Showing posts with label I LOVE Fun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label I LOVE Fun. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 2, 2015


I’ve blogged it before and I’ll blog it again, I am not a very worldly person.

Like most with an active imagination, can close my eyes and see myself basking on a yacht in Greece but at the end of the day, my boat that floats and a set of ear buds take me just about as far away as I need be. My understanding of the difference between want and need, followed by a somewhat limited amount of disposable income, has always kept me very well grounded. The other side of that coin is, having my feet firmly planted, gives me just enough curiosity to want to live a little on the vacation edge.

My room with a view!
TAKEN: NOVEMBER 30th, 2015
Speaking of  'vacation edge', I posted a new cover pic on my personal FB page (I've attached a link here)... I took it at dusk on the second night I was here in Cabo.

I had to scootch my ass out a 30" window & shimmy 25ft, across a 4th storey wall to get it done.

You see, that specific view belongs to the elite staying at the resort. You know, those girls I met from California that paid $300 USD for a cab into town. My view is the one I am posting. I love it and feel it provides me with all the luxury I need. (Not to mention, the added bonus of tossing down cans of beer to the fellas hauling the huge bins of towels, uphill, to the laundry; as well as watching & listening to the horses that move tourists up and down the beach.)

For what it's worth, I have always been of the opinion that individual wealth is relative. The challenging  part for me has always been, because they've attained or inherited it, they feel they are better than others. I suppose I can process that ideology, yet I struggle to understand it. Especially in a place like this, where people travel to relax, then insistently complain about small silly shit!

For this cat, as I walked into town yesterday, I realized one thing better than the majority of the peeps that are here.

...I am definitely richer than most think!

Friday, September 25, 2015


When I got home from work tonight, I instantly heard a faint sobbing coming from the front hall closet. As I opened the doors and leaned in, I realized it was my set of Rocketballz making the unsuspecting racket. As I wrapped my arms around to soothe them, you can't imagine my personal relief realizing my crying towels kept things under control until I got home.

One of my very faves... The 8th Tee at South Muskoka
Not gonna lie. It's after a great week like the one, that I realize how much I missed their Friday night company. In the old days, ending my work week with them made life just right.

I guess looking at the calendar and noticing the leaves changing I can't help but wonder where the heck the bulk of the golf season has gone. Not only that, talking my clubs off the ledge today made me realized, not only did I miss a great season but I missed that exciting euphoria every single golf course offers me. Even more so, I regret saying no to my Goob all summer. I've missed that mom & son quality time (that has effortless competitive sarcasm folded in) we always share on the course.

You know what else I miss? My pitching wedge, my heaven wood, and my putter. I truly do remember them fondly as we use to be the best of friends. As an aside, can you please not tell the others that my pitching wedge is my very favourite? Before you know it, the political infighting amongst them will have my short game disappear for good and my driver and other woods on strike for insubordination.

Ah hell, who am I kidding. This time last year, none of the above mentioned peeps in my golf bag ever listened, nor did what they were told. Yet, as I lovingly addressed them tonight I realized the obvious; I love 'em all anyway.

Afterall, they're family!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Hanging on for dear life (yet embracing the Samana moment).... YOWZA!
Taken: APRIL 9th, 2015
There are a handful of people in my life that can make me laugh so hard; that when I'm done, my face truly hurts.

Because they're so important to me, I wanted to choose a Y word that I thought was at least a tad bit deserving.

So I chose a sexy, urban dictionary word, that easily defined some of the emotion they tend to evoke in me... YOWZA!

All I'll say is that after receiving a hilarious message from an electronic friend yesterday, I damn near needed to change my pants because I'd laughed so hard I nearly piddled.  When I asked why they shared their specific joke with me, their answer was sincere.

"Because... LIFE is short!"

Yes-Sir-Ree-Bob-A-Roonie was my quick 'n very simple reply.

