to feel joy and a keen sense of love for this jolly ole man and his ability to give. You see, as I picked him up out of the cupboard, I decided to share my expectations with him and as I walked him over to the coffee pot, my words were very specific.

"SPREAD SOME GOOD CHEER,"  I yelled. To which, in that moment that I burst out laughing, he most certainly did.

Having said that, maybe I've been a tad tough of the fat little dude. After all, not only does he have an amazing memory and sense of direction. He doesn't bitch at his wife and follows instructions really well. Don't know about you but I've yet to meet any other man that remotely resembles that.

What? You know you were thinking it!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Sunday, January 11, 2015


PEEPS... Meet my winter BFF!
TAKEN: JANUARY 10th, 2015
As I mentioned in my last post, this past week has been brutal for l'il ole me in the snow removal department. 

When I woke up yesterday morning, the plow had passed twice in the night and the snow bank at the end of the driveway was more than four feet high. Armed with my trusty scoop, I bundled up and headed out. When I got out there, I was simply gobsmacked. 

NEVER, in all the years that we’ve owned this home, have I ever had to tackle a bank that big. The hardest part was that I literally had no place to put the friggin' crap.

So, I ended up having to cart all of it across the street and load it into the ditch. The worst part was, because there had been so very much accumulation, I had to make some major scoop trails in order to make room for the snow I was moving. Suffice is to say, by the time I finished yesterday, my arms felt like they each weighed a ton.

After a hot bath last night, I woke up this morning feeling like a million bucks!

Got the laundry done, groceries done and had a solid plan to build the annual 'dog trails' with my snowshoes before I put supper on. Well, let me tell ya something. Once I got going, that million dollar feeling I woke up to this morn, turned into a $1.99 K-Mart blue light special!

About 45 minutes in I started to head down the hill toward the railway tracks. Thirty feet in from the top of the yard, I hit (what felt like) an air pocket. Down I went. The worst part was I was facing downhill and the snow had me immobilized. I was totally FUBAR’d!

I called for my husband, nothing.  My arms felt so heavy I could barely support myself. I kept stepping on my snowshoes and I could feel the muscles in my legs straining. With three dogs trying to help by jumping on my back, I just let all my muscles relax and started laughing. I am very pleased to report, that I eventually regrouped and got myself back up the hill.

You’d have to think that the worst part of the last couple of days was that my legs now feel as heavy as my arms; that’s not it. The worst part is that three neighbours offered to loan me their snowblower yesterday morning as I dug out of that stinking snowbank. 

My response to all of them? “No thank you, I really do like the exercise...” 

The worst part... is that I am a complete and total idiot for not saying ... "Yes, please!" 

I suck!

Thursday, January 8, 2015


Does anyone remember those cheezy ‘I’m with Stupid' t-shirts? They had a big finger that was pointing at the person walking beside them; classic 1970’s. Well, you may not be able to see it by the picture I am posting but my hubby and I are both wearing those shirts. Yup, and the arrows are pointing directly upward toward our chins!

YUP... We're as stupid as they come!
TAKEN: NOVEMBER 19th, 2014
After more than three solid hours of snow shoveling today (for the umpteenth day in a row) I have to second guess the next couple of months. Yes-sir-reeee, we could very well be the two stupidest people on the face of the earth!!

Matter a fact, that is a camera hanging around my neck, which is feeling very much like a noose today!

I was so excited for my buddy B over the holidays. He surprised the very beautiful T with an amazing trip to Cancun as a Christmas gift. She’s so excited and I am really excited for them. When declining his invitation to join them, I was confident I could cope in their absence mid February (as it was raining outside as we sipped our Christmas Cheer) on the 28th of December. Afterall, winter had yet to arrive.

Flash forward to the last couple of days in Muskoka...

We're only a week in and today is the first day I regret telling my husband that the snow blower fund could be utilized elsewhere. For crying out loud people... With it being -35C yesterday with the wind chill, and walk to the office today in blowing snow, we seriously need our heads examined!

With another foot of the white stuff expected to fall overnight, I only have two words for all of you (as I look at us with our tanned skin wearing very little clothing) TRIP CENTRAL!

Can February get here fast enough? Nope, definitely not for this cat!

Thursday, January 1, 2015


Holy Snow Squalls Batman!