Sunday, February 22, 2015


Like I do every Sunday, I loaded up the car and went and spent my standard hour and a half with my buddy Rod. As he handed me the bottle of water I’d asked for, I noticed an old newspaper article faded in its frame. Though I struggled to read the fine print, I could see the headline. It read... “The Hardest Working Man in Bracebridge.”

My personal motto? Work hard & PLAY harder
TAKEN: FEBRUARY 22nd, 2015
When I read it aloud and then commented that I’d never noticed it before, he very casually said “that was written when I was nineteen”. To give that some perspective, we are the very same age... 29!

As we chatted about our busy week, I couldn't help but think of the sign I had at home that Goob had given me this past Christmas (that's it on the right, keeping my snowshoes warm).

It's conversations like the one I had today, that remind how differently we've raised our children in comparison to how we were raised.

I will admit that I know I work too much. Yet, I will also admit that I don't know how to live any other way. I'm not entirely sure how it's been construed that I work so much that I don't have a life, because that's simply not true. I have a life. Exactly the life I want. One with a solid balance. One that is fulfilling and always evolving. One that is constantly ushering out the old and welcoming in the new. One that proves I'll never stop pushing and I'll never stop learning.

Afterall, life is all about finding a proper balance... right?

Okay, so who wants have lunch & play hooky with me next Friday? You're frickin' ON!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


My cottage neighbour and I rocking her SeaDoo Sunday afternoon
Taken: SEPTEMBER 28th, 2014

Allow me to introduce you to the back of the head of my friend Shelly. Not only is she a boatload of fun, she's a great neighbour. You know what people say, you should always consider yourself blessed if you have great neighbours. At our cottage, on our specific stretch of the shore, we have only three. Which brings me to that other famous saying ... Two out of three ain’t bad! HA!

Anyway, when I pulled back in the cottage drive mid afternoon last Saturday, I neglected to look down her lane to see if her truck was there. Instead, I messaged her when I settled on the dock with the radio blaring and I was sunbathing alone.

"You're missin' some beauty weather girlfriend... GREAT day" I typed.

"No I'm not country girl. We've been hanging out on the dock all day. It's GORGEOUS" she replied. As soon as I read her BBM message, it was instantly ON. Suffice is to say, we both enjoyed the rest of our weekend.

As Shelly headed back to the City Monday morning, I also headed back into Town. With Monday being another amazing weather day, we couldn't help but touch base. Just like myself, she gets restless when it comes time to leave. It's not because what we have is extravagant, matter a fact it's the polar opposite. For similar reasons, our small piece of waterfront property, offers both of us a sense of sanity and emotional security.

She's back for two week in October but I don't own a wet suit so I suspect that last Sunday was my last ride for the 2014 season. Even worse, I know we won't be able to stand in the water and chat for hours on end. Makes no matter, I only have four words for Shelly.


Monday, August 25, 2014

I'll Take On Mr. Stay Puft Anyday!

By mid-week last week, I had this past weekend completely planned. The Honey-Do list was long and had been itemized in order of importance. Other than a last minute Business meeting at 10am Saturday, it was completely set. Then, once again, the Weatherman completely screwed up the forecast. Typical. This guy screws up on the job 100% of the time and never gets fired.

...Both the weather and the Stay Pufts
TAKEN: August 23rd, 2014
Anyway, that change in plans produced some much needed UV rays and the enjoyment of my very favourite summer treat. 

Here goes. I am going to go on the record with the fact that I truly believe roasting the perfect Stay Puft jumbo marshmallow takes some serious skill as well as a splash of hidden talent!

There are simply so many variables to take into consideration. The wood choice for your roasting stick (as well as which species to use to create the perfect coals), wind velocity as well as managing its direction, not to mention having nerves of steel and the patience of Noah.

I remember when the kids were small (and before we owned a cottage) we had a fire pit in the backyard. As the kiddies burnt their treats to a crisp using the wire hanger I'd unfolded for them as a roaster, my daughter inadvertently flung one of her treats while trying to fan out the flames. Screaming at the top of her lungs, we quickly realized her angst was because it had landed in the middle of our dog Toby's back.

As the dog literally glowed about the Saturday night moonlight, my cat like reflexes ensured he wasn't burnt. Didn't even singe any of his fur. The quick action was not only for his safety, but to get to it before he could. Lord knows, he most definitely would have eaten it.

Boy, that was a long time ago. I'm smiling. It feels like it was yesterday.

Pleased to report that nothing like that happen last Saturday night. This generation of Pups expect to be served their freshly roasted Stay Puft's before I even get mine. What can I say? Guess they know wearing them is sooo 1990's.

... And just totally out of fashion!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

The Golfie Gals!

You know that old saying “you know that you’re truly friends with someone, when you don’t see each other for a year and you pick up like you saw each other yesterday”. That’s exactly how I feel about Kathy & Claire.

Ironically enough, the three of us met at a golf show. The Toronto Golf Show, about eight and a half years ago. I was telling them yesterday afternoon that I remember the exact moment we met. I was going to tell them that my somewhat photographic memory remembers what they were both wearing – but I thought that may creep them out a tad. Ooops… guess the cat’s outta the bag now.

Enjoyed a great round of golf with these gals!
Taken July 5th, 2014
Getting together with them yesterday was a bit of a milestone for me. 

Though we've always kept in touch, (and have seen each other in the city) yesterday signified the first time I’d been back to the old stomping ground in more than six years. 

Though some memories have obviously faded, I quickly realized yesterday that so many remain vibrant. I was impressed that I remembered how the course played. The fact that I left my game at home made no matter, it just felt eerily comfortable to walk it again. People at the Clubhouse said they remembered me. I just nodded and agreed. I didn't have a fecking clue who they were but I didn't want to make them feel uncomfortable. Rhondi Rule #454: When all else fails... Smile and nod and talk about the weather (or in this case golf). Which is exactly what I did.

I was nervous to return. I was going to return last year to see them and play a round but I wasn't ready. That said, it was good to be back, and I'll return to play again when they return right after Labour Day. I knew heading to the tee blocks it was going to be a brutal round, as it was my first of the year. So, as we teed up at nine, I told Claire that I was on a mission.

"I'm going to seriously practice before I see you again" I said.

With my crazy hectic schedule, I probably won't. Doesn't matter. Even though I had a severe case of the shanks yesterday, at the end of the day the wine we shared afterwards was way better than the golf. That's code for... no matter how much I practice in the next eight weeks... I'm never going to beat EITHER of these amazing golfers!

Thanks Gals. You both look great and we'll see you soon.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Pssst… Ya Got Any Rubbers?

I woke up at 4am this morn and hauled my ass out of bed for what turned out to be the rest of the day. Not because I’d had enough sleep, but because my hot flashes seem to have embedded themselves into a pattern of complete and total inconvenience. 

Anyway, it was no surprise, that by mid afternoon I was a great big bitchy zombie that was ready for a nap. Exhausted, I fought back. I got up from my desk, pulled on my rubbers, and headed straight for the gully.

Up to my ankles in gunk & loving it!
Taken: May 5th, 2014
For a million reasons, the silly ravine (just off the back of my yard) takes me back to my childhood. Not that I've ever lived with the luxury of such a haven in my backyard growing up, I just feel like a little kid whenever I venture out.

Where else can a single stick, some running water, and ankle deep mud deliver such an escape? ...Not to mention that it kinda sounds like a Super-dee-Duper fart machine as you tromp around in the sloppy gunk.

I know, I know, my girlfriend told me she suspects my enjoyment in the mud has something to do with some sort of rebellion. She says I'm "perpetuating a behaviour that wasn't deemed acceptable when I was child."

Who knows? Who cares! 

...I've simply labelled it a guilty pleasure.