As predicted, the land, as far as the eye can see, is a blanket of ‘Frosty the Snowman’ snow. That wonderful type of precipitation, that is all light and fluffy and perfect. The very kind of snow we usually get right before Christmas. Once again, someone needs to check Mother Nature's meds. (Because that perimenopausal bitch is definitely crazy outta whack, not to mention off her rocker. AGAIN!)

It's my hat.
No, it's my hat.
NO... It's my hubby's hat!
TAKEN: JANUARY 1st,  2015
I’m kidding. I don’t mind it. Truth is, I love it.

Matter a fact, once the plow passed a second time this morning, we headed out to clear the freshly fallen snow. 

Not only is it very pretty out there (and the fresh air exhilarating) but today’s snow makes me smile. It signifies that I made it through those awful six weeks after I am forced to "fall back"

As my picture illustrates, like every year, it’s been a bit of a tug of war. However, with the help of a jolt of vitamin D and the ongoing task of keeping my young Anna Lee out of mischief, I made it.

Actually, take a good look at the picture. I have an ever so slight chance of making it until the Lakes open, without the loss of a lot of my shoes and other personal belongings. She's absolutely and unequivocally stolen my heart, let's hope her razor shape teeth can equally respect my crap. Ya Gotta Laugh About It...!

Happy New Year everyone. All the best in 2015 & thank you again for reading.

Sunday, November 2, 2014


Well, as you know, the clocks fell back this morning. So to be proactive, before I went to bed last night I walked around the house and changed them all. I didn't want to wake up to any surprises. As you know, I hate surprises but turning the clocks back is also a chore I dread. It's like Groundhog Day for me except there isn't a 50/50 outcome option. There WILL be six more weeks of darkness!

What a magnificent day to say... "That's a wrap". CHEERS!
When I woke for the day it was game on. Made the coffee, lovingly sipped it, read my email, got myself dressed and we ventured to the cottage. Yes-sir-ree Bob-a-roonie... Today was cottage closing day!

Funny when you've been doing something so long it seems effortless. The only chore added to my list this year was disassembling the additional outdoor shower walls that had to be erected (no pun intended) to block out my creepy neighbour. As the power tool queen, I was on that task like white on rice!

The other nice thing was because I'd lived there until Thanksgiving, everything was much more organized. So much so that we shaved a half an hour off our fastest closing record. The only sad part about completing the task at hand quicker than expected was that we had to leave this glorious day behind. 

Feeling completely and totally gypped of another night in my favourite place, I have to admit that this will be my very last 2014 post from the cottage.

That is unless.... I get what I want for Christmas... Stay tuned! 

Monday, October 20, 2014


It's official. Booked and paid for, I'm taking an exciting last minute vacation next month!

It wasn't something that had been on my radar but as I looked at spending a boatload of money for an extended stay in February, I slowly began analyzing. Turns out there's a significant cost savings taking two one week vacations (a few months apart) rather than two weeks together mid winter.  

Truth of the matter is, last year I realized a week just isn't long enough in February. We're so far north, we lose two travel days getting there and coming home; then once you've decompressed and get into a routine, it's time to start packing to come back home to the snow. 

After I couldn't solidify the February plans, I started to reflect about our Christmas vacation of 2012. (We'd packed up our pups and headed to a house on the beach in South Carolina.) Having that shot of Vitamin D before the real crux of winter hit was amazing. Then, with the thought of how truly perfect that trip was, got me to thinking.

...Which brings me to today.

Right after I see another 'Bucket List' concert, I'm heading to YYZ the following morning and jumping a 7:30am plane. In less than a month from now, I'll be running along an amazing stretch of beach in the Caribbean. Screw my new treadmill... I'll be running and singing, while baking in the morning sun!

I don't know about you, but for me, there's something about the planning of any kind of time away, that makes me reflective of the adventures that I've already had.

Like anyone, I'm sure vacation moments are memorable because they've had some sort of defining personal moment; others, just seem to jump out as memorable because you know you'd never want history repeat itself. I try not to draw comparisons but over time I've developed a pretty specific 'must have' list.

So, once again, down to two and over thinking which resort (resulting in numerous phone calls throughout the process) my husband reminded me that the most important 'must have' was already in place and the the rest of the little shit won't matter.

"We'll be together" he said.

And just like that I handed over a credit card number... because that kind of logical thinking made the decision for us!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Snow? NO... Frost? YES!

Sweetie full of SNOW
TAKEN: Sep 10th /14
I asked my daughter to take a selfie of herself so that I could appreciate the snowstorm she was enduring last week in Calgary. Actually, I couldn't believe that she was needing to wear her winter coat and gloves a minute and a half after wearing white would have been considered her biggest fashion faux pas!