I understand that some may not deem my behaviour proper. BUT... If you consider my playing in a ravine full of mud, in a pair of bright hot pink rubbers immature... I don't want to share what I'll be doing during the first midday summer downpour on my dock.

I fear THAT guilty pleasure (which I've labelled #482) may throw you over the edge!

She may look nice and dry... But I can assure ya she ain't!
Taken: May 5th, 2014

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


How do you know your wife is dead? The sex is the same… but the dishes start to pile up!

All I can say is, it’s a good thing I have my dishwasher on a timer. My husband does them at the same time every night, so he won’t notice I’m gone for months! ….Ba-Dumb-Bum!

Seriously? I love to laugh and there's usually naughty sarcasm attached just for fun.

There's a small handful of people I've met that can keep up with my warped pace. So, it's not very often I'm caught off guard. Truth is, my husband has always been my best sparring partner.

A while back he landed home in good spirits and decided to make an announcement... “Honey… Guess what I want tonight?”

Preoccupied, I rolled my eyes and asked ..."What?”

“I want some BUSCH...!" 

In that exact moment, he held up a six pack of American beer over his head and we both roared with laughter. Just like that, I was instantly pummeled into naughty thought submission. What can I say, there really is nothing better than laughter, to ease my mind...

Well, there is,  but I never registered for adult content, so we'll just leave it at that!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Jamaica? No Problem!

Well, today marks the official halfway point of my winter vacation. I overdid it in the sun a little yesterday but nothing that a floppy hat and extra strength sunscreen can’t remedy today. That, and a constant slow drip of Jamaican rum!

I did return to the room early yesterday with the intention to post, yet, when I hammered out my thoughts, I ended up posting them to my draft folder;  which is where they will stay, with the almost hundred other posts too personal to share.

Proof that we arrived safe & sound
Taken: February 26th, 2014
On a more entertaining note, the American friends we've traveled with have already started to tease me about my three cameras and my picture taking fetish.

Last trip, Brian waited until the second last day to give me his two gun salute. I am pleased to report that yesterday morning I was given the official nod as both his middle fingers made his thoughts perfectly clear.

Ah…The comfort of a great friendship. It's all in the sarcasm and laughter and there has been plenty of both.

Always one for adventure, I am leaving my buddy Omar at the swim up bar for a day of lounging in salt and sun. I am embarrassed to admit that I paid ten dollars for a dollar store floatie. I am pleased to report that they originally wanted eighteen dollars so I’ll justify my spending as an exercise in great negotiation rather than the sheer stupidity it was.

As I sit here listening to the morning birds and sip a cup of coffee I feel at peace. I was afraid to return to the island but my worry has turned out to be for nothing. I’m staying at a much larger resort this time around but there is one very common thread; the sun, sounds, food and fun. Two years ago, as a couple, we l literally struggled with every single one of those elements.

This year? I say “Welcome to Jamaica mon… “

No problem!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

My Early Morning Walk...

I was sitting having lunch last Friday when I looked up and noticed my oldest son walking by on the side walk; caught off guard, I instantly grabbed his attention. We smiled, waved, and then I announced with pride "that's my oldest son.”

Short story long… I sent a text around dinner time to tell him I loved fresh his hair cut as well as to disclose the identity my mystery lunch date. It was at that point he invited my husband and I to come and see him play, with three very well-known musicians as his back up. His set started at eleven, which was way past my bedtime, so I didn't commit.

At around 10:30 pm I had already enjoyed my bubble bath and was ready for bed. When I came downstairs to say good night to my husband, he asked me what time it was. Realizing we could make it to see my son he announced, “get ready... we're going out!” Twenty minutes later (with the back of my hair still wet from my tub) we ventured out.

When we arrived at the Pub I could hear him singing. I asked my husband if we could just stand outside and enjoy the music before we caught him off guard by walking in. Proud as a Peacock, I have to boast that my son is really really good. He comes by his nickname honestly, as he truly does offer a wide range of songs just like a Jukebox.