The dad-gum honest truth is that I felt sorry for her, yet hopeful for us in Muskoka. My thought process being that with all the shitty weather we've  had, we may actually have a shot at an Indian Summer. Right on schedule, this morning, I was given a glimmer of hope.

Not because I was bundled up with a fire on and it was a balmy 5C outside... but because there's a frost warning in effect for tonight. (I'm not sure if you know this; in order to have a chance at an Indian Summer, there has to have been two bouts of overnight frost prior.) Though the leaves started to change earlier than normal this season, they seem to have stalled. Again, more  hope.

The pic I am posting is one I took while sunbathing on Saturday September 14th, 2013. I guess what has me really pissed off is that this time last year I was worried about harmful UV rays... Not getting stinking frost bite!

It is what it is and I will spin it however I see fit. Try and stay positive as I head to the cottage in the morning for what I believe to be my last stretch living there before it gets closed for the winter. I'm not saddened by the thought, I had a great time this year. I simply refuse to say 'this summer' because it never truly arrived.

As my friends start changing their profile pictures to include their skis and sleds I'm doing the opposite. I'm selecting my plethora of swimsuits and the dozen pairs of shoes I'll  need to pack for my trip. YUP, I've cashed in all my pop bottles and heading South in November.  Truth of the matter is I've gone non-stop since I left my job last December.

Leaving on a jet plane may be  the best way for me to embrace my very interesting albeit exhausting year.. She's been a bit of a ride to say the least.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Anyone Else 'Happy Light' Hopeful?

Yesterday morning I sat up in bed to look at the clock. In doing so, my husband awoke. I immediately said… “Boy, it sure is dark out for eight thirty.” To which he immediately said, “…go back to sleep Rhondi. It’s only six thirty!” So I gave him a smooch, rolled over, and did exactly as I was told.

I know it's only September but for some reason I can already feel it coming. Those six weeks a year when 90% of the time I don’t know whether to wind my watch or wipe my ass. Don't laugh: I become totally discombobulated and my cheery disposition all but disappears. It’s absolutely awful.

So, in an effort to cope, last year after Hallow’een I got a ‘happy light’. This morning, with it pouring rain outside and two lamps on in my office, I dug the sucker out and turned it on. I dunno. Perhaps my waking in the dark yesterday (and working in the dark this morn) made me think that being proactive couldn't hurt. Hell, worth a try right?

Some don’t believe in them and others swear by them. I did use the one I aquired a little last year but not enough to form an opinion either way. What I DO know is with the summer we've had, I've got 'er plugged in and on stand by. I've officially decided to use it whenever I need a boost of light. Between it and the tanning bed I might actually make it through the winter.

Speaking of tanning, Goob stopped by this aft. He picked up his mail and I asked him if he'd get on a plane with me in November for a quick trip into the sun. His answer was what I expected. 'I could be down for that' he said. My next invite will be to Jukebox. 

Like I said to Goob... there's something to be said for not knowing where we're going until 24 hours before a plane takes off. I am recommending we pick three destinations and we do some sort of lottery to decide which wins. Either way, I know one thing for sure... I won't need to pack my happy light. 

Just my love for the sunlight & a really BIG smile!

Friday, April 25, 2014


You heard me.... VAMOOSE!

What are you waiting for? Good riddance... Scoot, scram, zip and get the hell outta town!!

Friends... Meet my buddy John.
Taken: SPRING THAW 2008
(The above photo is property of North45 Communications)

Just so we’re clear, I'm not talking about my good buddy Johnny (JW) Wright: on the contrary. 

My bellowing is for the ice on the lakes to get the heck going, so that winter can officially be deemed over.

We all may be a little stir crazy here but JW has taken a different approach to the lunacy. He's made an effort to document the winter from hell from a positive perspective. You see, he's one of the lucky ones. He both lives & works here.

I've had the pleasure of dealing with JW professionally for about a decade and I consider him a personal friend. Out of sheer selfishness, I've been after this lad to start a video blog for what seems like forever. I may be what is considered a social media junkie but I never click on a link for the sake of clicking. My time is very valuable and online I use it wisely. Never once, have I not truly enjoyed what John's had to say and/or share.

If he were smart, we'd tag team and get him a segment deal on Cottage Life Television. Uh-Oh... I just heard his beautiful wife Pam drop a dinner plate on their kitchen floor.

What can I say Pam? We both know talent when we see it!

Friday, April 11, 2014


For the second day in a row, I got to eat my lunch out in the sun. Hell, the UV rays were so spot on, that at high noon, when I opened our front door and sat on the sill, the aluminum was heated enough that my butt got very roasty n' toasty. 

I kid you not… I truly had one hot piece of ass at lunch today!

In keeping with that thought process, I find it hard to believe that we returned from Jamaica a little over a month ago. It feels like it's been a little over a year. Yet, instead of complaining, I’ll just count my blessings. I’m pretty sure I would have jumped off the bridge downtown by now had I not gotten on a plane this past winter.

Ah.... the memories. Jamaica is always a great idea!
As I start to fill up my empty piggy bank for February 2015, Jamaica is on my mind.

I know it’s more expensive than a lot of other destinations in the Caribbean but once you arrive it truly is amazing.

We were there in 2012 and again this past winter and from the time we climbed into bed that very first night, we talked about returning a third time.

I love their culture and that the country (in general) love Canadians. There's no language barrier and for a very picky eater there's lots of flavours I truly enjoy. But, the one thing I love most about Jamaica is their attention to safe drinking water. The bottled water you drink comes from a Jamaican filtration plant and you can drink the water right out of the tap with confidence.

Seeing as I won't have a moments peace until our 2015 jaunt (out of the harsh Canadian winter) is booked, I have to ask. What's best winter holiday you've ever taken? 

I promise I'll report back. Because together, we'll leave no great Expedia deal unturned!!


Monday, April 7, 2014


I’m not a superstitious person by nature but today is April the 7th and I almost gave my chosen word a second thought for fear of jinxing my optimism as well as the long range forecast.

For the last couple days, the mercury has risen above zero and the sun is starting to finally melt the godforsaken snow. I am pleased to report that we hit our expected high of 9C here today (that's a balmy 48F for all of my American friends). So, it's with some serious trepidation, I admit I have some hope.

Hope, that the snow might finally be gone, before May the first!

Havin' a beer and finally catching some rays!
TAKEN: April 6th, 2014
Just to prove that I'm not feeding you a line of bull, I snapped my husband's picture around three o'clock yesterday afternoon. 

As we finished our weekend chores, we decided to soak up a bit of the sun. 

Thanks to a lot of elbow grease, our front deck had been rid of ice and snow since last weekend. I had prepared myself for my husband to rant, telling me the sun would eventually melt it. Then, verbalizing my passionate rebuttal, explaining why I'd finally had enough. 

Every year I do the rid the ice exercise (both here and at our cottage) and every year my husband tells me 'I need to get my head examined...' Actually, every year, before this year.

This year, he grabbed a shovel and helped move the large pieces of ice and snow, as I hammered them loose with the back of a splitting ax.

I guess you can say, for the first year ever... He'd FINALLY had enough!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

My Feet Are Downright Desperate!

Enjoying coffee together this morning, my husband asked me my plans for the day. Even though he knew I had to work, he also knows I try really hard to spend at least four hours outside every Sunday. Today, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't move that idea forward in my mind. 

I honestly don’t hate winter. Truth is, I work really hard every year to survive winter. From Hallowe’en to Easter, I have to force myself to get off my fat ass and venture the hell outside.

Historically, the seasonal weather has me trek in footwear stages; flip flops to sneakers, to rubber boots, to snowmobile boots, to snowshoes, to rubber boots, to sneakers, to flip flops. It’s not rocket science but it helps me process when I'll eventually get the sunlight, as well as my life back. 

Aren't the perfect?
(Fine print reads... Meant for sand not snow!)
Taken: February 2014
In hindsight, I suppose the blind side happened when I went from rubber boots (in the fall of 2013) to snowshoes, which is where I’ve been stuck ever since. 

Pushing my buttons and tired of my bitching, my husband sarcastically announced 'no matter what the weather'... In two weeks, he was going to start wearing shorts to work.

Totally unimpressed by his lack of empathy for my plight, I immediately went upstairs on a mission. I removed my fuzzy socks and began wearing my brand new (very sexy) flip flops around the house.

Let's face it. You can look at my behaviour in a couple of different ways: A) Desperate times call for desperate measures. B) There's more than one way to skin a cat. C) Leave me alone I'm totally pouting and pissed with winter... or D) All of the above.

She's all of the above Baby... ALL OF THE ABOVE!!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Our Buried Bandstand To The Rescue!