There is never a bad time to have camera handy.
Taken: (going on 3am) January 11th, 2014
What a night!

We experienced great music; ran into some old friends; and even made some new ones. Enjoyed the company of our two sons, then we set out to walk home around 2:30am.

I felt amazing.

Energized and ready for a great walk home in the wee hours of the morn.

My husband? Not so much!

He’d been up more that 22hrs and definitely had what I can only describe as a speed wobble happening on our trek home. I knew he hadn't drank a lot, so I kept asking (in between fits of full blown laughter)... "What's wrong? Are you OK?!" 

Goob told me Saturday morning that he was drinking a potent 9% craft beer which may offer some explanation. All I know is that 48 hours later, I can't stop smiling. He took 3x's more steps to get home than I did, and in a Town where everything is a 15 minute walk, it truly did take us 45 minutes to make it home!

Makes not matter.... It's the most fun I've had out on this Town in a very long time....

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

One Magic Carpet Ride. Music Included!

I am so unbelievably giddy that I truly need to pinch myself. This time tomorrow night I will be meandering around the Air Canada Centre in Toronto anticipating something that's been a bit of a life long dream. Seeing The Eagles LIVE in concert.

It's a Bucket List thing for me really. Tomorrow night I will be firmly planted in 20th row (on the stage right floor) experiencing what I consider true musical genius. Oh those vocal harmonies, I can hardly wait.

What's that old saying? You're never given more than you can handle? Well, hold onto your hat there Aunt Bessie because my Bucket List just got another little ditty added to 'er this morning. 

After we thoroughly enjoy The Eagles tomorrow night, my husband will proceed to leave me at YYZ Thursday morning. Why the airport you ask? Because I am hopping a plane at noon with Stephanie to see Bon Jovi this weekend in Montreal! 

The planning started last Friday night. The question was posed and I willing gave my standard answer, which was of course... "GIDDY UP!" Without a doubt, this is the most spontaneous thing I have ever done in my entire life.  

Who the hell am I kidding? This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I immediately pounced on it. Just like that, Mike and Peter reminded me today, that there will be 20,000 other women looking to 'pounce' on Jon in Montreal.

Oh relax, I'm sure Steph and I will meet Mike at the gate Sunday afternoon from YUL totally unharmed and 100% restraining order free. What do you mean that's nothing but wishful thinking?

All I'll say, is that I am pleased to report, that we're BOTH very fast runners.

WHAT? Why are you laughing?

....and that's all I gotta say about that...

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Pedal, Walk, or Run… I’m Having FUN!

Pedalling the Pups in the rain...
Taken: Friday October 4th, 2014
Driving by Snap Fitness yesterday I laughed aloud when I read their marquee: “If your dog is fat… You're not getting enough exercise!” Personally, I thought the message was brilliant.

Oh, my 'Quest For My Waist'. What a journey it has been.

Sometimes I wonder how I lost the weight I had gained, but more importantly I never want to forget HOW I gained the pounds I have lost.

It's been almost three years since I started my quest, and I’m still not happy with my shape and size. Then again, I wonder if any woman my age ever really is.

I walk way more than the recommended 10,000 steps a day, I dance a couple of times a week, and I am very outgoing in every other facet of my life. I most definitely watch what I eat, and I certainly don't feel nor act my age.

Keeping with that last thought, my personal fitness guru was telling me that eating chocolate releases the same endorphins as having an orgasm.  Intrigued by the statement, I decided to do some basic math. The average chocolate bar contains 884 calories.  Having sex, can burn up to 300 calories per half hour. 

Hmmm, I say the perfect solution is to enjoy an amazing two hour romp, and avoid any type of chocolate offering all together. That gives me a big bonus 1200 calories burned, and a perma smile that will stay with me way longer than any silly Kit Kat bar can possibly offer!

Now that right there is some serious calorie counting I can throw my back into! Guess I need to whip my husband into shape.