It’s not very often that we end up in the heart of Downtown on a Saturday but for whatever reason yesterday we did. I always feed an expired parking meter so there was no change there but finding that little sucker was like seeking out what’s his name in a Where’s Waldo cartoon.

As we began to walk, right on queue my husband began bitching about the height of the snowbanks. Normally I would have rebutted with some sort of quick witted retort, yet all I could say yesterday was “I honestly don’t think they can keep up”. Then all hell froze over as he quickly conceded “you’re probably right”.

Thank you high snowbanks. Crisis averted!
Taken: February 1st, 2014
Once home we began discussing our amazing day on the Town. Running into a former colleague had me telling my husband about the how my feelings had been hurt unexpectedly last week by someone I use to do business with. Once clarified that we were once again talking about the person he suspected he began to rant; "no matter what you say, this person was never EVER your friend!"

Listening to him like a broken record, I choose to play the exact card he had offered me that very afternoon in front of our Bandstand.

“You’re probably right” was all I said.

Soooo...A great big thank you goes out to our Town. Had those snow banks not been so high this afternoon, I would not have taken my husbands lead to fold like a lawn chair in the kitchen preparing dinner. Without those high snowbanks outside our Bandstand? I am pretty sure my husband would have slept on the couch last night.

Ya Gotta Laugh About It...!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

My Early Morning Walk...

I was sitting having lunch last Friday when I looked up and noticed my oldest son walking by on the side walk; caught off guard, I instantly grabbed his attention. We smiled, waved, and then I announced with pride "that's my oldest son.”

Short story long… I sent a text around dinner time to tell him I loved fresh his hair cut as well as to disclose the identity my mystery lunch date. It was at that point he invited my husband and I to come and see him play, with three very well-known musicians as his back up. His set started at eleven, which was way past my bedtime, so I didn't commit.

At around 10:30 pm I had already enjoyed my bubble bath and was ready for bed. When I came downstairs to say good night to my husband, he asked me what time it was. Realizing we could make it to see my son he announced, “get ready... we're going out!” Twenty minutes later (with the back of my hair still wet from my tub) we ventured out.

When we arrived at the Pub I could hear him singing. I asked my husband if we could just stand outside and enjoy the music before we caught him off guard by walking in. Proud as a Peacock, I have to boast that my son is really really good. He comes by his nickname honestly, as he truly does offer a wide range of songs just like a Jukebox.

There is never a bad time to have camera handy.
Taken: (going on 3am) January 11th, 2014
What a night!

We experienced great music; ran into some old friends; and even made some new ones. Enjoyed the company of our two sons, then we set out to walk home around 2:30am.

I felt amazing.

Energized and ready for a great walk home in the wee hours of the morn.

My husband? Not so much!

He’d been up more that 22hrs and definitely had what I can only describe as a speed wobble happening on our trek home. I knew he hadn't drank a lot, so I kept asking (in between fits of full blown laughter)... "What's wrong? Are you OK?!" 

Goob told me Saturday morning that he was drinking a potent 9% craft beer which may offer some explanation. All I know is that 48 hours later, I can't stop smiling. He took 3x's more steps to get home than I did, and in a Town where everything is a 15 minute walk, it truly did take us 45 minutes to make it home!

Makes not matter.... It's the most fun I've had out on this Town in a very long time....

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

SEE...? I'm Not The Only Bitch In Town!

As you know, Mother Nature has stripped me of my Eastern Canadian title of "Single Biggest Bitch!" What can I say other than I felt the need to relinquish my title when she decided to pummelled us with this unprecedented amount of snow.

Proud of her new found fame, she decided to twist the knife by making our hydro fail twice in one day. After her big hydro encore last night, I decided to climb into bed; with an extra blanket for insurance, two pups for company, and a candle burning safely on my night stand so that I wouldn't shiver. Not because I thought I would be cold;  but because I'm afraid of the dark. Always have been, always will be.

Up before the birds (frankly because they've all flown south) I was alert and focused on my task at hand. It may surprise some that my biggest challenge today wasn't where to put the snow. It was how I was going to keep my pups from planting their land mines in the middle of the driveway for the rest of the winter.

Let’s face it… Life for them is nothing more than a snow tunnel with a door that leads to an exciting cookie jar at this point.

I fought hard but Mother Nature won!
Taken: January 8th, 2014
Anyway, after moving snow on and off all morning, it was finally time to strap on my snowshoes.

Funny as it may sound, my yard felt a like a canvas, and making my 'yard' vision for the future happen wasn't a simple task.

What was the best route? What made the most sense to maintain for the rest of the winter?

Just like 20 years ago (and trying to accomplish anything with small children) it was like I had toddlers again. Once I started to hatch my plan, there were unexpected hiccups. Four legged hiccups. With too much snow and two pups far too stubborn to understand that this exercise was to help THEM!

As a result, they body checked me, steam rolled my ability to move ahead of them, then proceeded to step on the back of my shoes so that I would fall flat on my face into the snow. The tenth time a pup ambushed me from behind and I stumbled face first into the snow there were f-bombs. Not my most memorable moment of the day but a word I am sure everyone single one of you can relate to dropping when it comes to this 'Blizzard of '14'.

Faux drama aside, I'm just trying to personally cope and stay the hell outta traction. ...Not to mention keep in the running to regain my title in 2015.

Can you say El Nino? See... I have a fighting chance!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Enough Already!

I woke up at 7am this morning and it was snowing. Let me rephrase that. It was snowing yet again. Holy boat load of overnight snow accumulation Batman!

The poor little water-ski boat is buried.
BONUS?  The fire hydrant is wearing a hat to keep warm!
Taken: January 6th, 2014
Let’s me just call a spade a spade. I don’t hate winter, yet it’s not like I am unconditionally in love with it either.

Like anything, I take the good with the bad. But this season is creeping right up there to be just downright record breaking.

I am an active adult so I was all over a great winter weather day like yesterday.

I feel a little on the opposite end of the spectrum when it comes to winter days like today. After I spent hours moving our massive volume of snow, I'm thinking winter really isn't my cup to tea. Frankly, I am completely expecting the glue factory to ring any minute, simply to make an appointment to come and pick up this old grey mare!

I am going to be travelling into downtown Toronto next week for my new job, and I'm not gonna lie that I am kinda nervous. I almost want to rent my hotel room for an extra night so that if night travel next Thursday is bad, I can enjoy a stress free evening rather than white knuckling it in a car.

That right there sounds like a plan. I’ll have to add snackage and extra wine to my list of things to pack. Hang on, I am travelling to get acquainted with my new Team (network within that Team) and be introduced into an industry that I really haven't been on the forefront of.

Note To Self: Do NOT bring an extra bottle of wine for a potential Thursday night stay.

...I BEST BRING TWO because there will be at least four locals stranded!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Once Discovered. Never Forgotten.

When I walked out the door this morning my surroundings took my breath away. It was about 3C outside and I swear you could actually feel the snow melting in the air. Today was the brightest it's been here in months. I stopped part way up the driveway, took it all in, and snapped my pic. It felt amazing!

Can February March?
No... But April May!
Taken: February 28th, 2013
I'm a pretty simple chick; I'm not saying that I am uncomplicated (because I can overthink with the best of them) but I have a pretty straightforward approach to my everyday life.

If there's one thing I've learned to do in the last couple of years, it's to embrace the moment, no matter how insignificant it may be. If it's unique I stop and take it in. Euphorically speaking, that's how I felt this morning.

Winter for me happens in layers.

The darkness of the shorter days is just that, so I try to soak up as much of the weekend daylight outdoors.

The deep freeze days (which usually lasts just a couple of weeks) has me nesting indoors. Those couple of weeks have me prioritizing all the crap that I ignore, because I'm too busy being active out of doors, the rest of the season.

Then there's the crazy fun days that we're heading into now. My absolute favourite. Mild snow covered surroundings that are still pretty but have yet to turn the landscape ugly as the next season approaches. Snowshoeing, downhill skiing, or a simple bonfire on the weekend keeps me smiling.

Let's face it; I love every season in Muskoka. To quote my good friend, the late Robyn Scott: Once Discovered. Never Forgotten. 

Personally; the last number of years I had certainly stopped discovering, and I had definitely forgotten. With that part of my journey in the past, I am committed to never looking back.

I am never going to take even my smallest discoveries from granted, I am never going to forget the pain I have pushed through, and I am never going to let anyone tell me how I should live my life. If you make your core goal personal happiness shouldn't everything else seem effortless?

As silly as that sounds, snapping my pic this morning was effortless. With Mother Nature providing a breathtaking backdrop, it just felt right. Why? Because I am  glowing.

For the first time in my life I'm absolutely comfortable in my own skin... and it shows!