Whip? Maybe, not. Blindfold? Definitely, MAYBE!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Time Flies When You're Having Fun!

Last night was my Class of 1983 High School reunion. It’s not like it was some well thought out highfalutin Gala, it was planned via Facebook out of Raleigh North Carolina. There was never an expectation that thousands would land in droves; which is a good thing, because this is a really small town.

Don’t kid yourself. We had a blast. My feet are still sore today. We laughed, we sang, and we reminisced. The local paper showed up to take our picture, and a great time was had by all. A humongous hug and kiss to our dear friend Doug for all his efforts. Without his driving force, it would have never happened. 

As I sit here after the fact, I am unexpectedly reflective. On just how life is continually evolving, then in an instant you can be in the comfort of company you had no idea that you'd sincerely missed. That said, the big ah-ha for me last night was the lapse of time.

I don’t feel like it all happened to us thirty years ago but it did. I saw people I see in town once a week, and I hugged people that I thought for sure wouldn't remember my name. I got BBM messages this morning from people that had to work today, not to mention an email from someone asking me to go to tea in two weeks. Last night felt like time had stood still. 

That's Tina in the back with me.
Linda owns the amazing blue eyes and
Connie the great smile.
Tammy & Belinda - you were really missed!

Taken: May 11th, 2013
I honestly hadn’t seen Tina in thirty years. Watching her and Linda get Connie cranked up was like I was in a time warp.

I had some serious tears in my eyes I was laughing so hard! Poor Connie.

My added bonus for her? Connie and I promised each other we would “dance our asses off” and we did!

Sorry folks; I have to stop typing now and go find my ass.

Nope, not Tony. Nope, not Connie. My other ass. The one attached to my very tired legs & equally exhausted feet!

PS: I promise to post the group pic once I get a copy from my friend Bev. Cheers!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

“Here Honey… Hold This Sign!”

What can I say? I have been blessed with a wicked sense of humour. Today, I would like to officially go on record with the fact that so has my husband. I really do love to laugh, and 9 times out of 10 he’s the one that's bending me over. Seriously? Get your minds out of the gutter!

As you know, I always have a camera with me, it's an extension of who I am. Last month when we were shopping together in a knick-knack shop, I came across a very unique sign. With a very straight face (and little emotion) I handed it to him then immediately held up my phone to snap this pic. 

What can I say other than... Isn't this a great sign?
Taken: April 2013
“Here Honey… Hold this sign” I said in my very best sex kitten voice. 

"Now SMILE..." I added.

Suffice is to say that after 25 years of marriage he did exactly what I asked. 

I quickly snapped the picture then totally busted a gut laughing! 

Seriously, I know my sense of humour is sick at times, but this is just bat shit freakin' funny! Best part? His immediately requested me to email it to him so that he could share my joke with his buddy Al.

Thank you Tony. I had forgotten what a fun day this was until you showed Doug this pic on your phone last night. I love that you totally still get me after all of these years. By the way, nice smile!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Z Is For... ZEST

I have always embraced the zest element in my life. What can I say, my favourite colour is red and I truly am a passionate person. I am first to to put up my hand to admit - I work hard, plays hard,  and follow a very simple life platform. 

Laughter is the ignition switch and sarcasm the fuel. I am drawn to like-minded people (particularly if they can keep up with me) and I whole heartily embrace them. Though I can lead blindfolded, I love fun. It's how I roll.

Yesterday I posted that I wish I could have been free to be me. One of my newer readers commented “all those things in the past, made you who you are today” and I realized that she’s absolutely right. I really am simple. I am just simply ME. Great heart, fun loving, amazing dental plan, and a solid inner zest!

April 30th, 2013 - ZEST
Taken: March 30/13

I'm kidding (though dental hygiene is key). The truth of the matter is, if you give off that specific "zestful" energy, with the right connection, you will always get it back in spades.

Like mindedness gravitates to like mindedness. Get it? "We have unmistakable like minded ZESTness!" Okay, that was lame.

That right there tells me maybe my word should have been ZERO. Which is the number of posts I have to complete to finish this blogging challenge. 

Oh my goodness I did it. I can't believe it.

I say we pour me a glass of wine! Better yet? How about we give me a great big hug!

Zest or no zest, this exercise was exhausting, and gosh darn it... I have absolutely and unequivocally earned both!!!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

26 Letters in 26 Days…

Well it’s official. I've signed up for the 2013 A-Z Blogging Challenge.

What the heck? I figured it's not like I have a busy life; nothing ventured, nothing gained right? Because I know the suspense is killing you, I am please to announce that I am registered as #1383. 

Life On The Muskoka River (as blogged by Cathy Olliffe-Webster) was/is my inspiration and she's registered as #180. Better late than never right Cathy? I'm kidding. It feels kinda cool. They expect more than 2,000 Bloggers will register before midnight March 31st.

What the hell am I talking about?

I have to blog about a letter of the alphabet every single day (excluding Sundays) for the entire month of April. There are rules to follow and guidelines that have to be met. Trust me, this serious blog stuff!

What did I do immediately after I joined? I started a little spreadsheet; because I'm afraid I will get blocked, and I'll get the boot.

As of right now, there is only one letter of the alphabet set in stone. The letter “I” will be for my mother, and her very unique name.

I promise to keep them short and would appreciate any input if there’s a topic you’d like to read about. FYI - There's nothing written in stone that "S" will be for SEX but I may entertain a bribe or three!!

Wish me luck. Better yet? Let's just have a few really great laughs along the way!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

P!nkture Perfect!

I’m exhausted. Every time I “Spring forward” it really does screw with my sleep patterns. 

How does a girl compound losing an hour of sleep at an inopportune time of year? Toss in a front row experience at a P!nk concert and voila; you’re guaranteed to be breathing through your eyelids!

♫ ♪♫   Have you ever fed a lover with just your hands? ♪♫♪
(The hair stood on my arms as she began...)
Taken: March 11th, 2013 - ACC Toronto
Photo Credit: ME
What can I say? 

It was a really amazing and well worth the lethargy. 

That said, there were a couple of things that caught me off guard. 

The waiting around and the "wannabe’s” were brutal. Seriously folks; you don't know her so shut the hell up!!

And three; the experience itself was a bigger surprise than expected. 

As bizarre as it sounds, it was kinda like I was dreaming.

My meeting another single ticket holder was definitely an added bonus. My meeting another single ticket holder, that was a seasoned concert goer (that would never for settle for anything less that a spot in a concert Pit) was a godsend. 

Just like me; Basil loves music more than expensive shoes. 

She understands the entire culture and she is anything but a “wannabe”. She was soft spoken and warned me of certain things to watch out for. Waiting indoors after checking in, she helpfully answered my questions without frustration. While others around us were whining, she took everything in stride. She just had an amazing energy.

I was intrigued that she had studied the videos online. As a result, she knew exactly where we needed to be for the optimal concert experience. Because it was a General Admission area, we worked together (for hours) to ensure that we kept 'our spot' for the show. I didn’t realize how cut throat the area was going to be until it got closer to show time. That's when people started to manoeuvre for our space. The exact space that Basil had handpicked for us.

All of that said, last night via Facebook my newest friend said something to me that makes me realize just how people can get carried away. “Not many Pit rookies would help young girls get their hands touched by P!nk, that's a veteran move.  I'm sure it was MUCH appreciated” she said.

I had helped by putting the desires of two ten year old girls (that’s didn’t have VIP tickets) ahead of myself. P!nk took the time to acknowledged all of us but those girls will remember that for the rest of their lives. I’ll remember the looks on their faces and the gratitude that was shared by all. Even now I am smiling; hard to believe others wouldn't embrace the opportunity but it's true.

As Staci and I head down for Rihanna next Monday, I was explaining (to my friend Dave) today where our seats are; 20th row on the floor. As I look forward to my next experience there is only one thing I know to be true. The pictures won’t be nearly as perfect! 

Thanks P!nk... and Basil too.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Only 53 More Sleeps & We'll Be There!

Yesterday I approved the final payment on the vacation home my sister and I rented (in South Carolina) for a much needed getaway. I know that she's always been an island hopper in the past, yet because of my commitments at work, I wasn't able to travel any sooner. In chatting last night, she offered to keep an open mind about our trip, which is pretty much all I can ask.

She came to town to celebrate my birthday. 
Because of our age difference & circumstance...
We really do have very few pictures together.
Taken: April 1984
With February virtually a thing of the past, I am pleased to report that (in all areas of my life) I'm in a really amazing place. 

That said, as our vacation draws near, I fear my sister is not in as amazing a place. 


She has made some big changes in her life lately. Though she knows I unconditionally support her, I still worry.

I know she'll be fine. I guess I may worry because I am an hour away and we lead extremely different lives. Similarities and/or differences, we've always been able to find our way to the guts of it all, which is that life is short!

We both have things in life we wish we would have handled differently, and we both have hope for the future. You have no idea how much I love that "we have hope". Truthfully, I have more  hope today than I ever expected. Right now, I'm like a kid in a candy store and I am loving life.By taking her on this trip, it's like I am sharing the Magic Carpet Ride I'm on.

Guess my personal goal is that by the time she arrives back home she loves the magic carpet I fly (regularly outta air traffic control at YYZ) as much as I do.

CHEERS to hope Peeps...Cheers to HOPE!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Does Anyone Else Have "Friend" Lanes?

I have been melancholy for a few weeks now. A little under the weather but never felt the need to discuss it because I figured it would pass. I’m not depressed or blue, just perhaps a tad disappointed. Looking closely at all of my lanes, there are only two people in my entire life that know exactly what the hell I mean.

Am I alone, or have any of you ever had “Friend" lanes? You know; friends that you slot into specific lanes so they never venture into certain areas of the rest of your life? 

Someone needs you to make them feel better, so you never share negativity. Someone you know have a similar marriage, so you share recipes. Someone's in the same line of work, so you always talk shop. All of the above are valuable friendships to me, they just tend to never become unconditional on every single level.

Right or wrong, when it comes to that area of my life, I’ve always held certain cards very close to my chest. In fact, the person I feel everyone knows, see me as rather one dimensional and genuinely  predicable. Very few truly know me. That’s just a fact.

I had a really great day. How about you?

My point? Today I did something kinda brave. I wasn't using cymbals or anything but it was brave just the same. 

Unexpectedly, a friend properly signaled asking permission to change their 'friend lane' & I let them.

I trust this person implicitly but we've always just shared the type of friendship that simply enjoyed the others sense of sarcasm and fun. You know the lane; they see all the good and never the bad. They get the laughter, the humour, the camaraderie  but never a single moment of bitching or negativity. 

To their credit; they'd been sensing something was wrong for quite a while, and today they finally opened our door. “Why were you upset?” they asked. After I refrained from answering they said “It's no big deal. Shit happens. Spill the beans. It can’t be a that bad…” Just like that they reached out;  I was not only shocked, I was touched.

Though we talked of many things out of the norm today, I never did share my true disappointment with them. Why? It's been my personal experience that if you dwell on something that's disappointing you, it just hangs around longer than you want it to. Kinda like an expensive ill fitting bra or an extremely bad hair colour episode.

That said, I am so glad I was brave today. I didn’t have to run as hard as I could in the opposite direction as my picture suggests; I just simply closed the book at my page marked “disappointment” and opened up YouTube.

My first search? Cymbal playing penguins and sleeping Polar Bears.

Because life is very short, and you can never get your proper fill of cymbal playing penguins :)
